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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. Good comparison. I think of big carp like hooking your line to the centre island ferry. I always think of musky kinda like lightning on a string. Short lived fight but a blast.
  2. How do catfish fight/pull compared to carp of the same weight?
  3. Seeing a doctor is probably a good idea, especially if your now thinking of cutting it off. You probably would want a professional for something like that, regardless of how dark rum or Sambucca you have kicking around.
  4. I dig spoons, always did. Funny how rarely I see anyone chucking them, although I don't fish for trout or salmon. I don't doubt for a second they work though. Just decided My next musky is coming on a spoon.
  5. Looking forward to it! Very few musky pics this year indeed.
  6. Is it just the tundra rumoured to be getting the Cummins or is the Tacoma possibly getting a diesel too?
  7. Awesome report! Still searching for my first of the year. Had one on a few days back but he came off. You know how that goes...
  8. Hardly a common problem. Never met an owner who'd experienced head gasket issues. Google search might net you a few but you can find fault with just about anything if you put your mind to it. And your just so good at putting your mind to it Bill.
  9. I love my first generation tundra. You can find some good deals on them occasionally, they don't seem to hold their value as well as the Tacos and in my opinion you end up with more truck in a similar sized package. Granted, they probably won't tow like a full size but they do alright. Mines a 2004, had it over 2 years and not a single problem.
  10. Nice! Been wondering where all the musky reports have been. Been blanked myself so far...
  11. Right on. Nice to see the life jackets too.
  12. Cant wait too. Spooling up a few reels tonight, figure I'll limit myself to maybe a dozen baits and try them in earnest. I'll be on Chemong most likely, if anybody sees a 14 foot camouflaged eyesore, say howdy.
  13. Holy Smokes! I've got to know if this is just a local thing or province wide but man, I don't think I've ever seen so many. My backyard is plagued by them. I mean droves of them, front yard too. To the point I don't even like to leave the dog out. Can't be just my part of Peterborough either, as I was in Ennismore this evening and there were loads there too.
  14. Make a real effort to figure out how there getting in and out or you'll have an ongoing problem regardless of what you do with this one.
  15. No rope or twine caught up in the blade? Worth double checking
  16. Im thinking probably the Marlin, although I'm not overly picky. If you had any prices in mind shoot me a pm.
  17. Buyers need a Pal for sure, technically I think you might even need one as the seller. You don't want to go carting them around in your trunk or anything. I might also be also interested in one of the 22's.
  18. I sure did! Thought it was an earthquake or a tree falling on the house! I went outside to see what was up but there was nobody around to ask if they had heard or felt anything.
  19. I ordered one yesterday , for a 98 evinrude 9.9, it was 53 dollars from Gateway motor sports in peterborough, (I think that's what it's called) they should have it Tuesday. I'd thought about ordering one online but once you factored in shipping and wait times I didn't really see any advantages. I need one for an old 6 hp Johnson too, let me know if you find a good place.
  20. I feel I should add that while it's ok to be human and none of us are prefect, Ford has really played that angle to death. We can, and should, expect our politicians to be both competent at work and role models in their personal/public behaviour. Being a good guy who's lousy at his job or lousy guy who's good at his job just doesn't cut it. I know people who are good at both, they often go hand in hand, most likely everybody does. It's ok to expect more from somebody representing your city, being mayor is a big deal!
  21. Agreed. Was looking like quite an entertaining list.
  22. Felt I should update. Spoke to Tyler at the store on Tuesday or Wednesday and received my reels back today(3 days later). They look good and appear to be functioning well. Overall wait seemed a tad long but I'm still happy.
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