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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. I bought a cheap POS for 25 bucks from the side on the road. Never regretted it for a second; think I've ridden it 3 or 4 times since I bought it. Suggest you do the the same, if you find your actually using your bike regularly then by all means by a fancy smanchy 1000 bike and coat yourself from top to bottom in spandex.
  2. The whole "how would you like one in your back yard?" Thing comes up time after time and you've gotta make a distinction that the average city dweller isn't sitting on 100 plus acres. Naturally no one wants one close to their house.
  3. I used to tie my own hair rigs when I first got into carp fishing, then at some point I got lazy and just started using a circle hook and egg sinker. I can't say I found my success rate suffered at all. Might be a different story if you're fishing carp that see a lot of angling pressure.
  4. I've got an identical motor I believe, but a game fisher 1.2. I think they were also sold under another name as well. It's my understanding that certain parts are no longer made for these motors and others are difficult to find. Air cooled which is pretty cool though...
  5. Thanks Andy. Cliff, thanks, I'll try an email I've got and we'll see if that works. I may be in touch with you prior to Monday morning.
  6. I do mean Rockys in Orillia, yes, thanks. Guess I'll just have to be patient. Perhaps I've just been phoning them while they are away from the phone or something.
  7. I've heard good things about these guys So I sent in a pair of reels 2 monthes back for service. Now I find I can't get through on the phone, sounds like I'm dialing a fax line after about 10 rings. Anybody visit this store or pass by it that could maybe give me a heads up as to wether its open or not. I'm getting a bit nervous, had hoped to have my reels back by now as one only needed a pawl. Heard all these good things about shimano service lately, this seems like a pretty lengthy turn around time by comparison...
  8. Cliff, really enjoying the reports. I'd like to think that someday I'll be doing something similar. Keep em coming! And you ain't missing anything weather-wise in our neck of the woods. Thanks
  9. Cider is cheap and relatively easy to make something both potent and palatable. You can turn cheap store bought apple juice into cider providing it dosen't contain preservatives. Citric acid is fine. Got completely wasted just over a year ago on my first batch. Wife shut down production after that...
  10. You a lefty or a righty? A real good reel for the money, although no longer the flavour of the month are the Quantum Cabos. You can still get em brand new on Ebay for as little as 100 bucks sometimes. I got mine without the clicker for 80 if I remember correctly. Durable, smooth, semi low profile. Heres one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIB-Quantum-Cabo-CBC31PTs-Left-Handed-Baitcast-Reel-WideSpool-Baitcast-/380716265861?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58a4753185 Just an example. I didn't bother reading to see if they'd ship to good old East York. I grew up there.
  11. "duke walleyes" is this a typo or some kind of terminology I am unfamiliar with? I like it either way
  12. Thanks for all the replies guys. Didn't see anything resembling a serial number when I looked at it, maybe I just need to take a more thorough look. Not a fan of these motors, or just figure it'll get bashed to hell on that trailer?
  13. Can anybody tell me what year that motor would most likely be just from the decals and this picture? Thinking about buying this boat, not sure what year the motor is though..guessing 87 or 88 maybe?
  14. Hey Rich, I've used something pretty similar on an old Sportspal with some success, From Canadian Tire, the Rubberized Rocker Guard. I sprayed 2 cans on all the exterior seams as I wasn't sure where it was leaking from. Did a good job, reduced the leaking considerably. Had I been able to concentrate the spray on the leaky spot itself or ambitious enough to do a coat on the inside as well I think it might have eliminated the leak entirely. Its about 8 or 9 bucks a big spray can (black or Sand). It dries kinda rubbery but non sticky. Resist the temptation to use the cheaper asphalt stuff as it stays sticky/messy for ages. I speak from experience about that stuff too.
  15. Might want to try sending a PM or something. I always thought that seemed like a reasonable question too. Might keep an angler from fishing a waterbody thats got nothing but bass in it. I could see if its a small waterbody you might want to keep it secret. Then again, what do I know. Most guys are not even likely to tell you what lure they were using much less what lake they were fishing.
  16. Right on. I gave it a go two years ago. Made possibly the smallest batch of Maple syrup ever produced from the two maple trees in my backyard. Think I ended up with around a 1/2 of a cup. It was so clear it made me uncertain if I was even using the right trees. The leaves in the spring confirmed I was right. It was fun, I should get out there. Maybe ramp up production to a full cup this year.
  17. I bought this exact knife 2 days ago. Seems very nice. It's on sale at TSC for 29.99, regularly 39.99. Seems a very good value, I read a bunch of reviews and comparisons before I bought it; comes highly recomended. I think a fixed blade is probably the way to go in any case.
  18. Good to see you back! Any chance of a Toronto Islands Pike report in the near future?
  19. Obvious flaw in the story. There is now way that fish could possibly weigh 58 pounds. Everbody knows the tailgate ot a Toyota Tundra cannot support that kind of weight. Just kidding. Any chance to get Billybob riled up and I'll take it. I actually drive a Tundra too.
  20. Are you using a rubber o-ring on those Senkos? Makes a big difference as far as durability goes; sometimes you can get a full days fishing off a single worm. I find I never do as well using any of the other brands of plastic worms; the extra 20 or 30 cents a worm is worth it in my books.
  21. Interesting. I saw a few adult catfish swimming about something similar a few weeks back here in Peterborough. Weird because up until that point I wasn't even aware their were Catfish in the Otonabee here in Peterborough. It was getting dark, thought my eyes might be decieving me almost...
  22. Great report and a really enjoyable read. Thanks. Got me thinking...
  23. http://peterborough.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-canoes-kayaks-paddle-LARGE-ALUMINUM-CANOE-FOR-SALE-BUILT-TO-HOUSE-MOTOR-ON-THE-BACK-W0QQAdIdZ388649910 175 bucks ain't bad. Not my boat and don't know anything about it. I just know somebody always seems to be looking for one.
  24. On the plus side it's nice to know at least one group exists that everyone can bash the hell out of without any fear of reprisal or thread lockdown.
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