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Everything posted by Canuck

  1. Anyone else feeling creeped out watching that video? There is nothing more nightmarish than a pool of blood sucking slimy eels trying to leap out of a tank. If I was in that room I would have screamed like a little girl and been out the door faster than ...... I have had them fall off salmon or lake trout into the boat before and it creeps me out. Especially if I am wearing sandals.
  2. Here is another video I took snorkeling in Nottawasaga Bay off the cottage with the ATC9K camera. This was shot at 1080p but Youtube takes it down to 720p. There is a big rock in about 15 ft of water with the top about 4 feet down. There are sometimes SM Bass around and under it, but not this day. The little fish around the bottom are gobies (of course). The zebra mussels are much fewer since these guys showed up. Sorry for the "monkey cam" shakiness- its hard to swim and hold a camera at the same time. You can hear me breathing through the snorkel. The sound quality of the mic is really good underwater. I took some other video at the dock in the marina but the water was so murky it did not turn out good at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXfQ27eySP4
  3. It is really cool. Here is a short video my daughter shot in the pool to test it out. This is only at 720p, not 1080. Its really clear and the sound quality underwater it pretty amazing too. AT $199 its a bargain. I know they had them at Costco in Calgary earlier this month, but not in Mississauga. I got mine in Barrie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px78PBo-vsU&feature=player_profilepage Will try it in the lake this weekend and post some other video, hopefully of some fish.
  4. I posted earlier about a similar camera at Costco for 199. Take a look and Google search for comparisons and reviews against the GoPro. The video is really good on this one 1080p at 30fps or 720p at 6-fps. It also has a screen for viewing the video on the camera. Neat underwater action camera at Costo Barrie
  5. I was at Costco in Barrie Friday and bought a cool action camera for $199. It does full 1080P video at 30fps and 720P at 60fps. Its waterproof to 60 ft and comes with several mounts. Its a plastic body and plastic mounts, but so far the quality of video looks really good. It uses micro SD storage (same as most new cell phones) I haven't tried it for fishing shots, but I would think it would be neat to mount on a pole and stick it in the lake to film the fish coming to the boat. The lens is very wide angle so you don't have to be precise with aim. This thing is going to be fun. Here is a link http://us.oregonscientific.com/ATC9K/
  6. I spent many many hours on both Vigrass lake and less so on Kenogami and the Blanche. On Vigrass there are lots of pike to about 3 lbs (or used to be). We used to catch them fast trolling over the tops of the cabbage weeds right in the middle of the lake using williams woblers or luck strikes. Really buzzing along. The odd one near the lily pads near shore on the far side but only early or late in the day. The shallow side is a waste of time. I think the lake is heavily fished in winter now though so things may have changed. Kenogami has some good pike in it too, but with all the cottages it gets more fishing pressure. I have never done that well on the Blanche in summer. Spring is OK, but I think once the water heats up anything of any size moves into Kenogami.
  7. Historically the salmon start to accumulate in the "hole" off north end of Beausoliel in mid August to early Sept before they head up the coldwater river. You will see stubborn die hards like me trolling there around then. Last August I got this one (which was nice and healthy) but thats it for the year other than a few trout.
  8. I always wondered about that area around 12 mile bay. Cruising through there you do mark what look to be trout or salmon, but normally I am not fishing, just passing through. (and that's a long way to go just to fish)
  9. I am at Hindson. I have fished salmon and trout that area for about the last 10 years and each year it gets worse and worse. I did get an 18lb salmon in the hole late August last year, which was the first good one in a long time. Its really hardly worth the fuel now though.
  10. OK, I will answer my own question (in a sense). I went out Friday evening for an hour or so and Saturday AM for a couple hours. Nice weather for washing lures nice and spotless clean. Trolled off Awenda/Methodist Pt to the green can off SW of Giants Tomb, and also a bit in the hole off north end of Beausoleil Island. Not a damn thing. Very very few fish on sonar. A few sporadic marks near bottom but nothing that appeared of any size and nothing taking. Went back to the marina Sat afternoon and pulled a few mid sized bass (biggest about 3 lbs)from around the docks to get my fix then packed it in. I may need to sell the open water boat and get a bass boat! Anyway, still interested in other reports from the area. I miss being on Lake O where you were near guaranteed of salmon when you went out.
  11. Anyone fishing salmon or trout in the northern Severn Sound or Awenda Park area of Georgian Bay this year? I have not gone out once this year for salmon. Got only one salmon last year but I didn't spend much time on the water. Is anyone from that area aware of any success on the trout/salmon?
  12. Similar sounding slimy crap in and around our marina in Penetang. Big balls of the stuff in the water 4 or 5 feet around and from just off bottom to near the surface.
  13. Total fake guys. Watch the zoom out frame by frame and you will see one of the moose on the left side of the frame will disappear before the zoom out. Total Bull fake. Its also more than 1100m across that lake. Fake on sooooo many levels.
  14. X2 on Noah's in Etobicoke. Its just off Islington near QEW so not far. They have everything you need including resin, glass, fasteners, etc.
  15. That's good to know. The chain would do a mess on the props if someone ran over it. That's such a busy area I am sure someone will hit it (someone already did obviously)
  16. My bad. Irish is right. I thought for some reason that Peek a Boo trail was over by my place on the water on the Nottawasaga Bay side. In Penetang Bay there are Pike, Large and SM Bass, lots of perch, the odd wally out near the island at the mouth of the bay. There are carp too, but I have never seen anyone fishing for them. They spawn in and around our marina. There is not much water access without a boat since almost all the land is private. If you are on the water at night, make sure you have proper lights. Boats run in and out at night and with the town light glare, its hard to see unlit boats.
  17. Not much shore fishing unless you go south to Wasaga and the Notty river. There are rainbows, lakers and some salmon in the Bay off that cottage but you need a boat and downriggers. Around the Midland Penetang area the Severn Sound has just about every type of fish, but a boat is really needed. THere is a guy at the end of 15th concession on the right that does charters.
  18. Family is taking March break in Florida, staying near Orlando. Three of us (adults) would like to do a salt water fishing trip on the gulf side. Not interested in a large group charter, but more like a good guide with a smaller boat that would take just the three of us. Has anyone got any good recommendations for someone you have used that is not too far drive from Orlando?
  19. It was $19.99 when I bought it. I guess they realized they could charge more. Still pretty good value.
  20. Very sad. That crossing is crazy though. The ferry runs right beside the ice road for part of the winter between mainland and Christian Island. Its wild seeing a ferry running across the water and 100yrs away, cars/trucks beating it across the ice road.
  21. I think I posted about this before, but for 19.99 you can download the Navionics Great Lakes HD app for the iPad that turns your iPAD with GPS into a 10" colour chartplotter that works as good or better than my Ramarine. Its unbelievable. The Great Lakes version covers the Trent?Severn system as well. Its almost worth buying an iPaD just for that alone.
  22. You should see what it looks like on an iPAD. Wow. Big, bright screen. Finger touch. Fast redraw. Works better than my $2500 Raymarine chartplotter. The app is 19.99 for the iPAD. The same chart alone for my Raymarine was $299 when I bought it.
  23. Here's my new fav traditional style and from a good Canadian, Michael Buble: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfH_rfEe-F0&feature=player_detailpage
  24. I lived in Sudbury (Garson actually) from about 1975 to 1981 (yes I'm that old). The problem for visitors to Sudbury is the highways go through the areas worst damaged by the nickel smelting before they put up the superstack. Its a lot nicer now since when I lived there, but it is still greener away from the highways. If you like the outdoors, Sudbury is a great place. There is good fishing all around. The north branches of the French river are not too far away as is the west end of Nipissing. Short drive up 144 towards Timmins gets you into some fantastic areas too. Lake Wanipatei is a big body of water near Sudbury with reasonably good fishing. Winters are pretty cold so make sure you buy a good snow mobile and enjoy it! If you live on the outskirts of Sudbury you will be able to snow machine out your driveway and go as far as you want to. It was a great place to live when you are young.
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