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Everything posted by ld17

  1. thank you Shaun, just keep letting us know when new episodes are up. I just love that you fish in areas not to far from home that I can relate to.
  2. As the water gets cooler you slow down your presentation. So the mid to low 50's I'd use tubes or worms dragged on the bottom. If the temp. is warmer say low to mid 60's then you could use jerkbaits or crankbaits or spinners. Good luck.
  3. very nice smallmouth there. I'll be after them this weekend. I hope for a 5 lber
  4. what dunner said
  5. LMAO
  6. I think something is wrong with your camera. The background in the walleye pic is all blury!
  7. He probably ate it!
  8. Nice pike Shaun, I have a question. When you were using the jerkbaits did you have a wire leader? If so how did it affect the action of the bait? Thanks. Are you starting up a tv show again. I haven't seen anything new lately. Cheers
  9. I recommend you waiting till the new year. This way you can go to the spring fishing show, and ask all the questions you want to the reps. They are glad to tell you everything you need to know. For me I've always used lowrance and I'm used to the menus and navigation through the screens so for me I'm sticking with them. I think both companies make good units. I really don't think one is far more superior than the other.
  10. I was fishing a river system last Sunday and I caught largemouth on the outside weed edge in 7-9 fow on senkos. The water temp. was 63 deg. calm wind. Then last Thrusday I was on Erie and I caught some smallmouth on a crankbait in 10-12 fow. Again the temp. was 64.3 deg. and the wind was calm. I think if the temp of the water is in the high 50's to low 60's you can still get some fish shallow. Let us know how you make out.
  11. so who won?
  12. I would try the card in another unit and see if it works. Then you will know if it's the card or your unit. If it is the card I would talk to a navionics rep and see about getting the card replaced. I think they would do if for free or a small fee.
  13. beast
  14. if you can fish comfortably and stay warm with a life jacket on then I would not wear the survival suit. If you have to bundle up and that would prevent you from wearing a life jacket then I would wear a survival suit. Just use common sense.
  15. That's great that you helped them out. I'm wondering if your not a bit peved that you didn't catch a muskie and the tinny did...lol
  16. I recommend the surgeons knot. Very easy to tie braid to mono or any other leader. I've been using it all year and have not had the knot slip once. But I did like the video for the nail knot.
  17. did you look at the fortrex. I like that one.
  18. if at first you don't succeed, take up golfing..lol Sorry about that I just had to. The linders put out some very good DVD's and books on all species of fish. I have most of the books and they helped me a lot. I would recommend the books to anyone wanting to learn more. Also Italo Labignan has a DVD series he put out a few years ago. They have a wealth of information in the dvd's that no angler should be without. Check them out I'm pretty sure you'll learn something. Aslo I try to attend all the fishing shows and listen to the pro's during their seminars. You pick up a few tips here and there. Never give up man just keep at it and you'll get better. Like Mercer says a bass has a brain the size of a pinky nail. Their not that smart!
  19. sweet pics. Nice to see you investing great memories for your kids. Way to go there.
  20. did you check the vexilar site for parts? You would think they should have the part.
  21. with all this talk about this rod is more sensitive than that rod, I was wondering if anyone has ever done an independent study on the actual sensitivity on rods. From my understanding the higher the graphite content the more sensitive the rod, hence IM6,7,8,10.. Am I right about this. Also when you throw the no stretch line in the mix does that make how sensitive a rod is over another a mute point? What does everyone think?
  22. I agree. If your prone to breaking rods then go for it but, I would look into getting something more sensitive. Don't fall for the marketing hype. Look around for sales, I'm sure you can get a nicer rod for the money.
  23. shimano sahara. Real nice. I got mine on sale for 50 bucks with the rebate that was going on a few months ago.
  24. in the spring you will have much better luck catching crappie at binbrook. Summer through winter the crappie move to deep water. As for bass unfortunately you need a boat to access the honey holes. I always fish it from a boat and there's not much structure to fish from shore. I guess you could catch some bass form shore but you might be waiting a long time. You can rent a boat there and do some exploring. Good luck out there.
  25. looks like you all did good. That's a great idea you guys have to try and fish different spots.
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