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Everything posted by ld17

  1. to early I think. I'm waiting a few weeks
  2. I remember buying one a long time ago. Walmart had them on an end rack. They were 1.00 dollar each. I thought what the heck. Left it in the box for years then one day I said, why not try it. I was fishing around hamilton bay and caught a bunch of nice large mouth and a bunch of white bass. Was unreal. The white bass was one after another. Like catching crappies. Well I lost the lure on a piece of wood and that was the end of that. Never saw them again for quite some time. Then I see them again for like 10 bucks in tackle shops and think back, man I could have bought all of them from walmart for a buck each. Oh well enjoy them they work great. Cheers
  3. find out if you want high speed gears or low speed gears. One is better than the other for different techniques. Eg. crankbaits vs spinnerbaits. That's why one won't do everything for you. Best thing is just go talk to someone at a bait shop. My first baitcaster was a bit cheaper. Then after using for awhile I bought some higher end reels, and did find the performance better. Less backlashing. Longer casting. Keep asking questions.
  4. hey mavrick what walmart did you buy the book and was it the 2nd edition? Thanks Check my walmart and they didn't have any.
  5. I think you'll do better at the other end of the lake (more weeds). We caught a muskie along the weeds near the center of the lake.
  6. Binbrook conservation.
  7. Here is the fix. Don't know if it works. Never tried it. Good luck. http://www.chitown-angler.com/1fish/viewtopic.php?t=36910
  8. Spend more on the reel. Shimano is a good choice. To get long casts with a rod you need to have the proper flex in the tip (not to stiff) which will allow the rod to load properly. This has to be matched ( balanced) with the weight of the lure. When this is achived, combined with a good thin line will allow maximum distance on you casts. Bass pro has some good deals coming up this weekend at the fishing show. If you can make it out you guarantied to find a nice combo for a good price.
  9. I have a yamaha and love it. I would sugest you go with 4 stroke over the 2. The new F series is almost as light as the 2, but better fuel economy. Plus no smell and less noise. Nice boat were you gonna take her for your first trip. I'm thinking some nice shallow back bay or river just after ice out for crappies. I might see you there..lol
  10. Sorry to here. I will pray for you family to get over this trial. God bless
  11. Fishing world and bills bait and tackle in Hamilton has them.
  12. This one was an accident. I caught 3 bass with a 4" worm. Was working my way around some weeds and had a hit. I set the hook and figure another bass. Just as I bring the thing up i freak and tell my buddy it's a crappie. It's my biggest to date. Just before this one I finally caught one 13" that was at binbrook. Now this one. I've fished this spot a number of times targeting crappie and in about 6 drifts of the area I bagged 2 14" 2 13" a couple of 12 and 10's. It was amazing. To boot I slammed some of the biggest gills I've ever caught that must have been pushing 10+ inches. I was using 1" tube jigs. You have to check this place out. I practice catch and release on all the big fish.
  13. I went to the show and didn't really enjoy it. I guess when you go to all the show's like Bass pro, boat show, sportsmans show, they start to get boring. Same old same old. Unfortunatly I didn't have time to listen to the pro seminars. That I do enjoy and feel for that alone it's worth the money. For the boats, what boats there were harldly any. I know, I went to the boat show and it did not compare. Let's face it times have changed and the show's of yester year are gone. When I buy tackle I just support the local guy now. I live in hamilton and why buy from someone that has a store 2hrs away from me when I have 2 tackle shop's 10mins away. When something goes wrong with you rod or reel you gonna drive 2hrs away to get your 80 dollar rod fixed that you saved 10 bucks at a show. It will cost you 1/2 tank of gas. No I don't think so. I think if you go for some fun and with some freinds that like fishing it's worth it, if not save your money. My 2 cents
  14. I slammed this 15" crappie there last summer.
  15. You can download a free program from lowrance to manage your waypoints. I use it and think it's great for free. http://www.lowrance.com/en/Downloads/GPS-Data-Manager-GDM/
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