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Everything posted by ld17

  1. Hi guys does anyone have this boat? How do they like it. I can't find many reviews on it. What do you guys think of it for a multi-species boat. Thanks http://www.tritonboats.com/boat_detail_new.asp?bid=315
  2. see if a turkey baster will fit in there and then just suck it up. You may have to do it a few times to get the level where you want it. Save yourself from taking a mouth full of oil. Seriously the things we will do...lol
  3. I've had the same experience as others. I've caught muskie on bass tackle with bass rods and reels. With that said I also have some bigger muskie plugs and swim jigs. Something has to be said for bigger baits = bigger fish. I guess if you really want to get a big one the bigger baits might help.
  4. personally I would question why the 2004 motor has not been sold yet? New or used 2004 would break the deal for me. I would look for a newer 4 stroke. The one think I like about the e-tec's are that they have a self fogging feature. That's a great feature I would consider. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  5. I think the wallet is history. I've lost two in my day. Pain in the butt to get all the cards and ID back. On the up side very nice boat. Now just get out there and fish already...lol
  6. excellent presentation on the dinner table. Funny thing is I have the same plates...lol Thanks for the post and pics welcome!
  7. I have been running a optima (blue) battery for about 4yrs with no issues. Lots of juice at the end of the day running all day long. I did get a great deal at walmart. I don't remember the price but it was a really good deal. One of the claims it makes is that it can withstand vibration. I don't know if this is true or not but if you think of the trailering over bumps and pounding waves it must have an affect on batteries. You get what you pay for. I would recommend this battery.
  8. What is it 70 bucks CND to get a licence for NY. I'm thinking about getting one and getting in on the action. Very nice fish there. Did you get a weight on any of them?
  9. the word freaking football comes to mind. Unreal thanks for the pics.
  10. thanks Mako. I'm heading to bed now I got a long drive in the early morning. Take care guys
  11. thanks very much pigless
  12. Hi guys, can someone give me directions to a nice boat launch in trenton, I'm coming from Hamilton. I'm going there on Saturday and I know it's going to be busy so a place that has parking would be nice. I don't mind if I have to pay to park and launch. Thanks
  13. just pretend you didn't know Dave was going to be there and say oh by the way can you take my pic..lol
  14. If none of the advice works, you can save what you need and format the hard drive. It's the only way to get ride of everything. I usually format my drive every one to two years.
  15. Ya I had mine for 3 years. I sold it and bought a bigger aluminum boat. I loved that boat. I could go anywhere and it was super stable. Great boat if you don't have a place to store it or a trailer to tow a boat. I would recommend it to anyone.
  16. I think the contest ends july 4th? Dave any input.
  17. Yes we used a hand pump to pump it up. We pumped it up firm. I don't know if we over inflated it. Everything looked normal. I guess over inflating it was possible. I bought a titan inflatable boat. It's made of the same stuff a zodiac is made of. I spent a lot more money on it but was much happier and safer. I guess with all things some have good experiences and some bad. Ultimately the choice is yours it what you decide to buy.
  18. My friend bought one and we both had high hopes of new fishing adventures in it. Well that lasted about 1 maybe 2 trips out. Honestly like the third trip im at the front of the boat and say to my friend " hey this thing is leaking air up here" he's like stop joking with me. I'm like serious. Well the seam let go and it started to leak. He tried a cheap repair job and like the next time out again it started to leak someplace else. Bottom line in my opinion this boat was a piece of junk. He ended up throwing it in the garbage. Do yourself a favour and save up for a real inflatable if you want one. That boat is a glorified pool toy.
  19. i can't figure it.
  20. where some baggy clothing or and hoddie. That will cushion the blow of the paintball. Also resist the urge to rush in commando style, you'll only get shot from a guy that's hiding and just waiting for you. Also don't just sit in one spot and do the exact same thing. Someone will take a bead on you and just time when you pop you head up and bam the shot goggs you right in the face...lol Have fun and invite me next time. I might just show up and play with you..
  21. I had to drive to a few locations, but I finally found Dave and had dinner with him. I even have a bass pro tee on...lol Cheers
  22. as for keeping minnows this just came to mind. There is a limit in the regs I think you can only have 120 in you possession? So if you have a bunch in a tank make sure you check the regs on it. Not that you'll ever get caught for keeping more. I don't think?
  23. I have a 55gal tank of cichlids. I had some gills that I caught out of a pond that were only about an inch big and grew them till about 4 inch and let go before I put the cichlids in. I have a pair of salvinis that spawned and are ready to spawn again. Very cool to watch. I know someone that has kept perch and bass and stuff in a tank and I mentioned that I would like to keep some crappies but they said don't bother cause they get fungus in the eye's. I have know reason why.
  24. a water change would be the first thing to do. I would say 1/3 of the tank water taken out and put fresh water in. If you can, put water treatment in the fresh water as it takes out any chlorine that might be in there and harmful to the minnows. Also if you can siphon the waste while you remove the water would also help.
  25. Ya I have the flyer. I was wondering if they were going to honour shimano on the trade. That's what makes the two reels come in at the same price. I would be using the reels for bass, walleye fishing. Maybe the odd pike.
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