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Everything posted by Canuck

  1. Great park. I boat in from the south 2 or 3 times a summer and stay overnight or a couple days. Fishing is good and lots of places to try.
  2. IPAD has no sonar, isn't waterproof. It's a nice to have kind of thing.
  3. The iPads use real internal GPS and then augment it with the 3G or LTE to speed up and make it a bit more accurate. The 3G or LTE is needed to download maps while off wifi. It's pretty accurate in my experience.
  4. I have it on an iPAD too. First an iPAD 1 and now the 3. It works well. It's more accurate with a wifi version. Screen is hard to see in bright sunlight but its ok. There is an upgrade that is a bit extra that gives you more navigation features. It works faster than my Raymarine C80. It's a great backup for my main gps and great for the admiral looking ahead at the course while the main one is used for driving. If you use it as your main gps, get a waterproof case and some way to power it from the boat.
  5. I would agree. Just try to finish the fisherman's platter in one sitting!
  6. I have the standard horizon hx851 with built in GPS. Advantage are its a 6 watt unit so a bit more range. Th GPS gives emergency dsc capability so if you press the red button you call Coast Guard and automatically transmit you exact coordinates to them. It's waterproof and floats.
  7. M-audio powered monitor speakers do ok with guitar as long as you don't try to go to club volumes. I think the may be discontinued now though.
  8. If you just want a low volume really nice sounding amp, my kid has the Yamaha THR 10. It sounds really good and has nice built in effects. You have to hear it to believe it. It's pretty good. Line 6 makes some good ones too for low volume stuff and they are cheap.
  9. If you parallel wire two batteries together as one "bank", they should be the same age, capacity and brand. If you don't do that, your charger will charge the whole bank up to get to the right voltage, overcharging the better battery while it tries to bring the older one up to charge. This will ruin your better battery in a relatively short period. I learned that the hard way when I had two old batteries installed as a bank, and one failed, so I replaced it alone. Then after a few months, the new one was toast, because the auto charger kept trying to charge the bank uo to full voltage. The old battery was nearly dead (I should have replaced it too) so it overcharged the good one trying to charge the old one up. Someone else recommended the 10% rule for charger sizing and multi stage chargers. That is really important for deep cycle batteries. They need a three stage charger to maximize life and get a full charge and need a high amperage bulk stage matched at 10% of capacity. If you get cheap with the charger, you will pay for the "savings" many many times over with replacement batteries that won'tt last. This is especially with deep cycles.
  10. I have tried smoking ribs, but its too hard to control the temp on my cheap smoker so I do most of the work in the oven. Here is my recipe with a few cheats. Pull the membrane off the bone side. lightly rub a bit of "Liquid smoke" all over, then lots of garlic powder, fresh black pepper and kosher salt. In the oven at 250 for about 3 hrs, then finish on the BBQ for 20 min or so on very low with a bit of mesquite or hickory in the smoker box. This makes them tender but crispy on the outside. Then dip in your favourite sauce as you eat them.
  11. Costco had a two pack of exactly that. Regular sunglasses with a small reader patch. I think they we're branded coppertone or something like that. They were $19.99 i think for two pairs. I keep them in the boat for tying or reading charts, then pop the Maui Jim's back on after.
  12. X2 on the Maui Jim's. I don,t know what it is about them but they eliminate glare better than any others. I get the glass lens versions. A bit heavier but scratch less.
  13. Ha! Actually she got two of them herself, I got one, and the big one is the on my bro got. I did get more bait than the others though, for what that's worth!
  14. That's actually my daughter (a bit of a tom boy and one of the musicians in the music track) and she's holding an underwater camera on a long mount, not a gaff, and filming underwater. (its an Oregon Scientific ATC9K I have posted about here before - neat little camera). I may splice in some of that footage later. She was not aiming the camera that well so only caught a couple of shots of the actual fish. Mostly just blue water and shots of the bottom of the boat in the underwater video.
  15. We did a half day charter in Florida out of St Pete's Went 4 for 10 on pretty crazy kingfish action. Interesting fishing technique. Jig 6 tiny hook sabiki rigs for baitfish (10 inch cigar minnows and sardines were the best), then hook them on pretty small circle hooks and let the line out behind the boat and drift and troll slowly around while you wait for the reel to scream. The fight is pretty close to King salmon. The charter captain prefers a very light drag which is why the rod does not bend much on the runs in the video (that and the fact that that rod was a pretty stiff saltwater rig. Others he had were lighter and closer to our great lakes DR rods). In this video we are near the end of the fight so you don't see the screaming reel part unfortunately. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ctPFI3bOE&list=UUsvHJHFsgtjdz7bBFiDWJGA&index=1&feature=plcp
  16. Answer to your question: trim the plants. Coolest fish are sometimes free! The one below came out of Penetang bay on labour day and is going strong. Coolest pet! Like a puppy. When you walk up to the tank it comes right up excited. Its really aggressive and lively. Takes worms from your hand. Eats freeze dried krill, worms, crickets, and the odd guppy (cruel I know). Its getting a bit big for the tank (30gal) but its thriving for now.
  17. The Costco one is the T3, nort the T3i, which is a much better camera.
  18. Wishin I was fishin

  19. I think Wayne found the drain the US government installed to drain Georgian Bay into the Midwest US! Now we know where the water is going. Next time you fly over, throw a few rocks in to plug her up!
  20. Try Sayal Electronics (they are chain). They sell smaller lead acid and AGM batteries of all sizes. I got a small 12v sealed AGM for about 30 bucks there and one of the small Canadian Tire smart chargers. I can get about 6 to 8 hrs of use out of it on my Eagle Portable. I rewired the case with a couple of slide on connectors and the battery fits right inside. Way better than the 8 AA's that I could only get about 3hrs out of.
  21. What do the US laser markings look like? I have a couple other pictures where I might be able to see them.
  22. I would have to say they were pretty clean fish. No fin clips that I could see. Not sure what a US stocking marker would look like but I noticed nothing unusual at all. As for location, I won't be too specific, but anyone from the area would know the hole we were in. Quite a few boats out that day all trolling the same water we were in. Lots of marks there that day on the sonar. Mostly down deep, below 120ft. Got all of these at 130 on the downrigger (likely about 115 true depth)
  23. Finally had some luck on Severn Sound salmon on Friday. Fished from about 10am to 2:30. About 11:30 the bite was on. Had 6 fish on over that time and boated 3 of the 6. Had a double header on at one point but boated only one. Haven't had that kind of action in several years. All were caught on small sized flashers running squid style flies behind. Tried spoons and larger flashers with herring strip with no luck. Ate one that night. Marinated in lemon and maple syrup and then cedar planked on the BBQ. Couldn't be better.
  24. I slept overnight on the boat in the cove at Beckwith island one night this summer. I got there just before dark and put down an anchor. I thought that the water (normally very clean) was kind of "ripe" but didn't notice until morning the 10 or so lake trout someone had filetted and dumped in the 5 ft of water. So much for my start of the day swim. That is normally pristine water in that cove, but the rotting fish remains really made it awful. No turtles in that bay either. If you dump the guts, keep it away from swimming areas or drinking water (remember lots of cottages pull water from the lake).
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