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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. they look great spiel. are we supposed to guess which ones are yours? lol
  2. just voted.. good luck
  3. radioworld has them. 35 dollars i believe. might be worth the drive.
  4. bps has a nice mustang life jacket on sale for 39 bucks normally 59.... its a nice style and looks pretty good. i picked one up last week.
  5. i own a record as well, great reel handles muskie and pike no problem.
  6. how about how he releases the fish. nothing drives me more crazy on tv than watching a fish float upside down in his net as he says how this is the right way to release a fish. lol
  7. what time will the auctions be starting tomorrow?
  8. just watched him doing some intro's lakeside and i must say he sounds good.
  9. hire a guide and stay at a hotel close by.... my suggestion would be g2 angling and depending on where they are fishing stay in picton (lots of nice places) or even napanee ( i think there is even a hilton there) many options either way. i also agree your choices will be slim. most good lodges or hut operators are booked on weekends etc well before the beginning of the season. especially only for 1 day, its not like you can drive up to temagami , i would say your limited to a 2 hour drive max.
  10. im headed out sunday!! i hope i get into them good job steve
  11. i use the garmin oregon 200 and i absolutely love it. a friend has the 400 and its even better. the oregon has full mapping capabilities as well as depth charts available.
  12. im headed to loon lodge for mar 7 -11 and staying in one of there ice bungalows! i cant wait any more advise is much apreciated. cheers
  13. congrats g2! show was great.... gave away a nice crappie spot though. hahaha cheers
  14. i also recommend radioworld... you should check there store out
  15. Hey im just looking for some reviews or feedback anyone has for Excalibur Trailers. Im looking at getting one of there snowmobile trailers. They are located in Brampton. thanks
  16. i was just thinking the same thing fishfarmer... how many people eat the walleye from quinte, i bet its a ton!!
  17. there was a few in a small channel on scugog this year i noticed when fishing for crappie in the spring. the crappie seemed to like it... my jig, not so much
  18. awesome looking ski there moemoe .. i def have to make the trip to lsc soooner rather than later. thanks for sharing
  19. hahhahahahaa you hit that one on the head..
  20. i must say this year alone i have been stopped around 10 times... maybe its just the lakes i fish or what. I always have all my necessary gear/licenses etc so i never really have a problem with them, im not looking for trouble and havent had any really "pick on me" as of yet. i have had some pretty thorough checks though. my experience with them thus far is relatively easy going. i do have to agree with gbfisher on some of his points, it would be nice if the regs were more clear in certain areas.
  21. i have a lowrance hds 5. i absoluetly love it. i had an issue with it about 2 months after i purchased it and called up lowrance customer support and they said come on in and they will have a look at it. i wasnt in there 10 minutes and i was leaving with a brand new unit in my hands. no questions asked. i didnt even have to show a receipt. this was just after walleye opener so fairly recent. they were also very helpful to other people in the customer service centre while i was there.
  22. a majority of my biggest ones came in a 3 week window mid summer and i was out on the water as much as possible. i live next to the lake literally and i was out for those 3 weeks around 3-4 times a week. most of my fishing as been in evening, not sure if that gives you any more clues as to when the big girls bite. yesterday i was out from 4-8 and caught 3 - a 43.5, a fat 38 and a high 20's check out the 38..starting to get nice and fat
  23. i have caught 42 muskie personally this year. 40% have been over 40 inches 18% have been 44 inches and more i think on the kawartha's you have to account for girth as well as length. what is more important to the individual ; weight or length, or both. i bagged a 45 inch beast that was a much nicer fish overall and much heavier than my 46.5 incher that i caught. i would consider my best fish this year to be the 45 and not the skinny 46.5. both could be considered trophies on scugog as you dont get too many that are fat and 45 inches and you dont get too many that are 46.5 inches or more on that body of water.
  24. sorry to stray a bit off topic, but how is the muskie fishing at this time of year?
  25. i pick up my replica from advanced in decemeber! i cant wait. there studio is something else though, i was quite impressed with the quality.
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