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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Hey Chuck, that is Awesome news!!!...now you can get your beard back . Can't think of a better post to wake up to . Good luck with the fishing, but save some for Feb. will ya Maureen
  2. Hey all, just thought I'd share this e-mail I recieved today... Maureen, Thought I’d let you and the OFNers know we’re having an unadvertised Store Clearance at our Vaughan (Toronto) location . . . this includes select Ice Fishing, Marine, Apparel and up to 40% on some Hunting Clothing items throughout the store. This is ongoing through to the 28th I believe. Have yourself a great weekend. Again, all the best at your event on the 24th. Kind regards, George Wallace Canadian Market Manager
  3. Rob, thanks for the update, like you said, Chris is one tough little dude. I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas. Like the others said, if you need anything we'll be there for you. I am in T.O. several times a week, even when I'm on vacation. Maureen
  4. Ya, I got them here too, have to dodge them as I head down the road...not quite that many though, maybe a dozen or so... Maureen
  5. Looking forward to seeing you again Spawn of Ed, would be nice to see Ed again too Maureen
  6. Sounds good to me, and just so you know, the first couple are usually small, it takes a while to grow sometimes... Maureen
  7. Good stuff Pikehunter, I hope this second one goes as well as the first... Good luck Maureen
  8. Ya well according to the news up here all this cold weather is thanks to a front that came up from the US so don't be blaming us Dawg... Maureen
  9. For me to be able to make it, it would have to be this Sat or next as I'm currently on vacation, otherwise I'll have to wait for the pics Maureen
  10. Missed it unfortunately, didn't know it was on, sounds like a good line up though. Maureen
  11. No Nautifish, it's not a requirement, just some people do. This post was created to let people know what some of the availabe prizes to date are. I've recieved confirmation that I can add a couple of gift certificates for Boston Pizza to the mix courtesy of a board member who doesn't post. Will see if he will let me post his name here. Thanks Maureen
  12. Glad you're having such a great time Cliff, sort of looking forward to seeing those pics, not looking forward to the download time . Some of them fish sure sound ugly that's for sure. Any charters firmed up???? Maureen
  13. Well clearly the noon news did not give all the info, all they said was a jackknife, nothing about a roll over....shouldn't be surprised I guess. I feel for those trying to get in or out of the city tonight...hope my brother stayed home. Maureen
  14. Wow, I heard on the noon news that a truck had jack-knifed and had the 400 NB closed, wonder if it's the same one or a second bone head as they still had the SB open at that time. I was surprised to hear it was closed both ways and can't believe it will take them that long to clear it. Rush hour tonight is going to be a night mare... Be carefull out there folks... Maureen
  15. I used to when I worked at Toronto hydro, but usually it had to be an emergency for us to go out in this. Now I just drive in this mess, not as bad as being outside somedays, but then, I do have to go outside to get the customer...so I guess I kinda still work outside... Maureen
  16. Still in the 80's up here...price of diesel is ridiculous in my ever so humble opinion...89.9 dropped down from 92.9 the otehr day. Maureen
  17. Glad you made it in safely Harrison, I've been watching the news and it seems lots of people aren't. Maureen
  18. Yikes, glad I'm not going to work today...I hate ice, I'll take loads of snow any day instead. Up here it's started to snow, pretty good to, sent three dark colored dogs out, and three white ones came back . We're only supposed to get 5-10cm in the course of the whole day though, so it'll ease up I'm sure. Be safe if you have to drive today, remember to give those in front of you lots of room. Maureen
  19. No problem, just looked it up in the yellow pages at Canada411 Glad I could help Maureen
  20. The Weather Network says it's -5 up here, but it feels warmer to me, just cloudy now, but they say we'll get some snow here tonight, not too much though... Supposed to be a chilly night though, good for making ice Maureen
  21. Welcome to the zoo Mark, glad to see you found your way... maureen
  22. Is this the one??? JJ's Taxidermy - 905-846-0912 15 Penn Drive, Brampton, ON L7A 1N9 Maureen
  23. I just watched it as well, excellent show. Marc and Aaron, I like the way you guys handle a fish, too many shows leave the fish out of the water for too long a period (in my ever so humble opinion) to get the right shot. I look forward to seeing more episodes...I'd watch your show any time Aaron. Maureen
  24. Well the bad news is that I'm not at work this morning due to a sore back (physio starts Tues), the good news is that I can watch the show Maureen
  25. Hey Chuck, glad you're getting out and catching those big girls....can't help ya with the photos unfortunately... Maureen
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