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Everything posted by Canuck

  1. I just walked by a group of families on Bay Street in TO protesting the Ontario government's pathetic lack of support for families with autistic kids. And Kathleen Wynne and her predecessors want us to spend billions and billions on top of the money they pi$$ed away already on more green energy and subsidies. And that after their criminal incompetence with the natural gas plant in oakville. And now natural gas is bad so more pi$$ing away more of OUR money for the good of our children and grandchildren? I'll tell you what Kathleen, take 5% of what the liberal government has incompetently wasted and use it to find ongoing support for families with autistic kids and you will do far more good for those who REALLy need our support. I have no personal interest or bias for the autism cause. Just a deep seated hate on for the Ontarion liberals who are leaning so close to communism it's not funny anymore.
  2. Zebra and quagga mussels in Georgian Bay and elimination of phosphates took away the food source for alewife and smelt in the bay.
  3. Just eat whatever you want and eat in moderation. There are no more vegans or vegetarians or hot dog avoiders living to 110 than any other group of people. Nothing better than a hot dog at the ball park (or at Costco with an iced tea for $1,50 for that matter). I know what is in them and I don't really care. My ancestors in Europe raised their own animals and when they processed one, there was virtually nothing that did not get used other than what was inside the guts. I think that hot dogs is a much better treat than how they would eat those same parts. Especially with sourcrout mustard, relish and ketchup!.
  4. Halifax Donair in Milton since we are way out of Missisausage now. But to really appreciate a donair, you need to drink beer all night then go to the Palace till closing and eat one on the walk home dripping the sauce on your shirt and shoes. Nothing better, and you can still taste it in the morning. (Anyone that spent time in Halifax at a younger age will know what I am talking about. Halifax Donair is authentic though).
  5. For those of us that say it makes a difference, we are not kidding. Glad you like them. I love my Maui Jim's too.
  6. Icom is great. DSC requires you to wire it to your gps. Very simple two wires from the NMEA out ports on your gps to the in wires on the vhf radio. Then when you hit the emergency button on the vhf it broadcasts the distress signal along with your exact gps coordinates.
  7. I was at the Crappy Tire in Midland last weekend and they had a bin full of various live target lures for 2.99 and 4.98. Some looked interesting. I picked up a smelt, a perch, and a pumpkinseed.
  8. Thanks for the advice. I guess since I knew the answer ahead of time, I bypassed the "rage" stage (plus my wife took the car in for me). Its done now. Part took about 10 minutes to install, and all is well again (for now). Our MDX has been pretty bullet proof so no complaints (touch wood). Now the 2007 BMW X5 I had before, well that is another story. Now that POS was the absolute worst car imaginable. It was in for over $10K of repairs while it was under warranty and cost me an average of $4,000 per year after that. Exorbitant parts prices and labour rates. And many many things failed or fell apart. I know some models have a good repair history, but that X5 was BRUTAL. And not once in the time I owned it did Budds ever make any effort to acknowledge the issues and offer to go to BMW for goodwill coverage. When I complained one time about it being the most expensive car I had ever owned, but the worst in terms of repairs, they said "Sir, BMW are highly complex with a lot of technology." I guess the stupidity of that as an answer was lost on them, after the brand brainwashing they get as training. First and last BMW I will ever own.
  9. We are absolutely being gouged on car parts in Canada. Same parts in the US are vastly cheaper. The Bluetooth unit on my Acura MDX just died. I had already googled and diagnosed what was wrong. Dealer confirmed it, and said part price was $750 Cdn. I already knew it was $205 US on line from Acura dealers and resellers in the US. On principle I ordered from the US. With exchange and shipping it will be just under $400. Why should we pay triple for exactly the same NAFTA no duty part? Related is the labour cost. They want $80 to replace the cabin air filter behind the glove box. I timed it. I can do it in less than 30 seconds including I boxing the new filter and unlocking the car.
  10. Love the Massassauga. I take the big boat up to the park and anchor and then hop in the dinghy and spend the day fishing. Don't know about the camping sites but I have seen fishing boats pulled up to shore so they must be OK. If you stay in Port Rawson, watch out for bears though.
  11. That is the big advantage of DSLR. I did not mention in my last post to avoid getting too technical. A DSLR allows full speed, aperture ISO and focus flexibility as well as auto, apperature priority, speed priority, flash timing flexibility. If you know what you are doing you can have a lot of fun and get fantastic photos. Anyone that loves taking pictures and playing with lighting and focus NEEDS a DSLR.
  12. Good advice above. the micro 4/3 from Olympus get good reviews. My brother has one and it takes great pictures. Extra glass is pricy like the Sony line though. The major advantage of DSLR is flexibility. The DSLR are much better in low light wiht good lenses. I went to Europe and took hundreds of no flash pictures in dark places that simply could not be done with non DSLR. You can also leave them in full auto mode and they will take better pictures on average than other Cameras. I am a Nikon guy. Have invested a bit in lenses back when I was using film. You can use those lenses on the new cameras, although some are motor less so can only autofocus and meter with the higher end Nikon bodies. The Nikon D5300 is pretty nice model that you probably won't outgrow. The D7200 is even better. Used Nikon's hold their value pretty well too if you decide to upgrade later. Nikon lenses are in my view the best value for the money. You have to spend a lot to get great Canon glass. Great Nikon lenses are available at better pricing IMO. Canon pro lenses are awesome but you need a mortgage to buy them.
  13. Another example of how bad increasing capital gains rates is. So you saved and saved and bought yourself that place on the West Arm back in the 80's or 90's. Paid $100,000 for it. Now its worth $400,000. Nice investment. Naw, Trudeau has decided that you are now too well off. You need to share your little windfall with him and Kathleen when you sell it or pass it on to your kids. So lets say you are in lower tax bracket at say 30% tax rate. Here is the math: Capital gains tax on the camp using todays rates $300K gain x 50% included in income X 30% tax rate = $45,000 tax. If they raise the capital gains inclusion rate to 75% -- $300K x 75% X 30% = $67,500 in tax. So that is $22,500 more you are going to have to pay in tax if he raises the inclusion rate on capital gains. Oh, and don't forget, some of the "gain" is actually just price inflation, not true "income". CPI in 1990 was 78.4, 2015 it is `126.6. So the $100K in 1990 is worth about $162K today. So $62K is not a real economic gain, but you are taxed on it. Still like that paltry $500 savings on your 2016 tax return? Trust me, we are all paying VASTLY more in tax with a Liberal Federal and Provincial government. VASTLY more. Just wait and see.
  14. The dividend is taxed too but that was not my point. We are paying tax on inflation and the liberals may want to increase the inflation tax. Bottom line is the only place the Liberals or any government gets money is from your wallet and bank account. They are spending from your accounts so for Christ's sake, hold them accountable for taking your money and wasting it and then asking for more.
  15. And now the rumour is that the Trudeau budget March 22nd may increase the portion of capital gains that is taxed from 50% to 75%. Nice move. Really kick those of us without a pension in the teeth. Its hard enough to try to save for retirement in this low return world, but now they want to take that too. All part of the master plan to make the crappy Ontario Pension plan look like a better alternative. Don't forget that capital gains include the effect of inflation. Example is you buy bank stocks worth $10,000 to save for retirement. If all the stocks do is keep up with inflation, lets say after 20 years with a 2% per year gain (inflation only) you have about $15,000. You get taxed on 5,000 gain, so you get to keep less than the 15,000. So economically you are worse off that you were day 1 with the 10,000 in terms of buying power. That is why it is only fair to tax 50% of the gains (the way it is done now). The Liberals are toying with changing that. Of course that will only hurt those that have to save for their own retirement and don't have a gold plated pension plan (like many Union and government employees).
  16. I hate to say it by I think that dude is a lady gents.
  17. He is arrogant for sure but he will be listened to. The more people that call out this liberal governments over spending the better. Do the math on that provincial debt. Per adult taxpayer it's a crazy insane number in a low growth world. It's just plain dumb. And that number does NOT include the locked in future overpayments we will make for power prices and the pass through of carbon tax by companies. The more people like O'Leary use their influence the better. Now if the voters would just pay attention.
  18. The Lords and Ladies of the Liberal Party are operating like they are governing in the feudal system of the 1700's. Such a sense of entitlement. Hey Liberal voters, pay attention to my words -- next election, you need to ensure you understand the ENTIRE Liberal platform, fundamentals and history, not just the trinkets and bobbles they trot out in front of you and how cute the leader is. Its all well and good that we laugh a bit and make jokes about what they are doing like they are someone else's problem. They are spending your money, not their money. Mark my words, Justin Turtle is going to go down in history as one of the weakest and worst Prime Ministers of all time. He is already letting the rest of the Liberal MP's have their way with this 20% boost in their budgets. Its only the beginning. And keep in mind this is only what we have visibility on. What other schemes are going on in the back rooms that we don't know about?
  19. Remember when we found out that the Liberal government had made a secret payment to the teachers union to offset their labour negotiation costs (with the government!!!!!). The liberals treat the citizens like dumbazzes because there are so many out there that put up with that crapola from them. It's endless. Who the heLL is voting them in?
  20. Carbon cap and trade is a MAJOR tax grab. Sure, (for those of you that think that companies are "the bad guys") the nasty carbon emitters will be the ones paying, but where do you think that money will come from? The oil companies and other companies will have to pass the carbon taxes on to customers (that's all of us) or go out of business. Liberal taxes in the form of carbon credits will be $1.9 BILLION next year and that INCREASES as the limits get reduced. And what are they going to spend it on? More "green" initiatives that are pushing Ontario electricity rates up vastly higher than they need to be. And the profits from those green initiatives are going to the foreign companies that own those wind and solar farms. So they are going to increase our taxes to help pay for increasing our cost of electricity yet again. Gas prices will increase (estimate of 4.3 cents/litre next year alone). Some other industries will simply vanish. We won't be making steel in Ontario anymore (maybe that has happened already). You can argue that is good or bad, but the jobs will go with them. What is the "cost" of lost jobs. OMG, I cannot wait to see what they have in store for us next. I guess next year Kathleen will be encouraging us all to "Chill man. Go down to the LCBO and score a blunt and it will all be irie." So the naive will get their soft warm buzz and vote Liberal again next time. Quote on the cap and trade; Sousa defended increased costs from cap and trade. "We can all of us have a choice," he said. "We can turn our back and let the low-carbon economy go by, it will cost us even more, or we can embrace it and find innovations in the system to enable us to succeed and compete." The carbon-pricing scheme is now projected to generate $1.9 billion in revenue next year, up from $1.3 billion estimated a few months ago, based on a price of about $18 per tonne. The cap is expected to decline 4.17 per cent each year to 2020, putting increasing pressure on industry to meet emissions targets, and, critics say, increasing costs to consumers. Revenue from cap and trade will be dedicated to green initiatives, the government says, but the Opposition believes it will be used to fund the Liberals' political whims.
  21. For all of you that thought that you were saving some money with Justin Turtle's reduced tax rates for the middle class -- do you understand now how you were duped? Do you realize the reason why Justin and Kathleen spent so much time looking so cozy? Justin gives you some money with lots of fanfare, and then Kathleen takes it back with nickle and dime tax increases, and more that Justin gave. Justin and Kathleen figured out a way to raise taxes and have "the great unwashed" feel like they actually got something. Just wait till you see how they roll out that marijuana legalization tax grab. You ain't seen nothing yet. Shake the sand out of your ears, liberal voters. You were duped. Please don't make the same mistake next election.
  22. Wow. To all of those that voted back in the Wynne liberals. You got what you deserve. To all the students that seem to vote liberal for some reason, that tuition credit elimination is going to limit how much your parents can pay for your education ( or you, if you pay for it yourself). You got what you deserve. To all of you who thought "hey we don't pay enough to LCBO for taxes to give to Kathleen." You got what you deserve. All to help pay for the fiscal mismanagement of the liberals. In case you didn't figure it out, I did not vote liberal.
  23. I saw a saltwater show that showed how you can push mono leaders up into the braid hollow about 8" or so and not put in a knot. Looks dicey to me but that is what they showed.
  24. To lighten up things a bit. Here is a cool site to bookmark. http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.png&Website=www.animatedknots.com#ScrollPoint
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