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Everything posted by dave524

  1. TSC would probably have them in the livestock medicine department.
  2. I'd just call them waypoint 123 etc. as time passes they should earn their own nicknames based on your experiences good or bad.
  3. Don't hestitate to forget about shoals and reefs , these are not normal walleye, like L.O. think suspended fish and try more off shore.
  4. At 50 below, I would trust my life to a team of dogs before anything that runs on a battery. Malemute ?????????? does the mute part mean they can't bark, they'd be stealthy
  5. Hunters and fishermen do better under a Conservative Government . P3TA and the likes of them, " Environazis" do better under the Lib/Left
  6. Great Old Ironmaker, I must have a 10 pound barrier set up , I fish the area between Port Colborne and Point Abino. Actually been fishing out of Port Colborne starting in the late 50's with dad, you know back when the world record came from just a few miles east of there at Fort Erie .
  7. OK, thought you got big ones like Quinte does in the fall.
  8. From what i understand the hummingbird moth is the adult of those huge green caterpillars that devour half a tomato plant in one night.
  9. Yep sounds like a great day and nice weights. Mike , been fishing the Walleye comeback on Erie since the late 80's. For a body of water that produces a mess of 7 to 9 pound fish, tens are very few and far between ad 12 are virtually unheard of, strange but you got a better chance at a truly big one up where your at.
  10. As a grad of the B. Sc. Forestry program at U of T in the early seventies, I can tell you the decline started pretty much at the name change from the Dept of Lands and Forests to the M.N.R.
  11. Live in Grimsby, we were below the big grid, didn't effect us cause we get our power directly from the DeCew Generating Station. The craziest part was word got out that we had power the gas stations went nuts cause we were the only area pumping for a many miles.
  12. Water ???? we always used beer with our pancake mix batter.
  13. Looks like what is left of an old Stevens Crackshot edit: yep pretty sure that's what it was https://www.google.ca/search?q=stevens+crackshot&rlz=1T4GZGN_enCA451CA451&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=slsBUt2TKIHHqgHHp4CYDQ&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1920&bih=901
  14. Could try the Welland River, get a few out near the Welland Airport at a small conservation area there.
  15. Don't talk too loud, that is actually the trend in Europe. Believe both Germany and Switzerland recently passed laws banning C and R.
  16. Why not stick with the bait caster he's got already and get a nice 10 1/2 foot medium wt. steelhead rod. For his " drift/float fishing " in the tribs I don't think spinning gear is any advantage.
  17. This looks like a good spot .........2 guys ...45 minutes and 100 good sized ones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFEH-pOB1QU&feature=youtu.be
  18. I've got the odd one in the river below the dam in the fall on the Beaver going back to the 80's, but never in the Bighead. Rarely fished it but it is my understanding that the Sydenham coughs up a few in the fall below the dam. None of mine were anywhere near the size of that one, very nicely done
  19. nicely done those flecks of white on the water is what is called a " Walleye Chop " on Erie
  20. Not just smallies too, I live on the south shore and have got more incidental largemouth shorefishing than smallies.
  21. I remember going to Dover as a kid , this is like late 50's, the fish flies covered everything so bad that evening that you couldn't get up the hill out of town, the road was so slick with them. Eventually, the fire truck tanker came and washed down the hill going east out of town .
  22. put the jack under the axle of the trailer , not the frame of the trailer.
  23. I see him on the iboats forum, still posting the same old shirtless photos, think his handle there is " jigngrub "
  24. be careful using abrasives on spoons with a true silver or gold plating , often it is not very thick and you can wear through.
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