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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. I can only imagine some insurance agent having a wet dream about going on vacation in the south for a month with the cheque for "insuring" that event if you did LOL Our Diswinterfest celebrations in town had to have someone hand out helmets to the people sledding down a 200ft hill with hardly any grade last year. Keep in mind it is where about a thousand kids do the same thing every other weekend without any insurance mandated protection.
  2. Well you live in the right area for some great fishing!!! Welcome back.
  3. Usually but in this case it was the OWNER that insisted his manager charge us, after she had said she wouldn't. She had the records from the previous owner showing how many times my buddies credit card had been used for reservations, 12 times in seven years as he was one of the guys who always went twice when the fishing was good. She kept saying she was sorry for the mix up.... I was too LOL
  4. We have never went back so in the long run that 280.00 bucks is going to cost her boss thousands. The minimum group that used to go was 9 people some years 15, for 4 nights. If the fishing was good four of the guys would do a 3 night stay later in the month... It was the first year of new management owning the camp, they were probably struggling so he took the mentality of grabbing the quick cash over the long view. Now we all just do day trips to Long Point or Simcoe. So I hope he invested that cash wisely because he won't see anymore of ours LOL.
  5. Most epic fishing fail for me was ice fishing on Calendar Bay... I was invited to go but it took 7 years for it to finally work out, that there was a space and I could get the time off. So we get there the night before stay in a cabin that was nicer than any home I have ever lived in.... Since it was New Years Eve and we were watching the fire works over the lake in our short sleeved shirts I should have known it wasn't going to go well... 8 Am we get taken out by the outfitter and it took about 30 minutes to get to the huts. The poor guy driving the sled was getting drowned because of the water on top of the ice and then it started raining... He drops us off said he was going to check on us in a hour... We start fishing and after about 15 minutes I realize he had left us with about 20 minnows for the 3 of us. (Remember this is my first time and I am with guys who have fished there for 7yrs and they didn't check the minnows either) So we get a cell signal and call the outfitter to tell him to bring more minnows. Ummm nope he just left to take out another angler it took him 45 minutes to get back so we are looking at least an hour before we can get more minnows. By now we have caught 4 walleye 2 in the slot and 3 perch and one gianormous small mouth bass... The outfitter comes over after depositing the other angler in a hut and we hope he has minnows because now we have 6 left and the fish are getting more active. NOPE but he will be back with some as soon as he can, he says he is sorry but due to having his head in the beer pail until about an hour before he picked us up he wasn't thinking to clearly. 10 minutes later we are out of minnows. We start using fake worms and any other reasonable looking bait we have with us. NOT a sniff, about an hour and ten minutes later the outfitter is back.... YEAH except for the fact that his owner says it is no longer safe we have to get off the ice as a huge pressure crack has opened up. Well that was true we overlapped two sheets of plywood and make it across. So we get back I check the weather and tell the guys screw it we are leaving. They all liquored up by now and say OK since there will be no fishing for the 2 more days we were planning to stay. So we go into the office and tell the camp manager we want to settle up and leave.... She says no need for that she feels bad we can stay and she will won't charge us the 280 bucks for that night. So the boys want to finish their booze and have a fish dinner then watch the Juniors play hockey.... The next morning we go to settle up well the camp manager is so sorry but the owner INSISTS we pay for the second night because he could have rented the cabin. So after waiting 7 yrs for my dream ice fishing trip it went like this Cost 400.00. Time on the water less than 4hrs. Fish caught 1 walleye in the slot 2 out and 3 perch. Getting screwed without having sex PRICELESS.
  6. Well considering the conservatives and liberals to a lesser degree got nailed for robo calling during the last election, it can't be too surprising that no government wants agency wants to be involved with charging a company for breaking the same act LOL. Might get their budget cut or have an entire bill passed making their agency all but useless oh wait the new unelection act just did that.
  7. The first time I got this call, I just went silent for a moment. Then I asked, what is a computer? She said oh you know. I go no I really don't know never heard of such a thing. It must be only available in your country, we don't have such things here so please don't call back.... She hung up. Round two, she called back about a week later. I remembered the number, so I said you could please hold while I start recording this conversation!!! I need to know your exact your name speak slowly and clearly so when I forward this to the CRTC it is you who will have to pay the fine, because I told you the last time NOT TO CALL back and I am on the list. Then could you put your supervisor on the line so I can get his name recorded too please. They haven't called back.
  8. bigugli, I understand exactly what you are saying about the rules favouring the rich, the politicans and Bay Street. I am the executor for an estate where the only remaining thing to be settled is a pension from a company that went bankrupt. In a nutshell the employees for that company were told if they contributed to the pension fund they would receive a lower hourly wage but would get the tax benefits of an RSP and have a retirement pension. The person died SEVEN years ago and we still can't close the estate because the damn lawyers and accountants responsible for dividing up the assets haven't spent it all yet. For 3 yrs we have been told next year everything will be settled and you will get the money, each year though there is less and less money that hasn't been eaten up LOL. Now 2 of the beneficiaries of the will have passed away as well. It is under provincial control and the MPP's staff says they are sorry and they have many others from the same company who are still alive and NEED the money complaining too. Unfortunately, there is nothing they can do to speed up the process. It has been farmed out to a firm specializing in resolving these types of things, because the Harris guberment had decided their friends could do things better in a private company than the government could... SERIOUSLY, it was an arm of the same damn firm specializing in setting these types of pension schemes up that allowed the company to spend the employees pension money instead of putting it a proper trust in the first place... So in short just because someone does follow the rules and put that 10% of their income away doesn't mean when they need it, it will be there for them....
  9. If you just want a decent cheap point and shoot camera... Target is has some nikons on clearance for really cheap.... Basically for the cost of what it used to be to develop 3 rolls of film LOL. Details in the links below. http://forums.redflagdeals.com/target-nikon-s3500-reduced-38-99-a-1446792/ http://www.photographyblog.com/reviews/nikon_coolpix_s3500_review/
  10. If you can afford the time, parts and have the brains to build it paying for the fuel is probably a non issue. Sort of like the people who buy a boat with twin 200 etecs whining about the cost of oil consumption LOL Also around here if he didn't incorporate a way to send the snow straight up so the wind can move off the driveway the blower would be useless anyhow. Banks are getting too high for normal snow blowers to be able to blow the snow high enough now and it is snowing again. And again and again and again. Glad I live in an apartment where my snow clearing consists of calling the owner and saying if you want a rent cheque you better get over here and clear the driveway so I can get to work and earn some money LOL
  11. Just sounds like a classic case of "threaten big" when you are dealing with governments, probably some junior crat has a P3TA fetish and said in the early discussions that they weren't going to renew anything. Then the big crats will get involved and the store will be given away literally in this case LOL. The truth is we survived economically before they came here and we will survive if they leave. That being said I spend money there whenever I am in the area 3.5 hr drive for me so I don't go that often. I DO enjoy buying from the website with the NO SHIPPING charges to Canada though. +1 on what Wayne said, I had a friend who used to make motorcycle fairings and was looking to expand here. Just as he was looking to hire 10 people Oakville insisted he put in a down draft paint booth because one neighbour complained about the smell of the fiberglass curing...(which he figured wouldn't have been helped by any paint booth). He shopped around and Tennessee gave him the use of a plant 3 times bigger than he needed rent free for 5yrs (which he was allowed to rent out the space he didn't need and KEEP the money. They paid to train his workers for 3 months, and no state tax for the first 3yrs as long as he kept 5 employees on for 35hrs a week.... When he signed up they told him later there was more they could have offered LOL. Now of course under Nafta those are all no nos but he said he could live with himself for accepting the offer.
  12. I am a liberal in many ways and not one bit ashamed of it. Sorry if that offends you. The truth is the conservatives in this case have dropped the ball and are trying to shift the blame from what they are doing on to the union.... Typical these days when politicians of any stripe do anything the public disagrees with. Don't stand by your principles find a distraction, this is the type of leadership we always get from the harperites. Don't we deserve better leadership? Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a politician say this is good for you and here is why, and then go on to show us without trying to bash some other group? So, I might buy their kool aid like you have in this case, if they had the testicular fortitude to stand by what they say is good without trying to scapegoat such an obvious target as a union. C'mon that is like shooting ducks while they are still sitting on the pond. I don't care who setup the meeting, because Fantino agreed to be there and didn't show up, on time. In my experience it is always people who just assume they are better than anyone else who show up whenever they feel like it. Being late is a classic sign, that you just don't care enough about the situation to organize yourself to be on time. The interesting thing is his only excuse was I was working on something BUT I can't tell you about now LOL. Really and the dog ate his talking points too I guess.
  13. You are absolutely right about the Liberals record being just as disgusting at the neo con Harper government with respect to Veterans rights... Neither party has demonstrated they are willing to keep the promises they made over the long term. That is why I suggested as individual voters we need to note how our MP's react to this issue and vote accordingly, if we care about this issue that is.
  14. Sure the services are being moved to different offices and DIFFERENT people. Why should vets who have had to build trust with their current support workers now have to bare their souls to other people who don't yet have the training and probably won't? This is according to Fantino's own admission of silence when asked that very question by the vet who was pointing his finger. Fantino's dislike of having a finger pointed at him, by someone who has been there and done that just shows he is and always a bully in my opinion. Whatever happened to respect your elders? Fantino has never demonstrated that while always willing to cash a pay cheque as a PUBLIC SERVANT that he is in fact one. Remember when he insisted we needed a helicopter fleet for the OPP? Maybe if the conservatives had not wasted tax dollars on running commercials about the jobs program that doesn't exist they could afford to keep the offices open. But you and the conservatives are right, lets bust that union then move on to the next one they can eliminate... Meanwhile the vets who can't get out to get services at the new offices, not to worry they can use an app on their smartphone to get the help they need. That is if they can afford one after the way the conservatives have cut their benefits. It is very telling that the neo cons don't have the money in the largest FEDERAL budgets in the history of Canada to pay what we promised the vets, but their lawyer friends made millions off the last court case about benefits, which they lost btw. Again that money could have probably been spent just keeping the offices open.
  15. Typical politician get your picture taken for years with a group saying you are with them. Then when it comes time to man up and show courage, Fantino was no where to be found. He always was a useless thug in his cop days and now more people are getting to see just what an out of touch bully he really is. Notice how he tried to blame the unions for causing all the trouble? Seriously, he needs to go and the sooner the better. Of course the spineless wimp who is his boss will lie cheat and steal to protect him.... Unfortunately, nothing new to see there. Sending people into harms way means you look after them, for the risks they take where there. A country owes them that, and we should HAPPILY, and WILLINGLY do it FOREVER no matter the cost, it isn't really that hard a concept to grasp. I hope people who get that pay very close attention to how their MP's respond to this issue and vote accordingly next chance we get. Anyone on here could find the money to keep those offices open in about 10 minutes so why the party of fiscal conservatism can't is beyond me...
  16. I don't "ice fish" much anymore but I have noticed when winter steelheading the days when temperatures are dropping and it is the coldest seem to produce the least fish. Days where it has warmed up even 3 degrees have always been better for me. I think firstly when temps are dropping it might be barometric pressure effecting the bite. Secondly when it gets really cold and stays that way for a couple of days the water almost always seems to be clearer. Mainly that old saw about it being too cold to snow and if it is -10 C or so any run off that would cloud the water pretty much stops. Also when I have targeted walleye when it was really cold, you had to really work the bait to get fish to commit... Not sure why. Another thing is when it is freezing cold steelheading we tend to bottom fish and not expend too much energy ourselves so maybe the fewer fish are because we are too lazy to change baits, depths and spots every 15 minutes until we start hitting fish. LOL
  17. I have had all the robo call from the parties and for polling. The sad thing is there isn't going to a party or individual running who deserves anyone's vote imho... All of them have sold out the hard working people of this country... I knew things were bad and after the meltdown getting worse for the common person, but when I saw a stat today that said 85 people own 1/2 of the worlds wealth it leaves little hope anything will change regardless of what autotron we vote in. http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/world-s-85-richest-people-have-as-much-wealth-as-half-the-population-oxfam-1.1646911
  18. Staged or not it just goes to show if you can fish under ice near open water for trout it can be great fishing!!! Three years ago I got the idea to head up to my favourite Huron trib and fish under the ice at the end of the pier. The only drawback was I didn't get the idea until about 8:30 AM. When I got there after 9 AM there was a line up on the end of the pier waiting to fish off the end. So I fished in the river which was open. After seeing about 40 trout hooked and about 15 landed off the end. I decided to wait until it was my turn. Nothing was happening in the river no matter what I tried.... Finally about 3:45 it was my turn to toss it off the end to just under the shore ice. By 4:15 I had hooked 5 bows, with 3 clean knock offs as the got the line to hit the edge of the ice and 2 landed fish... The next day I had off I got there earlier and lather rinse repeat same basic results... I am almost convinced trout like to hide under ice and strike baits that are close by. I hope to have the same conditions this spring to test the theory though LOL.
  19. I agree from the footage it looks like he should not have been in that situation but what we don't know is just how far the elk was from him when it decided to come over and check him out? He definitely seemed like he knew he wouldn't get hurt if he just stayed calm and non threatening. Wonder what would have happened if he got up and bolted, might have ended badly with a prong in the back and a stomping as well after.
  20. Heard of both cold calling and offering to buy a quality vehicle from a trusted customer, due to the high demand.... The only thing new in car sales is how people say I got the greatest deal because I did my research, bought a service from the net that told me exactly what the stealership pays for what I bought. Then I sat down in front of the computer and saw it was all true yadda yadda yadda. Really glad you are all happy. Then to get the real story, go drinking with those salesmen/owners that Friday night and you will hear, about the special program the money guy has whipped up to show only our special "favourite" clients the cost of the vehicle they want you to see. Then how the factory had this incredible incentive on top of everything so they could have went lower, but that car cost service didn't have this weeks incentives on it yet. Lastly how they brag then I got the guy to buy the special windshield wiper blade warranty for only 100.00, that cash went straight in to the beer fund, cause it costs us nothing the factory pays for them for the warranty period as long as you say they were streaking the glass and so on. It is still a fun game though if you like to haggle. My new telemarketer answer is simple. I calmly ask them to just hold on a second while I get a pen I want to get your name right and your supervisors, so when I have you charged under the do not call law I want to be sure it is YOU, YOURSELF that gets to pay the fine!!! I already have your phone number and why you called recorded here so I just need your name, again, it wouldn't be fair if your colleague got charged instead of you.... It is amazing how fast they hang up.
  21. Craftsmanship is alive and extremely well....
  22. Welcome!!! Interested in hearing about fishing the Niagra fishery...
  23. Welcome aboard. I spend a lot of time fishing for chrome... I hope some day to spend more time catching them LOL. I mostly fish on the Lake Huron tribs as I seem to hit other areas when the fish are on vacation.
  24. If you drive in snow I would NEVER EVER rely on Wrangler all seasons. I had to sets on different vehicles and they were worse than Canadian Tire cheapies on a Jeep and a full sized Ford Van. I bought new Wranglers for the jeep in October the first snow fall in the Jeep they were summer tires only. Replaced them with Michelin LTX's for the winter and never had a traction issue until I sold the vehicle. Not being the sharpest knife I let my scottish side rule when I was offered a steal of a deal on a set of Wranglers for the Ford E150. After the first snow fall I realized my life was worth more than the cost of a set of Michelin LTX's for it as well.
  25. I can't find a decent pair of lower cut boots that WATERPROOF under a hundred bucks that are size 14W... Been just about everywhere in town tried the websites of brands mentioned here. plus 10 others or so. Nothing available in Canada... I see all kinds of small sizes that look interesting though. Maybe I should lop off some toes LOL.
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