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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. just wondering how fishing in quinte is around opener and how you guys fish em... do people still troll planers for suspended fish? or is it mostly a jig bite? are there many of those quinte pigs caught at that time of year...? i know around here a lot of spring and fall locations/techniques are the same... anyways... thanks for any info given mike
  2. lol.... it would make for a couple funny conversations...lol and cheap too
  3. lol actually just ordered a st.croix legend extreme with some of the wedding money.... why do you think i married her...lol... she fully supports me and everything i enjoy doing(fish)
  4. After my amazing year last year I'm so anxious to expand on what I learned this year and keep on trying to zero in on the "big fish" spots and techniques... Also pumped to get a better spring pattern going...
  5. Cool... Can't wait for the tourneys this year...
  6. It's for flatline trolling walleye only.... So I'm not to worried about the recoils....I like em... Last year I got a big musky when fishing walleye... I didn't have proper landing equipment... Long story short... It broke an eye off my rod... That wouldn't have happened with recoils... Your bang in about a custom... No warranty... St croix will keep giving me new ones if they break... This I know...my brother had the same rod replaced 2 times in a year(his fault)...and I'd never order a custom without seeing some work first... Ended up finding a great deal on st croix legend extreme 7'11" heavy power...med fast action... For $280...my brother has this rod and it's sweet... Ended up ordering one and my brother is getting a second for himself... Thanks for all the advice and help... It was a pm that showed me the great deal I got...
  7. Thanks again for coming Paul... It was a great night and everyone seemed to have a good time.... Now it's back to life as usual...
  8. Sensitivity is a huge factor as well... This rod is for flatline trolling and I want to be able to feel everything....
  9. I'm not set on a 400 dollar rod... I set that as my max price.... I was thinking about a lower price rod with a new curado maybe.... This is a walleye rod I'm looking for also... ...
  10. well... we pretty much got all cash gifts at our wedding...so me and the "wife" decided we can each get something nice for ourselves with some of the money... so im looking for a high end baitcaster rod with lifetime warranty...im not looking for the highest price rod in north america just because i have the money to spend... im thinking 400 is my cap... im looking for 7 to 7.5 foot heavy power fast action lifetime warranty im leaning towards a st. croix legend extreme or maybe legend tournament...i like the extreme cause they have the recoil eyes that spring back into place if the get "bent" but its 400 for those and 260 for the tournament that falls into my model options... anyways... looking for any opinions... im leaning to st.croix.... but G Loomis is an option as well... but all my experience is with st.croix...so i dont know much about other brands... also... if anyone knows of any sales right now on a rod like i described... id love to know about it... thanks... mike
  11. i didnt read this whole thread... but you can buy a replacement tip section from the st.croix website for 30 bucks...total... i did this with a wild river rod worth about 175... they sent me a whole new rod instead of just the tip half... so i ordered another tip section... that time i got the tip... so in the end i got a 175 dollar rod fixed and a brand new 175 dollar rod for 60 total...
  12. Here's a pic of my awesome family and beautifull wife to be
  13. One of the luckiest kids in the world... And glad he shares your passion... I hope I'm that lucky with Connor....
  14. Thanks everyone.... No fishing today.... Got to fish yesterday and get to fish tomorrow tho...,
  15. Started seeing some "green" on the Forrest floor here... So there is some growth happening...
  16. first... try carp fishing before you put much money into it...any spinning combo with heavy line can get you some fish...because to get "all" the gear that i would suggest... your looking at a fair bit of money... but i say anything worth doing is worth doing right... if your set on buying a "carp" set up....shoot me a PM and we can talk $$$ and ill give you some links for online stores that i order from...
  17. well... so far its been a slow and steady start to the carp season... most days resulting in fish caught...but not many...1-2-3 at most... today we headed down to a swim i love fishing in the spring... i havent had much success there yet this year... but i knew it was ready to POP... as we walked down...i noticed the water had changed from gin clear on Wednesday to cloudy today... thats when i knew...it POPPED... so we set up all the gear and got the lines in... 5 minutes later my mom came walking down the way with my dog... she took her for a walk and decided to come say hi... while we were talking... the rod fired... so i passed the rod off to mom... she was pretty impressed with the battle for a smaller carp (10lbs)... then as my mom left... the rod fired again... this time my buddy Zack was up to the plate...right away he said it felt good... and it was... after a nice battle we slipped it in the net... 27.5lbs... our first `decent we finished with 6 in the net and 1 lost fish...
  18. nice catch lorne... glad you were able to haul her out of that minefield you were fishing... thats a PB that wont easily be beat... good for you...
  19. alright.... the "GUY" owns property on both sides of the creek and put a gate across the water blocking the "public" from entering the creek... once the gate was put in i stayed away...its just a creek and i dont have the ambition to get into a legal battle with the "guy" over him wanting a swampy creek to himself... i have more important things to do with my time..."let him have it" what i was trying to say is who cares what the heck is going on in BC... we have enough issues like this going on in ontario to bicker about... this will probably never effect any of you directly... worry about your own backyard... thats as clear as i can make it for you Grimace... is that acceptable for you? or do you have any more questions?
  20. there is a gated creek in my area... guy owns property on both sides and put up a gate to keep other boats out... he even tried to swamp my canoe when i was younger for going in "his" creek...before the gate was in place... we have problems here in our own province.... why dont you worry about the issues around here and leave BC residents fight their own battles....
  21. i dont think we will ever see 100% identical regulations across the board... it would be nice... a lot less confusion... like were i live... i can sit at a 3 way intersection of borders...Ontario... NY state...Quebec... they meet at one single point... 10 feet in any of the 3 directions and walleye close at a different time of year...ontario-march 1st...ny-march 15th...quebec-march 31...and all 3 have different possession limits... 4 3 and 6 respectively... and NY has a slot... the other 2 dont... same with musky season...ontario closes dec 15th...and as soon as i cross a line in the water to quebec...musky doesnt close till march 31st... ontario portion of the st.lawrence...1 rod...ny...3 :dunno: :dunno: its no wonder people break the rules... there so many different rules in different areas... i have to keep copies of the regs on my phone so i can check to make sure im thinking of the right regs... in a day i sometimes fish 4 different zones....18 ON...20 ON...NY and quebec...
  22. and they can choose to do that...and i wont blame the police officers that put em in jail for it... i know id be mad if i couldnt fish somewhere i enjoy fishing... and id fight it to... but 2 negatives dont equal a positive... threatening to burn down someones business or destroy someones personal property is a childish and cowardly act... use words people...thats elementary school behavior.... "i dont like you... im gunna beat you up now..." take your issue to people that can make changes... i think what Ron did in Cobourg is a prime example of the right way to do things... he didnt threaten to burn down city hall because he didnt like their bylaws... he fought it the right way and brought peoples attention to the situation.....
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