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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. so i guess with reasoning like that you never carry a wallet...? i guess its a bit different for me here... im on the st.lawrence river... i buy my gas and food on the water by boat... i also cross into NY state and Quebec by boat... and there is the possibility of being hit by an ocean liner if i get stuck in the channel...im not fishing a little back country lake where everyone knows you by name... as for the $20 for a tow... nobody "charges" for a tow here either... but if i spend a good chunk of my day off and a bunch of my gas towing you so you dont have to paddle and waist the rest of your day....and a $20 is offered... i dont hesitate to take it... and if i ever do need a tow... ill be more then happy to give the guy that helps me a $20...last time i towed a boat it was huge and i burnt about $15 in gas and an hour and a half of my day on the water...i actually had to go get gas right after i left em at the dock...waisting another 45 mintues... so as a boater that has lost track of how many boats ive towed compared to myself who has never been towed... i appreciated the "thank you" $20 i got for my troubles... i dont go into the situation thinkin "this guy better have money for me"...and im not upset if its not offered... but its nice to be able to replace the gas i burnt helping them... i wish i could leave my wallet at home when i went fishing and leave society behind like you...
  2. a lot of french people around here call them that too...
  3. ID... A $20 for when you break down and need a tow from a fellow boater...or gas... ID for emergency situations... Organ doner info...
  4. We had long Bamboo poles...like 20 footers... I remember that line too...black or green heavy braid line... And hand carved red and white bobbers shaped like a fish... With the kerosene lantern hissing behind us on the dock...
  5. I know eh... Like its safer sitting in the truck at the launch... Considering I need my boating licence as well as multiple fishing licenses... It all goes with me...
  6. got out for some cats tonight for the first time this year... this is something ive done since i was a little kid... they arent big but there are plenty to catch and it is really easy... so any time i get a couple free hours at night i slip out to a creek...slap on the bobber...hook...worm and im ready to go... i was out for about 2 hours... got 20-30 bullhead.... most are around the 12 inch mark....and an OOS largemouth bass...dont worry fellas...it was released ASAP...no pics....lol anyways...heres a pic of the first cat of the year...
  7. my deep cycles show the crank amps also...900 cranking amps...thyre HUGE
  8. so it sounds like i should borrow dad/brothers boat if my gaskets dont come in in time.... i guess ill have to resort to the ranger 620t for opener... things a beast... overkill...
  9. i decided to clean the carbs on my 40 honda... once the job was started i realized i had to take more parts off then i had expected...now i needed more gaskets... so i ordered them... its been 2 weeks and im worried about having my boat ready for opener this weekend... so im wondering if gasket maker would do the trick... the 2 gaskets in question are one for the muffler plate(rubber) and one for the manifold(paper)... i dont think there is serious presure on these gaskets...but then again i dont know a heck of a lot about engines...or gaskets for that matter... so what do you guys think...? should i use gasket maker or do i have to wait for the proper gaskets? thanks mike ...
  10. i thought this was for C-catch P-photo R-release to save a fish's life...lol great info... there is also some really good emergency first aid apps for the i phone out there... i got one as soon as my son was born.... Pocket first aid and CPR is the one i have.... set up really well...
  11. I have a 535 on the bow and it's a decent unit for the price... I can mark my jig in 60-80 feet of water with it... But for trolling I like my 597ci hd di... It has 2 beams to choose from... I use the narrow beam in deep water or really steep break lines...but most of the time I use the wide beam... And if I mark something on the bottom and can't tell if it's a weed/rock/fish I switch to down imaging and I can tell what it is... My 597ci hd di sonar gos combo with down imaging option was $700 to my door...
  12. What kinda stuff can you do with this software...? Other then look at maps on your PC... Edit your waypoints? Can you edit the map itself?Cause I know of some channels that aren't on navionics...or island names that are different and stuff...
  13. The probably leave the hook in the turtle and cut the line.... Maybe remove it once it's dead? I've caught snappers while fishing for catfish with worms... But dont worry everyone...I won't post pics of OOS turtles... Wouldn't wanna get torn apart...lol
  14. Very cool.... Glad your effort resulted in success....especially under those tournament conditions...
  15. Ah... Ok then... No app for me...lol
  16. Interesting.... That's an understatement.... You got so frustrated we ended up taking the big ranger out... I thought I was gunna need gloves for you to hold the musky we got...lol It was blowing pretty good that day tho.... And waves are shaped different on a river.... I think the wind was against the current as well... That makes big sharp waves...
  17. So once you export your data can you put in on the app so it looks the same as your unit in the boat...? I'm gunna have to look into this... Cause I have a gold chip so I guess it's free If lota lota is saying what I think he is...
  18. on the other side of the coin... ive aquired the cell number of my local CO...theres only one... and i call him directly... hes usually at the scene in 20 minutes....one time it was 5 minutes tops... there are good and bad people throughout the mnr im sure... in your case thats discusting.... i guess im lucky my CO cares
  19. Well.... Might be a long shot... But if your gunna toss it anyways... Try melting both sides a bit and put it back together... Should make a strong weld I would think...
  20. Nice mods Paul... Your becoming an efficient fishing machine!!!!
  21. cut your walleye into small chunks... wrap with bacon... smother in bbq sauce of choice...i like cattle boyz... bake untill you see the bacon is cooked... they are amazing!!!!
  22. autozone USA all the time... most parts ive bought so far have been half the price in the USA compared to canadian tire... saved about 200-300 bucks on a catalytic converter this winter... and i plan on going state side for tires for the car and truck when the time comes... ill saves hundreds per vehicle... even accesories... i was looking at a toolbox for my truck... 400 usa...over 700 in canada...same manufacturer number...
  23. Yeah... But it scans the bottom as you pass over it... So if your sitting still you won't have a clear image of the structure... If you check out some YouTube videos showing how it works you'll see it wouldn't work well on the ice... It's like a photo copy scanner... If the scanner light didnt move across the paper... You'd only get parts of letters on your copy...directly in front of the scanner light... You wouldn't get "the whole picture" so to speak... I think anyways... ...
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