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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Oil will last for a long time if you filter it and store it in an airtight container. Canola fryer oil is the cheapest and will work great, but it does go off eventually. So after you have stored the oil just taste it cold before using it to make sure you aren't going to ruin any food you are going to cook in it.
  2. Umm once you see the cost involved with filling it with oil and the propane you likely won't be doing it every week either. A lot of people in the south though share the cost of the oil and propane by having 3 or 4 families do their turkeys one after another.... Makes is a lot more economical.
  3. When you have used your oil a couple times and it is about at the end of it's life.... You can get extra value out of it by doing a couple of things you wouldn't want to do when it was fresh. If you like farmer sausages for breakfast buy 20 lbs or so and simmer them in water in the small pot until cooked. Then heat the oil and BROWN them in the deep fryer for a few minutes. Freeze them on apart on cookie sheets and then bag them in meal sized lots. Reheat the sausages in the microwave on lower power for few minutes on a paper towels. Once you get the microwaving part down you can have eggs and farmer sausage for breakfast in about 5 minutes. Another thing to cook off in large quantities at the end of the oils life are meatballs. THERE is NO better way to get a perfectly browned, not dried out meatball than in a deep fryer. Use your own recipe or buy frozen uncooked one and once they are cooked again freeze them on cookies sheets covered with waxed paper. Once frozen put them in meal sized packages. One thing that goes GREAT with deep fried turkey or fish are buttermilk onion rings..... Cut a large onion into 3/8" slices break apart and soak in buttermilk overnight in the fridge. In a large ziplock mix 2 cups all purpose flour 2/3 corn starch 1 TBSP Lawrys seasoning salt Drain the buttermilk from the onions. Toss the onion rings in the flour mixture in small batches and separate them on a cookie sheet place them in the fridge for 10 minutes to set the coating. Then deep fry until golden. They will only have a thin coating but people will gorge on them. You can use the exact same recipe for fried chicken just add more of your favourite seasonings to the mix. If you like spicy food instead of buttermilk, coat the chicken with Franks red hot sauce instead but do not leave in the hot sauce for more than 5 to 10 minutes. If using wings cook at 350 F if using bigger pieces then cook at a lower temperature around 330 to 340F, so it will cook the chicken before it gets too dark.. Make sure though to thoroughly coat each piece of chicken with the flour mixture by reaching in and gently squeezing the flour mixture onto each one. Again for best results after coating lay out apart on a sheet and set the coating by refrigerating for 10 minutes to 1/2 an hour before frying. If you have fish n chips made in the fryer you have to have deep fried mars bars/snickers or turtles afterward at least once. Chill your chocolate bars or turtles in the fridge. I like to use bite sized bars myself. I developed a chocolate batter because the standard fish batter most people tend to use is just wrong LOL. Chocolate Batter Ingredients: 12 Fun Size Mars or Snicker Bars cook better than full sized ones IMO 1 cup plain flour 1/2 cup corn starch A pinch of baking soda 2 Tablespoons Sugar Dark Chocolate Milk Oil for deep frying Directions: Chill the chocolate bar by keeping it in the fridge, but don't freeze it. Mix the flour, corn starch and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) together. Add Dark Chocolate milk mixing until you get a batter with the consistency of Heavy cream Do NOT make the batter too thin. Heat the Fryer until the light shuts off or set at 350 F if you have temp control Remove wrapper from chilled chocolate bar. Coat them with all purpose flour to help the batter stick Then dip completely in batter use a chocolate dipping fork if you have one Carefully lower into hot oil and fry until golden brown. Serve, with ice cream and caramel sauce, if you're so inclined. Last item to try are homemade panzerottis. Find a bakery that will sell you wholewheat pizza dough for a really amazing result. I used to buy 24oz frozen wholewheat pizza dough from Buns Master. Do up and fry off a few dozen then freeze them. You won't waste your time buying hot pockets ever again.
  4. On the beach I have caught lots of salmon at night, and the odd one off the piers. Everyone once in a while we get into a run of rainbows at night too, but mostly in the fall. A few of the guys I fish with like to get there around 2am and fish until 9am or so. Lots of fun when you get spooled at night and never see what it was. What really sucks is sitting there in the dark and hearing 100's of fishing jumping and not a bite for 5 or 6 hrs LOL.
  5. Maybe after the divorce all he/she had left was the vett and sled. How else were they supposed to deliver the sled once they sold it...? Ultimate towing training vehicle... OF WHAT NOT to do.
  6. Welcome to the board. You are in a great area as mentioned. Try any of the Lake Erie Ports with a pier near you for perch from late May till September depending on the year. If you can catch minnows at the same place you should be laughing. Once you get in with the crowd at a couple of them they will point you onto to other opportunities... Some of them will even appreciate having someone to join them on the longer drives and share gas, lies about what you caught before, and new memories. From the start of the Detroit River on Erie to start of the St. Clair river on Huron is some of the best fishing in the province. Just a matter of taking the time to find the spots you can fish along the way.
  7. In the past I used to drive roughly an hour each way to go fishing minimum 2 times a week sometimes I would go 3 or 4. Occasionally a buddy and I would drive 3 hrs one way to fish over Saturday night into Sunday if we both had Monday off. I am lucky in that I am situated about an equal distance between the places I like to go on both Lake Erie and Huron. This year with having my hours cut in half I am fishing less, with more time than ever to go. The cost of gas, lunches, bait when we can't catch our own, along with the incredibly horrible lack of fish every time I could get out has me fishing maybe twice a month now. Hopefully, the fall chrome season will be better, but I am not counting on it. I have NEVER seen a year where I have heard, they were just jumping on the pier yesterday you should have been here then... so many times LOL.
  8. Brings back some memories for me. I got a mitchell 304 as a hand me down from my dad. Great reel it always sounded like you were grinding forks in a garbage disposal but it never failed me LOL. Probably still works if I could find it among the bag of other reels I have.
  9. Seems about right for someone who has never been in a garden much less the wilderness... One time my sister was babysitting a lad of 8 for the summer. Whose mother was here in town acting at the festival. He had only ever been in Toronto until then. So my Dad decides we should teach him to fish, and we made plans to head out one night about 6PM to a spot where you could always catch something and quickly. As we are driving out to the ole fishing hole about 10 miles out of town. The lad jumps up off the seat and into the back of the stationwagon and goes LOOK AT THOSE.... THOSE WHATEVER they are!!!!!!. Those would be dairy cows. So Dad decided we should turn around and take him around him over to the farm where my Uncle was working part time as a dairy hand. Talk about having someone have their head explode, when we showed him the milking process that evening... He was a smart kid just never had ever been exposed to ANYTHING RURAL. Every time I saw him years later on the sit com he wound up working on, or in a couple movies he has been in lately. I always get a chuckle about how his lack of country knowledge cost us a fishing trip... LOL.
  10. I used to fish alone all the time so I never had a set time to leave... If I woke up in the middle of the night I would just go fish in the dark on the pier rather than toss and turn. Now my Dad always comes along and so we have a set time to head out. It is tough when you wake up 2 hrs before but have to wait around, but more than worth it for the company. I can wake up to fish with about an hours sleep no PROBLEM totally read to go, but for work even 8 hrs isn't enough some days so that is how I know I still have the fire.
  11. LOL I do that too, but it has gotten to the point that I NO LONGER do it until someone gives me a USB stick to do it with. If you give someone 4 or 5 seasons of a series even if they give it back when they are done it still takes a while to get it back. And if you mail them to family you don't see that often the post office employees seem feel entitled to scoop them out of the mail stream, instead of delivering them.
  12. Sorry about your luck but if you can be caught the easiest because you are the slowest then can you blame them? LOL Seriously, I don't boat but I have seen a few times when it appears the OPP's that are out seem to be treating it as a paid vacation day...
  13. 30GB as a limit won't work with Netflix... Your overage charges will kill any savings. If you do want to use Netflix you would have to increase your limit, by switching providers or using another offer from one to get Bell to raise your limit with them. Not sure what options you have around you but getting a decent cable connection with 200-300 GB shouldn't cost more than 55.00 a month including taxes. So if you can cancel or reduce your cable package to get a higher GB limit and Netflix for the same money you are paying then it makes sense. I started using freephone.ca for voip last August and got rid of my phone bill totally after paying 130.00 to set it up. I then dropped my Satellite package to the lowest one Shaw offers, but increased my internet to use the voip and d/l anything I want to watch that isn't on Shaw. So I went from paying 28.00 for home phone, 44.00 for internet and 67.00 for satellite. To 41.00 for shaw (which I am going to cancel next month, as there just isn't anything worth watching on the minimum package anymore) and 51.00 for internet.... For the longest time I just paid the bills when they came in and didn't really look at if I was getting any real value for the money. Then I got my hours cut at work and so I started to really examine where my money was going. I was paying over 1668.00 a year and will have cut it to 612.00 for a year next month with no real change except I have to pick and choose the media I want to watch.
  14. Don't take this personally but any person doing 200KPH on our public roads in any vehicle is a friggin IDIOT with no regard for others or themselves... If they were good drivers they would never think of doing those speeds anywhere but on a race track...
  15. You haven't used live soft shelled crayfish then... But leeches are good too.
  16. Yes. More than once I placed my order and was.... waiting... waiting. Thinking should I go down and see if he is OK, but he always came back eventually. Great guy to deal with.
  17. LOL I know lots of businesses who don't have a clue about the laws that govern them. The only bait dealer Stratford had, before he retired, told me the only reason the ban was put on U.S. leeches was because the guys with licences to catch them here were PO'ed about the imports. That after they had caught the years crop and sold it the imports were available.... After hearing that I asked a guy with such a licence and he said darn right why should the U.S. sellers be able to supply us after we have caught all we can and made our money? I said I don't know so I could fish with leeches after July when the Canadian supply was all gone around here LOL.
  18. I have ordered from the US site and found most of the time since they build out west that, ordering from the US was still the cheaper option overall in many cases. I don't expect that to change just because they have a store in Barrie. The Canadian arm of Cabelas just seems to feel that we will pay more up here if you get it shipped IMO. Of course now the exchange is higher so pricing up here will have to increase to compensate for that.... I am hoping to eventually get to the store though to check out the fit of their guide wear so I know what to order when the U.S. has their next half sale, since I was totally unimpressed by the pricing on it for their GRAND opening special..
  19. increased commercial fishing licence fees This is the idea I like the higher the better too. Hit the netters all of THEM till they bleed as hard as the they make the resource bleed.... I will gladly pay for my dad's license if they make seniors pay, just to enjoy his company while out fishing. I would also pay double for mine if they can PROVE to me that the money goes toward protecting and stocking fish.
  20. Sharks aren't just predators they are in the food chain too.... Again anything could have knocked the tag off and a friggin mackerel could have eaten it if it was shiny. I don't think the people tagging it did to many stress tests to see just how attached the tag was ( I know I would saying HEY BOSS on WORRIES that tag is IN THERE really good, now can I get my 8.25 an hour LOL)
  21. You aren't driving by any Costco's on the way? I would stop at one of them if you quality at a good price...
  22. Unfortunately the 85 people who own just slightly more than 50% of the world's wealth say NOPE not on our watch. They want every oz of oil on the planet used up, before they will allow any alternatives to cut into their cash cow. The old I got mine no one else will ever get there's mentality. Remember Rudolf, not the reindeer, but the diesel engine inventor. He got on a boat with plans for a gasoline engine that was going to use 1/2 the fuel or less of any motor at the time and was never seen again and POOF the plans went wherever he did. The truth is if that invention had any real potential for wide spread use we would NEVER have even heard about it LOL. Now with my tinfoil hat off, If I win the lotto I am definitely doing the log cabin parking lot and yard with that stuff though.... Unless that whole cold fusion thing pans out.
  23. I haven't lost anything too valuable just a pain to replace some of it. 1) Steelhead fishing off a dock in a marina I thought I would be clever and put my net in the hole of the post at the end of the dock.... I had put it together in the dark, I set it in the hole turned made my first cast after light, heard a faint splash. Yep I had missed putting the lock washer through the hole is the top part of the shaft so the bottom half went into the guck of a bottom like a hot knife through butter never to be seen again... Finished fishing that morning with a 3ft net that wouldn't reach the water, went 2 for 7 mainly because no one was around with another net for a few hours... DOH. 2) Left my 6ft minnnow net on top a parking barrier at Port Bruce one morning after fishing overnight onetime.... Got home and realized what I had done, so I called a few friends who were there that morning asked if anyone had picked it up. NO one I talked to had seen it, so I went replaced it, after a nap by driving an hour to the closest store that had them in stock, took it to the guy who welds them so they won't open and have the arms come out, all in a rush. So I could go back fishing later that week. I get there, start dipping for minnows and a buddy walks by and says, Oh I see your net back from a lady we fish with. I say no this is new, I just bought it and made it up the same as what I had before. He goes nice it looks the exact same, but she has the old one. She told me to tell you but I forgot until just now. Anyhow it took about a month to hook up with the gal who had my old net, but I got it back. ( I have a big red and white buoy on the rope so the rope will float if it comes off someone's wrist when they are using it, I have had to drag it back in 3 times so far, I guess telling people that the loop on the end is for their wrist doesn't sink it... That red and white buoy is how she knew it was my net though so it has more than paid for itself. LOL) 3) Steelheading with my dad on a pier, I was so happy for him as he finally has got one on after about 5 trips where I have done really well and he has just been a bystander... My happiness was sort lived though as I look over and the rings holding his reel have slipped and his reel is the river. I net the reel we get it back on the rod and start reeling fish was LONG GONE. Later that day the rod handle got caught under his coat and in it went with the reel AGAIN. Rescued it with the landing net. Next day went and got him a Michigan handled rod with a PROPER locking reel seat and no issues since. 4) Had a buddy lose EVERYTHING he was fishing for chrome with off the end of a pier, he had just cast put his rod in the holder he on the side a 5 gallon pail. He set the bail to tighten up his line and bang a coho took everything over the side in less than 10 seconds. The pail had all his tackle, baits and lunch in it. Rod was a fenwick his kids had given him years before. He went and got another rod and reel from CTC and about an hour later I caught the coho rod and reel but all his other gear was still gone... The culprit was 1.9 lbs and just over 18" long, but full of pee and vinegar for sure.
  24. I would definitely move the rods up to the trailer if you value them... Something like that they won't just steal the rods but will probably bring tools to take the holder too after they see it.
  25. Live as in real leeches.... it will change everything you thought you knew about fishing LOL
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