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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. +1 I even use high vis green for perch fishing so I can see my line easier after the 12 people near me cast directly over me after I land a perch LOL.
  2. If you want to do it online I have used both of these sites... I got exactly what I ordered from both for the price quoted. Vistaprint had cheaper shipping at the time I used them. Shirt quality was slightly higher from Printfection. http://www.printfection.com/ http://www.vistaprint.ca/t-shirts-multi-product.aspx?dr=1&GP=1%2f1%2f2013+12%3a46%3a47+PM&GPS=2690834382&GNF=1
  3. There is only one thing better than catching your first chrome... and that is CATCHING MORE of them LOL. Every time I break out a new rod or hit the streams for the first time in a while it is just like catching that first fish all over again. I can't understand the people who say they get tired of it.
  4. Bayfield was frozen Saturday... not sure about now.
  5. Took my dad out for some chrome fishing on Monday and I broke out a "new" 11.5ft IM8 black Swan company noodle rod, that I purchased 5 yrs or so ago, and had sitting in the closet. I bought it because it was such a deal at the time and keep it in the plastic in case I happened to break another of my rods (haven't had any breaks luckily)... Finally after reading on here a while back that nobody uses noodle rods anymore I decided to use it to see if I could figure out why... noodle rods are passe? I didn't "warm" it up but I have to say after going 2 for 2 with an 8lb hen and 5lb male in some pretty strong cross current at the end of my favorite pier it didn't lack more than enough power for what I generally catch. BTW didn't get what was wrong with using a noodle rod either, had a blast playing those fish. Then yesterday I went out fishing with a friend who has an 8ft clarius and who is looking to upgrade to a longer rod in the same series. After checking out his 8ft which has to weigh about 4 to 5 ozs more than the 11.5ft swan I couldn't imagine fishing all day with a longer clunkier clarius, but maybe I am just getting old LOL. Even my crappy old 11.5ft Shakespeare Catera is lighter than the 8ft shimano my friend has... + I would definitely go for a streamside as a starter rod over the clarius unless you need the 4pc to fit in the car.
  6. Have you tried using a red light? I have a 3 setting headlamp and on the red setting the worms don't react so they don't stand a chance when I pick em. Which is good because I am not as quick as I used to be LOL.
  7. Ontario is unique for auto insurance because the Insurance industry here pay out the most of any jurisdiction in Canada and they LIKE doing it too. This is still true even with the reductions in our coverage from 2010 that were supposed to drop our rates. Here is the condensed version of facts that makes auto insurance a BAD deal for customers in Ontario. A while back the insurance CEO's sat down the boys in parliment and told them they were going to stop covering autos..... Unless the province guaranteed them a 12% return AFTER ALL THEIR claims were paid out. The reason they demanded the 12% "profit" after claims and "claims only" was because at that time they could have put the money into bonds and made around a 12% return. Politicans being stupid agreed even though there were two major flaws with this arrangement. First with the 12% being guaranteed AFTER claims that meant that for the next renewal the insurance company could raise rates to meet any shortfall to top up to 12%. It also meant that if an insurance company cracked down on fraudulent or any claims paid out for that matter they would actually HAVE to charge customers less the next year. Now they might be greedy but insurance companies aren't stupid because the margin of 12% on a million after claims doesn't look as nice on the bottom line for shareholders as 12% on a billion!!! So at no time do they have ANY incentive to cut payouts on claims dispite what they might want us to believe, because the math doesn't lie. The second flaw with their argument about needing 12% to match would they would have gotten in the bond market is two fold. Firstly, they would NOT have HAD any money from auto claims to put in the bond market if they stopped insuring cars, but the politicans didn't seem to grasp that part. Secondly now in the bond market if you are a frigging investing savant you might get a 3% return? So now the companies are enjoying about 8 to 10% more than they could in the bond market. Of course they have to cover the losses they took by diving into the junk mortgage market a few years back. So until a government gets the stones to say to the industry sink or swim without the 12% guarantee after your claims are paid out, our rates for auto insurance will continue to sky rocket, because the more they spend out the more they can charge the following year. Also if you don't get insurance the government will charge you and the industry will punish you with even higher rates when you do knuckle under.
  8. There is NO water in any of the rivers by there, when I was up there Monday.... So I would doubt that 5 to 10mm will cause any of them to be that badly blown. I am going to fish somewhere up there Monday regardless before the meeting in Goderich to discuss shore fishing access at 4PM 57 west st the higher the numbers the better the chance we will get some places opened back up that Rowland Howe has closed off to us.
  9. If they stole it "to order" for the Eastern block gangs, them putting the wrong wings on it and trying to fly it would be the least of their problems... Failure like that, in organizations like those is not usually rewarded in a way anyone wants LOL.
  10. No wonder I never catch any fish my line must be too light.... I use 8lb Raven Hi-vis green mainline now on all my reels including spinning love being able to see the line do things before the rod tip moves while perch fishing and bottom fishing for steelhead. I also use 4lb or 6lb Varnish for leaders for chrome... Or is it Vanish? Not supposed to work for leaders in any event, but then I seem to be catching more fish than my friends who use really really expensive line and leader material.
  11. If you fish in Goderich and can make it to the meeting on Dec.3 at 1600hrs and voice your opinions it might help get public access opened up. http://www.bayshorebroadcasting.ca/news_item.php?NewsID=52145 Too many places are being closed to shore access everyone should fight for each one when and where they can.
  12. Unfortunately finding one rod that is GREAT at all aspects of steelheading is all but impossible, since Shakespeare stopped making the Catera line of rods. The 11.5 ft model is perfect for drilling even the heaviest of spoons all night long. Then in the morning you can rig it for bottom bouncing or still fishing. As a float rod in moderate sized streams it is excellent. The reason it can do all these things is a design feature I haven't seen on any other rod. All but the last 4 eyes on the rod are single foot which gives it incredible sensitivity, while the other eyes are double foot which give the rod incredible back bone and power to turn large fish. For incredible toughness and strength it is IM-8 but it weighs almost 3.5 ozs more than my 11.5 IM-8 Swan noodle rod (which is only good for float fishing). Another huge plus for the Catera is the short butt which doesn't get caught on clothing like many steelhead rods with long butts do. All for a rod that cost 69.95 I wish I had of bought more of them LOL. Quantam makes a great 10.5 ft rod for float fishing small streams with a Michigan handle 55.00 at Angler Outfitters, and for chucking spoons and bottom bouncing/still fishing if you can find a shimano 10.5 ft convergence for around 65.00 with a michigan handle you should be able to cover just about any situation you mentioned. If you are however hooked on Steelheading you better save some room in your storage area as your collection of rods will surely grow... I never go out without my Catera and one of my Swan rods along but I also have 5 no 6 other rods that I switch things up with from time to time LOL.
  13. When someone comes up and asks, "How is the fishing?" I say, "Great when I catch this next one I will have one..."
  14. I don't know what species it might have been, but in the spring in an inner harbour up on Lake Huron huge schools of emerald shiners were in close to some rocks and for about 3 weeks every morning just after dawn the predators would come in and you could see thousands of minnows explode on the surface trying to escape. Some would jump high enough to wind up on the rocks and they would have flip back into the water. During that time just about any type of predator fish you could name from Lake Huron were caught in decent numbers as the bait was so plentiful.
  15. I don't cure and I find I get the best results by tying all the roe at once as soon as I get it. I keep it fresh tied in the fridge for up to a week if I know I am going to get back out, if not then freeze it in containers big enough for a trip... If you tie it first before freezing you don't have to worry about tying roe that is really sticky which happens as the cells rupture from freezing. Also if you are out and run low on roe you can take a yarnie and run it around the plastic container where some of the gooey goodness has escaped as the eggs thawed.... and hang on when you send one of those through a drift.
  16. If you would have posted the name of the trib it would be easy to help you.... Of course if you were fishing illegally then it wouldn't look too good either LOL.
  17. A lot of good points but everyone is missing the most important part of this new deal.... Will Mariko still have a show and are abu's bikinis skimpier than shimanos? Lets focus on what is really important here LOL.
  18. Kitchener area has lots of river fishing close by, kids will have no problem catching "something" in a lot of spots... And you are only about 1.5hrs or less from some of the best steelheading, perch and bass fishing in the province on 3 of the Great Lakes.
  19. The biggest tip I can offer you is to go and spend 20 minutes or so practicing casting before you go out into a crowd on a river. I didn't and when I hit the river I just couldn't get the float out far enough the first. Luckily a buddy on the river showed what I was doing wrong and I waded down away from the best drifts practiced what he showed me for a few minutes moved back into the good drift and caught a shaker in less than a half hour. I probably could have done better by practicing first though because by the time I got the hang of it all the fish in the pool had been thrashed by 10 other anglers....
  20. Awesome catch!!! Amazing how strong they are. I got one about 3ft long this summer fishing overnight for perch on lake Erie. Definitely a blast on the 6lb line I was using.
  21. I would say 6 to 8 as well. Mainly because by it's colour it seems to have been in the "river" for a while. It might have been close to 10 in it's prime though.
  22. You must have great Christmas celebrations if catching your first Salmon isn't better than a few of them... and worth screaming about a little. My first was on a pier a few years back and it was another gale force wind kind of day, so I kept saying to myself that if I got one on and stood up out of my chair I should immediately knock the chair over so the wind wouldn't have it parasail into the lake.... Got one on stood up watched the fish jump and out of the corner of my eye saw my chair go over the edge, because I totally forgot about knocking it over once the thrill of the fight started. Another angler caught the chair on his line and let it sink to the bottom while I fought and finally landed the fish after about 20 minutes. So after unhooking the cleo, from the fish it was time to pull up the chair, by now a third angler had arrived and he said he would go down the ladder and grab the chair if I would give him the fish. I said cut the line I can buy a new chair for 15 bucks but that fish was the first king I had ever landed.... He said he had to ask but screw it and scampered down the ladder anyway just as his chair blew by him and into the water. I cast for it and was able to pull it over so he got it back too. There was a lot of hollering and screaming on my part that day too as I was fighting that fish...
  23. I never heard of using a forearm but have been using the same blade for over 6 months by stropping it on the leg of a old pair of jeans. The only problem is if you get too aggressive while stropping you can pull off the strip on the bottom of the blade that is supposed to raise the hair as you cut it. Razor blade cartridges were engineered to be a cash cow for the manufacturers and I like that something this simple cuts into their greed.
  24. IMO the only reason it is a 5 fish limit on big water is because of Charters... Who is going to pay 200+ bucks a day to go out and only get a maximum of 2 fish? NOT enough anglers to keep the Charters in business, and they have a lobby. Also with the commercial net draggers killing everything and anything on the Great Lakes sport fishing is a non starter on effecting the resource IMO again. If you want real conservation get your MP and MPP to draft up legislation to buy out the commercial guys and lets get that done first then we can worry about 5 fish limits.
  25. To maximize the amout of time your spoons glow grab a uv money checker light at a dollar store. Those cheap uv lights are the cheapest and best light source to make any spoon glow much longer than a camera flash. It must work great because any time I show someone one of mine they wind up going home with it somehow...
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