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Everything posted by ld17

  1. I knew everything on the list.
  2. the artic armor suit when talking to the rep said the bottom portion will keep you afloat but would probably push your head down.
  3. yes it's not approved but no one brings a life jacket ice fishing. Not that I've seen. The rep said if they made the suit coast guard approved it would cost triple the price.
  4. get the 2 piece I have one and it's great. Much more comfortable than one piece. But before you buy check out this new suit Artic Armor now available in Canada. Just a bit more pricey than a floater but much more light weight and mobile and comfortable. I held one first hand and a floater does not compare. I spoke to the rep for canada and he said it will float 280 lbs. If I just didn't buy my floater a year ago I would be buying this suit. http://www.idigear.com/video3.php http://www.youtube.com/user/ArcticArmorSuit?feature=mhum#p/a/f/1/TEPqwf_PEgs
  5. here is a quick video of me fogging my 4 stroke outboard. Remember to torque your plugs to proper specs when your done.
  6. I do all the tips everyone has said but I've heard that storing it inside (basement) is worse than storing it outside. Something to do with the hot temps and dry air can cause seals to dry up and moisture to build up in the engine that could cause corrosion. If you have a shed or garage I would leave it in there. That's what I do and my motor is fine.
  7. minkota makes one now. Suppose to be better
  8. you guys are champs. Hey what was the water temp. if you know thanks.
  9. awesome post very nice.
  10. there is a bit of a flaw with this jimmy rig. A normal ice ducer will sink past the hole which is where you want it to be to get a proper reading. With the set up as it is will float at the top of the hole which is not ideal. I suggest putting in some sand or gravel in the bottle to get it to sink and then use the pool noodle idea and a bobber stop to get it to stop at the bottom of the hole. That's my 2 cents + HST but it you pay cash you can avoid the taxes all together.
  11. too bad that happened. At what point would insurance write off a boat? Anyone know.
  12. I just set my clocks back. I'm good for the morning
  13. great catch there, congratulations. How deep were you fishing and what was the water temp. Thanks
  14. ya just keep the motor in the down position to drain water. Put a thermometer by the motor and see how cold your garage is getting. You could always run a small heater in the area to keep in warm. But I don't think you have to.
  15. thanks Shaun. Just keep uploading. I like watching your shows.
  16. I would think charging it from a laptop would be fine. Did you charge it the same amount of time with both the laptop and desktop? I would leave it on charge for a good number of hours to make sure it's fully charged. I might get one. But the recording must improve. I checked around for some head cams and came across the same one you have and they want 80 bucks for it on sale from 140. Friggin mark ups.
  17. I checked the web site and it says the battery should last and hour. Give us an update after you've used it for awhile.
  18. nice looking pike Shaun. Thanks for the report.
  19. can you zoom in or out with the cam. Ya the short battery life could be a problem.
  20. congrats on the win. You guys deserve it. I was there and watched you bag all 3 fish. I also lost my anchor that day. The wind was 30-50km. 40 bucks to enter + 10 big fish + 5 bucks to launch. 55 total. + 2 dozen minnows 6 bucks and your over 60 bucks. Would be nice to have free lunch even if some place in the price were paying for it. Good derby for late in the year. It's nice to get money for the win instead of prizes you really don't need. Next year I guess...lol
  21. nice job there. I didn't hear about this tournament. Was it a local club or open to all. Thanks
  22. Here it is from the regs. Hooks and Lines An angler may use only one line, unless otherwise stated in the regulations. Two lines may be used when angling from a boat in parts of the Great Lakes (refer to the Exceptions to the Zone Regulations for the zone in which you are fishing). Two lines may be used for ice fishing except in a limited number of waters (refer to the Exceptions to the Zone Regulations for the zone in which you are fishing). You must be within 60 m (197 ft.) at all times of any line or tip-up you are using when ice fishing and you must have a clear and unobstructed view of the lines being used at all times. Angling Angling means fishing with a line that is held in the hand or attached to a rod that is held in the hand or closely attended. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsFish/2ColumnSubPage/198480.html
  23. I like the idea of mono. You get the stretch you need to let the fish inhale the bait before you set the hook. As for lb test I would use the lightest line you can for the conditions you face. Lots of open water then go light. Heavy cover go more. Other than going to a medium power rod with a moderate action tip, and running braid with a fluoro leader, I would stick to the set up you have. If you go braid it will give you the sensitivity your after, but it might cost you loss hook ups with the MH rod that you have. The fish might not get a chance to eat the bait. Another option is to get a more sensitive rod. That will help you feel the strike better, and you can keep the line you have.
  24. If someone gave you the boat just say you have no way of contacting the person to get a bill, or just say you don't have it anymore. I don't think there is any reason to get worried.
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