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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Yes you are correct!!! But the mainstream media doesn't publish that info willingly either unfortunately.
  2. I don't agree with the 400 million being given away or the 1.1 Billion that was wasted. What I do agree with though is that both the Liberal and Conservatives were GOING to close those plants to get elected in those ridings. It just so happens the Liberals "won" only to lose big time once the truth came out. It is complete insanity that about 100 people with money who lived near the proposed plants had the ability to cause this financial fiasco. Another thing I don't understand is how come the people who got the buy out money aren't being put of our business, due to public outrage. They should be boycotted into bankruptcy after gouging us the tax payer for something they didn't even have to deliver? Do those losers, not have a shred of dignity either? I guess when you wine and dine politicans to get those lucrative contracts it like lying down with dogs you get fleas too... Remember the next time you get upset about this, that money went to companies and people who didn't for what ever reason full fill what they promised, but they cashed the cheque anyhow. To me that is just as low as the politics of it. I could see them having there "proven actual" costs covered but anything more is just morally wrong. As for the horsey deal, the real story isn't about the 400 million being given to horse racing.... The real story is the actuaries at OLG discovered that losing horse racing tracks and popularity will cause the "CASINOS" at the race tracks to lose money from other games. The 400 million is probably revenue neutral if you look at what the OLG makes off other games at the tracks. The press can't mention that though because people might realize they almost always lose more than they win if they keep gambling. The OLG contributes 1.7 to 2 Billion annually in profit to the government and some of those funds do go to food banks and other things mentioned. The other small upside of horse racing surviving is it will tick P3TA off and that is always a good thing for outdoorsman. If they spend more time and money fighting the sport of kings it is less attention giving to stopping fishing.
  3. It is such a subjective thing. I love using cheap rapala knives because they ARE CHEAP LOL. I can drop em and I don't care. I can hand it over to some hack on the pier who will hack the rocks as he cleans his fish. I keep em sharp and they do the job. However my dad decided he was going to get me a quality knife as a gift for my birthday a year ago. Well it got lost in shipping so he panicked and picked up a fancy looking Berkley set that had a sharpener and pliers. Long story short it sat in the closet until one day I arrived home with 30 perch to clean and I hadn't been to sleep in over 30 hrs (don't knock insomnia my friends you can get a lot done if you don't sleep). Having a major brainfart I couldn't find my steel or sharpener so I decided to open up the Berkley knife and try it. WORST piece of crap I have ever held in my hand to "fillet" a fish, and I have worked in kitchens for over 35 yrs using Nella knives so I know crappy knives. I was like stunned at how bad it was at filleting way to flexible and the curve from the tip was just all wrong.... I sharpened it just in case and that made it worse somehow. Anyhow since I was working alone I decided to fillet all the fish just using my trusty but getting duller by the minute rapala and remove all the skins after. As luck would have it I accidently picked up the Berkley and before I realized what I was doing I used it when I started skinning. All the things that made me hate it for filleting made it just about perfect for skinning perch. WHO KNEW? If I ever get rich I will sit down with a knive artisan and have them make me 2 knives for cleaning fish. One normal 6.5" or 7" for trout, small mouth and walleye. Then a 4" blade but with the exact same handle as on the bigger knive for perch. I don't get why all the manufacturers insist on matching small blades with tiny handles. Balance be damned I want something I can hang on to but with a smaller blade for smaller fish.
  4. As mentioned you can buy packs of tubing with all different sizes. I found it to be one of the better investments in fishing tackle. Mainly because I have found just as many floats as I have lost over the years. The found ones don't always come in the size and shape you purchase LOL...
  5. I have been extremely lucky myself with respect to health care. However at a recent extended family fish fry the subject came up and it wasn't long before we all realized just how lucky we all were to be living in Canada. After looking at it out of 16 of my aunts and uncles along with my parents it was painful to see how all but one Aunt and Uncle would not have had to declare personal bankruptcy if they lived in the States.... It was shocking to think about. 8 of those people would have lost their U.S. style benefits when the plants they had worked at for over 20yrs closed, and 7 of them probably got cancer from working in those places. It was a real eye opener to just how good we have it here.
  6. I got mine at the pool supply store a few years ago. Now they only carry the new light aluminum handles with the plastic screw heads for mops, and paint bushes. I would check out out RV camping places too? I switched to the button clips for two reasons. One morning I arrived at "THE" spot and could not figure out why no one else was there yet. It was still dark so I broke out the rod, baited up, put on the glow stick and cast out. I set the rod down and turned to get my net put together. I grabbed my rod just as it headed over the side about 10 seconds later. I set the hook heard a huge splash. Could tell I had something interesting on. I then shone my light around the river and saw that the posts were still in. (that explained why no one else was fishing there) So I had to put my net together with a wingnut while holding the rod with my knees, fighting the fish so it wouldn't wrap around the posts. Anyhow I got the net together landed a huge rainbow buck. Released the fish and swore to myself I would find a better way to put my net together. The next morning I went to a different spot, but had NOT done anything about the net. Not being a total moron I put the net together first. I was watching lots of fish jump so I wasn't paying too close attention. I then walked out on to a dock which had a hollow post at the end of it. I set the net into the hole in the post and started to fish. I got one on in about 10 minutes. Nice hen, played it until was ready to net. Reached for the net and when I pulled it up. I discovered I had not put the wingnut through a hole and heard a splash as the bottom extension fell into water in the post.... So to land the hen I had to walk it around 12 floating docks back to the boat launch which was the closest place that I knew I could reach the water or beach the fish. I got to dock 4 before someone else showed up with a net. LOL... I stopped at the first pool supply store I saw on my way home. Haven't looked back since. As for cutting myself I never did on my net but I have seen more than one person do it while using someone else's net for the first time. I have also seen more than one fishing party looking for the wingnut or bolt that was lost. One friend solved this problem by using spring cotter pins but another friend sliced himself on one of those after a few wobbly pops and trying to net his first salmon... Wow just checked on amazon.com button clip is .85 and shipping is almost 10.00 bucks not very cost effective LOL http://www.amazon.com/tubing-60-1-12-52-1-12-Square-Single/dp/B002PTQLOS/ref=pd_sim_sbs_misc_4
  7. Go to a pool supply store and see if they have old school aluminum skimmer handle extensions. Take your net and see if it happens to fit inside the extension. If it does just by a button spring clip for inside the net end, and drill the holes in the extension where you want them. then you should be good to go. I customized my net to fit exactly in my car so the handle doesn't have to sit between the front seats. I also found that a standard shower rod fit exactly inside the extension handle. So I bought another button spring clip put it inside the shower rod section. Now I have a 15ft net way sturdier than any of the newer paint roller/broom handle deals that people cobble together and mine doesn't have wingnuts sticking out, cutting people and geting lost. The best part was the price the clips were 3 bucks each, the extension was 2.80 a foot and the shower rod was one I was going to throw out anyhow.
  8. The sad truth is there are fish that can't be stopped unless you are using a telephone pole and straight 50lb braid. My cousins who have moved out to B.C. just laught at my gear. They ask what are you fishing for with those toothpicks, bait? Chrome will as noted dive for the bottom and use anything on it to cut a line. One section of a trib I fish is flat rock bottom covered with zebra mussels and landing 3 to 4 in every 10 fish hooked there is a real feat. The IMPORTANT part is you are hooking fish!!!! Learning to control them will come in time. One thing I would check is to wrap your leaders around you hands and snap it to see if it is a problem with them snapping under the head shakes. Carp just pull they don't usually cause high impact shocks like chrome do. One spring I had switched to a new type of leader material and lost about 5 fish one mornning. I could NOT break the knots by pulling them to test it, but a quick snap and it would break everytime. I went back to my old leader material and landed every fish that afternoon.
  9. Not sure what pattern to use, but if you hit the right trib at the right time, you will see some guys with fly rods. The second last time I saw a guy fly fishing for chrome, I was with a few of my friends, we bottom bounce, bottom fish and pin. We were all laughing because we had NEVER seen anyone get a fish with a fly rod at that location. We had all seen trees, other anglers the fly fisher catching himself, but none of us could honestly recall seeing one land a fish there at that particular spot. Well after the guy with the fly rod hooked 20 fish in about 90 minutes, and landed more than half of them, we decided that fly fishing can work there LOL... Although the next time I saw him we went 9 for 13 and he was skunked for 3hrs in the same run before he left. I suspect that like all chrome fishing, watching what works and putting your own twist on it, will usually work. I find the majority of anglers on the Huron tribs will help a person out if they say hello politely and share a few tips first.
  10. I perfer wholewheat wraps... I use breaded hot or cold breaded perch , just a bit of shaved red onion, mixed greens I like a bitter mixture. Then for dressing usually I make a maple, dijon mayo combo. When I make a tomato based salsa I use half yellow tomato (less acid), and red tomato concasse. red onion, cilantro, lime, jalapeno and a few black beans...
  11. I think the possibility exists that Walt figured if he did get caught, even after he and Skyler made the tape, they needed other options. So he or even she might have come up with fighting in front of Jr to help keep her free to raise Holly. They had plenty of time after Hank let Walt know he was on to him to come up with lots of scenarios. Sure Walt has been steaming for awhile, and he made a HUGE mistake going out to meet Jesse at the money.... However, this is STILL the guy who figured out so many situations before hand and had ways to deal with them that were creative to say the least wouldn't you say? Also, I didn't see Skyler being nearly as broken up about Holly being "taken" as she should have been, so that could have been planned too. Or maybe Anna Gunn just can't act...
  12. Walt had to burn Jesse because he "RATTED" what else would an empire building crime boss do? LOL Too bad Todd decided to keep Jesse as his new pet. Notice Jesse didn't get a hazard suit to cook with Todd better watch his suit's air hose..... Apparently Vince Gilligan is amazed that team Walt still thinks Walt is basically a good guy according to Dean Norris, so he is writing Walt up as the best/WORST anti hero in tv history. He had my vote until, Walt's over the top get out of jail free card for Skyler that just happened to be conveniently recorded by the police. No jury in the world is going to convict Skyler of anything after Saul plays that recording in court... Unless Ted shows up.... Did anyone else think the "knife" fight was staged so Jr could get up on the stand and say my dad attacked mommy and only I saved her. Giving Skyler even more leverage to stay out of jail? I think the look of shock on Walt's face from the cut was because it was an accident and not how he and Sklyer had rehearsed it....
  13. LOL and you thought fishing was all fun and games. Seriously though I haven't gotten a "salmon" with roe in a few years mainly because I don't target them too aggressively, (sickening watching the snagging and other antics that go on) My roe usually comes from trout. It is nothing for me to tie 100 to 150 bags or so while watching a movie...
  14. Absolutely true about the goopy mess if you freeze any kind of roe that isn't water hardened or cured... I hate that problem. So I tie it all, and freeze it that night. Or if I am going out in the next few days I leave some in the fridge (no more than 5 days). Since I usually only fish with 2 or 3 people along using it up before it spoils has never been an issue. The only drawback to my method is I might have wanted slightly larger or smaller bags and more of one colour. Too avoid the goop though I gladly live with those limitations.
  15. Sounds right that it didn't freeze because of the sugar (ever tried to freeze honey solid?) Personally I don't cure, but I do tie it all and usually freeze it the day I get the roe. When I started out I got baffled by all the different cures everyone swore by. Then I talked to an older guy who had been "catching" everytime I I saw him while I was usually just fishing. He explained a few things that he noticed I was doing wrong.... ie "Your damn leader is too short!!! Fish don't LOOK DOWN, son they can't." So I looked at the fish he continued to land and release and he was right their eyes didn't seem to be made to look down LOL. So once I followed that advice, he realized I wasn't too stubborn, or stupid to learn. He passed on a few other gems about salmanoid fishing, one of which was. "Why bother curing roe? Do you think that BEFORE we fishermen started using it cured fish weren't interested in it, or did we start using it because it was something the fish wanted just the way it was?" That appealed to my lazy nature and I have followed that advice ever since....
  16. The Maitland... Was good... Is good? I don't know about this year the Mine/Port Authority will NOT stop messing around with construction and dropping tons and tons of rocks in the harbour, which unfortunately also holds the mouth of the river. Hopefully all that nonsense won't have impacted the entrance habitat for the fish to the river. Last winter it was some good times, pinning, bottom bouncing, chucking spoons and generally keeping the local tackle store in business LOL. Since we couldn't fish the rocks in the spring we were on the steelwall one morning. Between my dad and I, I had to retie 11 times, while we were bottom bouncing!!! We did catch 3 fish, although they were all "tiny" compared to the monster one eight year old girl caught who was fishing with her dad had caught. It was three times as long as she was wide. She wasn't shy about showing us how much better she had done either LOL By far the most important thing I caught that morning though, was about 80 ft of 60lb braid when I managed to break the hook. I pulled it in and it had about 6 lines wrapped up on it. Far fewer snags after that and I thought braid never broke off.... It sure was cutting our 6lb test mono to ribbons. Up river there definitely is some awesome fishing, the harder the walk the better the opportunities in so many spots!!!
  17. We know it is the long weekend because we are getting Cascrewed again. (Cascrewed is being screwed by big oil because we are Canadian) In the US the average price of gas is down this year over last year on the Labor Day weekend. While in Canada it is UP just because they can do it to us.... http://tomorrowsgaspricetoday.com/ http://www.weartv.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/gas-prices-down-labor-day-weekend-35443.shtml
  18. I got both of my lindy's at the local CTC and never have had a problem with the worm deflating... I used to use syringes but everyone would borrow it and not return the cap so it became more trouble than it was worth to carry them. I don't lend out the lindy for the same reason.
  19. Done
  20. Wow who gets this 550,000.00 to "practice" building a silent sled? All you have to do is just go to to Homeliest Despot and snap up all the toro rechargeable mowers on sale right now for 84 bucks wire enough of them up in series to power a broken down sled you picked up on Kijiji for hauling it away and there you go DONE. Oh sorry forgot it would have to painted stealth camo for the arctic. Then cash the cheque for a 1/2 million bucks.... Is it too late to bid on this? Stevo and Jimbob are supposed to be CONSERVATIVE with our money this looks like another huge fail to me.
  21. I don't see how any garage can automatically fail a vehicle with a check engine light on when the Ministry says in some cases the car could still pass, depending on the reason for the light. Maybe the garages that are handing out auto fails for it should be sent back for retraining as they obviously didn't get it right the first time. A few thousand dollar fine might smarten them up too.
  22. Yeah you have to look through the bag first LOL On a similar note the one thing I miss most about paper grocery bags is I used to do hand cut fries then put them in a paper sack with Lawrys and Parmesan cheese, and shake them up. It is better for the waist line though because now I can only find the small paper lunch bags so I have do smaller batches of fries. The strange thing is if you don't use a paper bag it doesn't work nearly as well, I think because most of the excess oil winds up on the bag. When I have tried doing it in bowl everyone says it just isn't the same...
  23. Wow that is a horrible string of weather calamities... Seems like the weather is getting worse all over Ontario too. I had a huge branch that would of totalled my car fall just a foot from it Thursday night. I have never seen winds that strong from that direction in the 15yrs I have lived here, mainly because the surrounding buildings usually block wind from even hitting the tree not this time though.
  24. The guys I fish with are having the same debate as well. I won't make any predictions this year because the weather has been so strange. I am just waiting until I hear the water temps are in the range at the mouths and then will give it a go. It could snow or be 40C next week the way things have so far this summer LOL.
  25. LOL good point about not shaking too roughly... I shake more like I am handling nitro, than when throttling the idiot who stepped on my favourite trout rod and broke it for example. Surprisingly you won't get any bread balls with this mixture using it as the first coat it is much too fine and doesn't clump like wheat flour will.
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