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Everything posted by myot

  1. what about a 600' copper and 450' divers thats what I'm talking about
  2. the US side of the bar is going to be insane with 6 rods 2 guys can't wait
  3. 3 in New York state waters 2 in Ontario
  4. your compairing a Royals Royce to a Chevy
  5. we were on 30" just south of there yesterday
  6. Does anyone know if there's minnows for sale anywhere in the Kawatha's at 7am tomorrow heading to the Kawartha Highlands and need some bait Dan
  7. Absolutly classic and totally expected out of that spot
  8. I was out off Beaverton on Sunday and never saw less than 10' of ice fishing was slow one laker and 2 whitefish in a sun up to sun down adventure with over 130 holes drilled Dan
  9. ive got some white beeble style insulation you can have it 2'' thick and ive got easy enough to do your hut Dan
  10. its not driving machines on thin ice its stopping machines on thick ice
  11. Get a set of "Nats" boots you wont be dissapointed about $100 and are by far the lightest boots on the market Dan
  12. Had 3 wolves circle a friend of mine and I while gutting and quartering a moose after the first 2 got a reminder to stay away by means of a 300 winchester mag the 3rd decieded to leave the sceen Dan by the way a 300 wincester mag disolves a 140lbs timber wolf no problem almost split one in two
  13. might not need a great goalie with all the fire power up front Dan
  14. I have a 78E doe tag left
  15. 10lbs is standard for me and I dont think I've ever broke one off Dan
  16. I was using the A-rig and my Brother was using a 1 1/2oz spinnerbait we double off the hop caught one more each then 5 or 6 cast with nothing then switched to the dropshot and laid a beating on them for the next 2h Dan
  17. Used it to find some schooling bass on the weekend then fished them with a dropshoot rig and did quite well on Georgain Bay Dan
  18. I know a guy who did the propane tank trick and it works like a charm
  19. Fishing is only part of the business hunting is huge out there and people also have lots of cash out there take a look at any parking lot in Alberta plently of 1-2 year old 4X4 desel 3/4 tone Dan
  20. Top of the line downriggers are probably the new traxtech but they run about $1800 Canadaian each I have run downriggers from all the major manufactures and they all work well and all have thier glitches Big Jon best pullies on the market Brute ES are fantastic specialy when you put on the variable speed Crap counters and week booms Scotty Best customer sevice around great motors and design New 2116 are awsome Look like Brigs and Srtaton lawn mowers Cannon Best auto stop on the market buy far the best fit and finish jumpy take some time to get used to making small depth adjustments Walkers JUNK these are just my opinions I curently run Scotty's and love them Dan
  21. The spoon on the bottom row on the right of the tape measure has been hot this year and will continue to be until the bait switches from smelt to elwife Dan
  22. Cannot cheer for a team with a quarter back who looks like the Great Gazu from the flinstones with his bubble helmet Go Pats not because I like them but because the alternative is just plain wrong Dan
  23. activly post fishing reports @myotfishing
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