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Everything posted by Canuck

  1. You really think the Catholic Church spreads hatred like radical Islamists do? Really? Wow.
  2. The real question is would we be better off today or worse off today if we did nothing in the past? If anyone thinks they actually know that answer, they are wrong. If the US and Canada decided to do nothing and avoid bombing and potentially killing innocent people when Hitler's ideological army started to march, would we be better off or worse off? What if Canada or the US decided we could help best by providing logistics and training to the British and French forces, but stay out of it other than that. WW2 cost the world a lot of money? Did we gain anything from it? A key difference from how Hitler wanted to spread his ideology was that he did not slowly build a worldwide following of his ideology. Technology did not allow it as easily then, and his egomania got in the way too. These global terrorist groups are, in some ways much more advanced. Stopping the new ISIL/Al Qaeda/Taliban Nazis from marching their ideology is not going to be as "easy" as WW2. Its a different world and a smarter enemy.
  3. That is a great analogy and I agree completely. And I suspect that some on this board would say those Quebecers were right to terrorize because of what English Canada did to them in the 1800s. Bottom line is that the the simple problems in the world were all solved long ago. The more complicated the issue, the less likely it can be solved. We cannot undo the past, only prevent further damage. As always, you are all an interesting bunch. Great insight from other perspectives, left right middle, libertarian leaning. I respect them all, even when I don't agree. We are all better for knowing the the other perspectives. And the freedom to openly debate and disagree IS worth fighting for. The few middle eastern countries that share that philosophy are the ones under attack by radicalism, and despite the oil and other political aspects, that is a major reason for us to do something.
  4. That was not my point. Mainstream Muslims are not bombing us. ISIL and el Qaeda are. And they are doing it, not to avenge the crusades (which by the way Christianity left behind centuries ago). They are very clearly working to cleanse the world of infidels, starting in the Caliphate and then you think they will stop? It's not about oil it's about religion. There ARE many in the Middle East that oppose the west for meddling in their affairs for the sake of oil. And I don't disagree that there is a lot of truth to that. But that is not what ISIl is fighting for. Or el Qaeda or the Taliban.
  5. We are on their list because we are infidels not because we bombed them. ISIL is 100% focussed on expanding its view of pure Islam. That's is all it is about. They are not about politics or oil or economics. It's about religious idealism and extermination of the non-believers.
  6. I did a canoe trip about 15 years ago from Biscotasing up through to Horwood. What a fantastic area. My memory is fading, but I remember the WOman River being a beautiful piece of water. Rush Lake for some nice pike. Biscotasing had OK fishing too. We did the trip in only 5 days so the ratio of fishing to paddling was out of balance for sure. But I sure caught a lot of fish over the time. Horwood was the last day so had almost no time on that lake. I think I need to go back!
  7. I disagree. The stay clear of fishinging boats rule applies to all fishing boats. If they wanted a rule only addressing commercial they would say that. Power boats must stay clear of all boats fishing whether it's someone in a canoe, in a bass boat or trolling for salmon. I troll Georgian Bay and cruise boat and I make sure I obey that rule because I hate it when I am it trolling and someone cruises by 100 ft away throwing a big wake.
  8. Our second never did sleep through the night and would wake up crying and colicky. It was only when he was 3 or so we found out he has a lot of allergies including eggs (he outgrew that), and peanuts (that will be with him for life) and a bit of lactose intolerance. The doctors said that mom's diet can impact the baby through breast milk. We think that was the issue at the time. If its any consolation, they all do eventually sleep through the night (until they are teenagers, and then the staying up all night starts all over again)
  9. Its been so windy that there would be almost no boat traffic out there. Even less than normal this time of year. Very tragic.
  10. You mean like: "My ex husband was such an idiot. You look like such a sweet young man. Buy me a drink, sweety?"
  11. NO! We should not get used to it. We should constantly and continuously hold our politicians to a higher standard. They are the custodians of OUR money and our services for our money. Taxes will be low for all of us, if the politicians could ensure that governments and government agencies are run as efficiently and effectively as possible. No wasting of money. No excess head count or overly highly paid executives or employee groups. If a party aligns its priorities with the majority of voters AND then executes on those promised priorities efficiently, then we have great government. The provincial Liberals have NOT run an efficient government and have wasted money. They will raise OUR taxes to pay for THEIR incompetence, and then will take credit for reducing the deficit or managing the deficit. Its crazy. Anyone who voted Liberal last election CANNOT complain about any increase in power rates or taxes. You gave up that right when you voted Liberal. The ONLY thing that matters is efficient and effective government. Taxes and fees will be as low as they can be if that happens. But that won't happen in Ontario.
  12. Let's shut this thread down. It's run its course and has the risk of putting wedges in online relationships. I do think the you all have been pretty amazing in this Rambling thread. For the most part Respectful. Thoughtful. Opinionated, sure. But that is what we need in this country. And I think that fishing a sport that is broadly enjoyed by all types of people income race political stripes etc. But let's get back to the common ground and talk fishing.
  13. See, the pot of today really is stronger than the 70s!
  14. That is very true. I don't smoke any more but had an opportunity this summer. The smoke of today is like the heavy drugs of the 70s. All the pot heads will say that they can function after smoking a joint because they are used to it. Sure you can. Now tell me you would be happy to be on the 400 knowing it was full of highly experienced pot head drivers that has just smoked a joint each. There is absolutely no way we can EVER allow driving on this stuff. Zero tolerance I s the only way.
  15. What do you call a guy that almost flunked out of medical school? | | | | Doctor.
  16. Kinda' like when Teachers Unions donate to the Liberal Party of Ontario and then get a coincidentally similar amount of funding for labour negotiations back from the Liberal Government? Kinda' like that???
  17. The harder I work, the luckier I get. And that has sweet f-all to do with my background believe me. Signed Working hard to someday get into the 1% on my own efforts. And proud of it.
  18. Dude, you just said what I had understood. Teachers that get sick for an extended period (over the 10 days) get 90% of their pay for up to another 120 days per year at 90% of pay. That is a short term disability plan and that is a very good plan. After 120 days on short term sickness they go on long term disability and get benefits after that. Don't get me wrong, I respect teachers as a profession, but don't go crying that they don't have good disability and sickness benefits because that is just not true. Teachers have gold plated benefit and pension plans. Significantly better than most of the non-government workers in Canada. And as for the "In other words, 6 months pay as gratuity after 25 years of service.", the pension benefits for teachers are way above anything anyone could get in non-government jobs. And its secure (ask the Steelworkers how important that is). Getting 6 months unused sick time payout on top of a gold plated pension plan is and was abusive. As an indication of just how abusive it was, Dalton McGuinty thought it was abusive and a waste of taxpayer money. Think about that statement for a minute.
  19. Are you sure about that re the short term disability benefits? I am 99% sure that teachers get short term disability benefits that are called short-term sickness benefits and pay out at 90% of income. That is a pretty top notch gold plated STD plan.
  20. RE Pot decriminalization: Ok full disclosure. When I was a teenager and in highschool, I smoked as much or more weed as any teenager. But I noticed in grade 11 that most (not all, but most) of my buddies that smoked every day, didn't have the marks to get into University so were dropping down to non-academic courses and were planning on stopping at 12 and getting a job. Most of my friends that only smoked on the weekends were all thinking about what University or college they wanted to go to. I started to realize I had bigger plans than trying to figure out how to buy the next dime bag and ditching math. So I started to hang with the other crowd more. Look back in your own past and your friends or yourself and think about if there is any pattern. I think there is. That said, it makes no sense to have guys like me when I was young, or any of my friends from those days, having a criminal record. So I am OK with decriminalization. BUT. I think their needs to be very tight controls over its use. We have drinking ages for a reason and pot should also have a legal age, and its not 16. One last point, somewhat joking. I think that the pot legislation should divide the pot smokers and the non-pot smokers in our health care system. Maybe a pot leaf symbol on your health card to allow you to buy pot at the outlets or LCBO or something. Then, anyone with the ganja health card can only be seen or have surgery performed by Doctors and nurses that are carrying the same card.
  21. He did it with his leadership style not his actions. I don't get voters. Ontario voted in a liberal premier with enormous clear evidence of lies and wasted tax payer dollars. And now a liberal federal government with Wynne as his best provincial buddy.
  22. And 99% of the time they earned their respective positions because of what THEY did and what THEY have accomplished. NOT because of their last name.
  23. Because he is Pierre E Trudeau's silver spoon in the mouth kid. He has led a highly privileged life but is appealing to the middle class. Give me a break.
  24. I hope you know that your alternatives are complete opposites. I wish the vast majority of voters didn't treat it like a beauty or polarity contest. Liberals believe in high taxes and more government. Conservative are more capitalist and believe that vibrant self sufficient business creates prosperity for all. I find it bizarre that Toronto tax payers go crazy if the city talks about a 1% property tax hike that will cost the average family $100. But they will vote in that Trudeau kid that will raise taxes by way more than that. You can't fix stupid I guess. Harper is not a flashy guy. He's not that nice. But he is a tough focused leader. He is highly respected by international leaders. He has my vote.
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