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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Incredible as always Pam...thanks for continuing to share your talent with us. Maureen
  2. Yup it was a good day, just got home now. I managed to meet a couple of new people at the show today, Nautifish and John Bacon, saw a few others and missed TJ, Monique, Avery and Rick. Food and company were good at Arizona's. As for the show, I liked it, Blake was great helping me get a few more prizes for the G2G next week . Bit of a long drive home tonight though...got talking with my nephew Rob, seems I missed the 400, didn't realize it until I saw the sign for Brimley road though , some days I can be a real bone head . Managed to get turned around only to get to Innisfil and right into a mini squall...man I'm sick of those things. Fortunately by the time I got on to the extension it was all good, just some snow covered roads the rest of the way home. Maureen
  3. GMC Diesel, just ask Tybo, but if you want a pretty one, go for the Dodge Ram Diesel Maureen
  4. Hey Johnny Bass, welcome back, hope things are well. The BPS Spring fishing classic is from March 10 to 18th, should be some good deals to be had there. Maureen
  5. Hey Cliff, I've got the hot dogs and buns taken care of courtesy of Sobey's in Alcona, here is the list I sent them to get a price on at their cost, as per our conversation, I should be hearing from them by Monday or Tuesday...I'll get in touch with them and have them remove the sausages from the list. 100 mild sausages 100 Hot sausages 200 Sausage buns 100 Hamburgers 100 Hamburger Buns 100 Kaiser Buns 5 lbs of onions largest container you have of each. Relish Mustard Ketchup Saurkrout Maureen Oh ya, I also have a couple of cases of water...
  6. Well I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Me, I'm not looking for or expecting any great deals. I'm going to see if there are any new products out there, look at some boats and dream a little, hopefully catch a seminar or two and maybe learn something. Most importantly I hope to meet up with some fellow OFC'rs and chat for a bit, so all in all I expect to have a good time. Maureen
  7. I'll be there, not sure what time yet. I'm hoping to catch a couple of seminars, but don't think I'll make it for Dave Mercer . I'm also planning on going for wings after...just look for the yellow jacket Maureen
  8. Way to go Kelvin, you have a reply...lol Maureen
  9. I plan to be there with my nephew. Maureen
  10. Good stuff there Brian, I'm sure you'll do real well this year....soon you'll be giving seminars at the fishing shows Maureen
  11. I'm planning on spending on 12.00 to get my nephew in since Gary V was nice enough to give me the ticket he won. but you know what they say about the best laid plans I do expect to pay more for wings after though, that boy of mine sure does like to eat Maureen
  12. Now that's a lot of sauce!!! Way to go E.D. Smith!!! Maureen
  13. Like all the others have said, that's GREAT news Rob, that Chris sure is a tough little fella....thanks for the update. Maureen
  14. Sadly no, I have too much running around to do, but I am going Saturday. Let us know how it is will you? Maureen
  15. Thanks Dan, right back at ya... Maureen
  16. I can see the oops one being used alot Maureen
  17. Hey Clampet, just click on the link for "live chat" at the top of the page and go from there... Maureen
  18. Would have been interesting for a newbie such as myself, but alas once again work gets in the way...I really need to retire Maureen
  19. Hey all, I talked to the manager at Sobey's, not what I was hoping for but better than nothing. They will give us the hotdogs and buns for free, and will give us everything else we need at cost. I think that's a good deal and we should take advantage of it. I am on vacation next week and am able to go down there, or it can be picked up the morning of the G2G. All I need to do is give him a call a couple of days ahead of my going down with a list of what I will be getting so he can have it all together when I get there. So, what do we need? Hamburgers, buns, Kaiser type buns for Chicken breasts, sausages and buns and condiments...now Cliff is this too much? maybe leave the sausages out in place of the chicken??? I dunno, that's why I left the BBQ to you , you make the tough calls ...lol Let me know and we'll go from there Maureen
  20. I've seen lots of reports from lake simcoe in the last couple of weeks, some from the Innisfil area even. What I haven't seen is anyone mention how thick the ice is...can anyone tell me? I'll be on vacation next week and will likely take a run down for a look see, but would still like to know. Also can you tell me if there's a lot of snow covering the ice? Thanks Maureen
  21. AAAHHHH My eyes my eyes...I'll never see right again nice fish though Cliff... Maureen
  22. Sorry guys, darn work, I am home today so I will call Sobey's and see what they have to say....stay tuned Maureen
  23. innovative tiger striped Triple Chocolate Chunk Brownie[/b] Those are mine all mine...I want them all :w00t: lol Tony that's great, as soon as I hear back from Sobey's I will post it. Actually I will try to give a call this afternoon. They did say that if I needed more than they were able to donate, they would provide it at cost, so that will help. Maureen
  24. Friday for sure, possibly Saturday if I can get the day off. I will have my new housemate with me ... 23yr old nephew. Ron I'll be sure to come and find you, you as well eyefish. Anyone else working there??? Maureen
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