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Everything posted by myot

  1. I live on the north shore of the lake and can tell you that there are many year classes of walleye missing in the lake seems like all the incidentals you catch in the lake are 5lbs+ no matter if your dropshotting for smallies or tossing big baits around for muskie they are all jumbos Dan
  2. A red top Honda will be your best small generator that money can buy. not cheap but I've owned a bunch and the Honda is the only one that's lasted Dan
  3. I love to fish a jerkbait for smallies specially as the water cools I jerk it on slack line multiple times before retrieving any line with the reel. make super long casts and take your time Dan
  4. they group up in huge numbers in the fall and once you find them 100 wouldn't be an overestimate to catch if you put the time in Dan
  5. I just bought a 5L F150 and shook my head when they told me it's rated to tow up to 10,300lbs In my opinion a 1/2 ton truck shouldn't be towing anymore than 5500lbs not because the motor/tranny can't handle it but breaking and stability of towing a heavy load saying all this my tournament partner has the 3.5 eco boost and I have the 5L even though Ford says the eco boost is better for towing both of us agree my truck does a better job and also gets better fuel economy while towing both his and my boats around Dan
  6. Fished that area a few times and its pretty good but the fish aren't as friendly as they are to the south of their by 30 miles or so. I'm not positive but I think they might see a bit more fishing pressure Dan
  7. I just went through the whole process of buying a new truck We went and drove them all (the whole family 4 of us) there were pro's and cons with all the trucks my brother has an ecodesil and aside for a few fuel delivery problems at first he really likes it and loves the 8spd tranny I find my F150 to be much larger inside and very similar in power to the Hemi but that's just my 2 cents Dan
  8. wonder what boat traffic will be like they just reopened the launch wonder if they will close that Dan
  9. If you want Smallies from Penetang head directly north towards Giants Tomb this time of year most of the shoals out in the open are loaded with bass. Each shoal normally has its own size class so moving around is key Dan
  10. Giant I boated a 5.4lbs out of Scugog last night and he didn't look even close to that giant Dan
  11. Never been a fan of how Princecrafts ride. I know aluminum boats don't ride the best but the 3 or 4 Princecrafts I've been in have been absolutely horrible both wet and rough Dan
  12. I put in 5h yesterday afternoon and did pretty well size wise but quite a few less bites than normal but did manage a handful of fish in the 3.5-4lbs range. Moving very very slow on inside weed edges Dan
  13. 65lbs is fine honestly you won't find much difference between that and 50lbs next fill up I'd switch to 40lbs unless your throwing lures bigger than 1.5oz regularly Dan
  14. There's nothing better than seeing your child catch their first fish I've won several tournaments, caught true trophies in many species and still my fondest memories are fishing with my daughter and with fathers day on sunday she's asked me to take her out fishing I'm one lucky guy Dan
  15. Bet I know the brand of grub Dan
  16. I live on the lake and yes the water level is up but all launches are useable Dan
  17. During deer season on Manitoulin island its pretty hard to get off the island without being checked at least once Dan
  18. Put in a battery backup best $500 you'll ever spend Dan
  19. Look for a guy who does Rhinolinning make sure the floor is well vented and you'll have the most functional fishing floor around Dan
  20. Must be the week of new trucks I picked mine up Tuesday
  21. For some reason people in Ontario are scared of fiberglass "walleye" style boats I do a lot of fishing out of my brothers Skeeter WX1880 and I challenge any tin boat to even come close I've fished out of a Tuffy and it was just as good as my brothers Skeeter Dan
  22. standing at the boat launch at my house on Scugog you can't see ice in either direction Dan
  23. huge chunk of open water at the north end of Lake Scugog I've watched it move south 300 yards or more per day all weekend long Dan
  24. I buy high quality wire and run it through a section of tygon tubing then fish it through the framing of the trailer. Solder all connections then use waterproof shrink tube over the connection. I know it sounds like overkill but I never have any problems with trailer lights Dan
  25. I find they like fairly large chub especially for the bigger fish Dan
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