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Everything posted by ld17

  1. Ok I have to throw my 2 cents in here. The movie was good but not that good. Comparing it to starwars come on? Story line aliens invade earth, and earth well.... I won't ruin it for the one's that haven't seen it. My rating 8 out of 10. Starwars 10 out of 10. Jurassic park 10 out of 10. Just so you get an idea.
  2. The list is the fish I currently have caught. If you don't see it on the list I haven't caught it, yet!
  3. Here is a list of fish I've caught, I think I got them all. What's yours 1. Largemouth bass 2. Smallmouth bass 3. White crappie 4. Black crappie 5. Yellow perch 6. White perch 7. Chinook salmon 8. Rainbow trout 9. Brown trout 10. Muskie 11. Pike 12. Gar pike 13. Channel cat 14. Bullhead cat 15. Walleye 16. Carp 17. Bluegill 18. Pumpkinseed 19. Drum 20. White bass 21. Bowfin 22. Rockbass 23. Herring 24. Sauger 25. Sucker fish 26. Brook trout Salt water 27. Red snapper 28. Ladyfish 29. Sea bass
  4. Gores landing is 5 bucks. Nice launch and facilities. Give them a call to make sure the price is still the same. Well worth the peace of mind for the parking. If you ask around the area there is a free launch but I don't remember the road. It will accommodate your canoe just fine if you don't want to pay the 5 bucks.
  5. thanks
  6. So does anyone know if we have to register or make phone calls before we move into US waters. Are we going to get fines. Who should I call. Thanks
  7. the hamilton bay launch was open about a week ago.
  8. well i went with double pepperoni, mushrooms, and green pepper. I little different from the usual. Only 2 slices left. Ahhhhhh
  9. I want to say fake, because I could do that on photoshop but looking at the baits alone they all look a bit different. Now that would be a lot harder to do. Good job if it's a fake.
  10. Hey guys, just about to order a slab for dinner tonight and want to try something new. So if you don't mind sharing your favourite toppings for a pizza that would be great.
  11. I use and recommend Mr. Heater buddy Heaters. They are extremely quiet,have a low oxygen sensor shut off and tip over shut off. Plus will heat a 4 man hut with ease. It can also be used with 5-20lb tanks with adapter hose. I would use caution with the open burner type. If you touch or it touches any part of you body or hut you will get burned and watch your hut go up in flames.
  12. what is this world coming to? Got to admit I will work but butt ugly!
  13. I have a hand controlled trolling motor up front. I had an inflatable that I use to have and I would use the hand unit on the transom. Then I bought an aluminum and I made a plate to mount it up front because it gave me more boat control to fish. All I can say it yes the cost would be less but that's about the only advantage. If my boat was designed to have a foot controlled motor that's what I would have. I see the odd salt water boat with quick stow and deploy hand controlled, but not sure why?
  14. I bought my trailer new and didn't realize that I had to maintain the bearing and learned the hard way when one of the bearings blew apart and the hub was making a bad noise. I'm lucky it happened close to home. I now repack my new bearings every spring and put new seals. I know for sure doing this that I won't have that problem again. If I were you I would inspect the bearings and put some new seals. The cost is a few bucks from princess auto. If everything looks good then your ok. If not get new ones or repack the old ones if they are good.
  15. sounds like they want you to testify on their behalf. Who ever might be trying to get some money from the accident and your insurance wants to defend the claim. That's what I think.
  16. Great job on catching a couple of very respectable walleye in anyones books. Thanks very much on your detailed report. Don't get much of that anymore.
  17. ya buy knock offs
  18. What you want the flasher to have is a dual or tri beam transducer. This will give you the option of fishing in shallow water or deep water. Also look for things like battery status indicator. It's nice to know how much power you have left. Some have lights so you can use and see what's going on in the dark. I would not recommend you using a lcd sonar on the ice. Forget the fact they are no where as cool as a flasher, but one thing I know is when things get really cold they tend to break much easier. Flasher are bomb proof. I'd hate to drop or bang an Lcd around in my hut or sled as I'm moving around on the ice. Anyone with a Lcd what to take my challenge and drop your unit say 4 feet off the ground and see if it's still going to work. I'm almost sure my flasher would.
  19. I had the haley hanson floater and now have the arctic armor suit. AA suit is much much lighter and supple. I will never go back to a stiff floater suit. Go Arctic armor.
  20. I've been using the line for about 5 yrs and have had absolutely no problems with it. It's been the strongest and limpest mono I have ever used. Better check your knots or line guides. It's not the line.
  21. Best place to fish the hamilton bay is bayfront park. Lots of parking and easy access to the ice. The ice will probably be safe late January or early Feb. for lakers on simcoe. Just keep checking reports. Guys that live near simcoe will let us know. You can't target bass in the winder I believe they our out of season. I was just stating what can be caught down there. I didn't say you could fish for them. I and others have caught the incidental bass is all.
  22. you can catch perch, crappie, pike, bass, and trout in the hamilton bay. Fishing can be hit and miss down there. Changes day by day. You live close so if you put in the time you should hit a hot day when the fish are on and do well. Ice fishing is a blast enjoy it and have fun.
  23. this guy has what your looking for,if your after trout. I've never used him though. Floyd Hales Fish Huts - Bait & Tackle - Beaverton Floyd Hales Fish Huts and Bait & Tackle Ph:(705)426-7415 Toll Free: 1-800-363-4704 Bombardiers, GPS Navigation, Fully Insured. As for going on your own, if your after trout you will have to wait till later in the season. The ice is usually not thick enough to get on the trout grounds. You will need some essentials, lots of posts talking about what you need. Good luck.
  24. nice tip. My jiffy comes standard with a quick release pin. I guess it's the small things that make you decide to buy one unit over the next.
  25. I built a 20x22 single double door with siding for about 11,000 4 years ago. I bought a kit from rona. Basically the kit is not really a kit. Rona will give you building plans and calculate all materials to build it. I paid a friend to pour a slab. Total about 11,000. One thing to note is if I were to build any bigger than 20x22 a slab would not comply to building code. Footings would then have to be poured. The cost would be greater. I got a few quotes to get the same garage built and was quoted 22-24k. Basically double the price. You want a bigger garage so I think you will be paying more. Hope this helps.
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