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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. He makes a great point about having to cut the end of the handle off of most pier rods. For some reason 90% of rods over 9ft have this HONKING long handle that is totally friggin useless and it will drive you insane when you are wearing heavier clothing. The problem with cutting off the rod is when you put it in the car if the rod tip end is longer it is more apt to get broken IMO. There is a solution out there that most rod makers offer if you can find them. Look for a Michigan handle trout/salmon rod. All it is, is a rod where the foregrip is longer than the butt section making it perfect for chucking spoons. Shimano has made them in both the convergence and clarius I believe, but try finding one. Okuma and Quantum also makes them as does Shakespeare in their Agility line. I believe it was the Quantum one I got for my father and it was 54.00 at Angler outfitters in Woodstock. Although the 5 employees that were working the day I got didn't know what it was they do sell it. When I asked for a Michigan handle rod they were like deer in the headlights, but they had 3 examples when I educated them on what I was looking for and why I wanted it...
  2. A Salmerch.... Size strength and fighting ability of a King Salmon with the taste, breeding/growth and biting rate of perch. World who cares I would be Salmerch fishing...
  3. Should the gutting of females just for roe, then the carcass being left on the river bank be stopped ABSOLUTELY!!! How does one do that though? Banning roe would be the same as having marijuana be illegal and we all know how well that is working. As long as roe is legal I will use it and not feel the least bit guilty about it despite the rantings of others. As I have said before sometimes the catch and release guys do a lot more damage to the fishery when they go out with their 2lb leaders and thrash 20 fish a day 15 times or more a year. As if fighting the hens for 20 minutes when they are already stressed from low water and spawning isn't harmful? Then they have to get that picture of the fish just so along side their $600.00 pin reel with the snazzy pink line. I doubt many of those "released" fish contribute much in the way of spawning eggs that mature into adult fish after that. Another thing I see HUNDREDS of C and R guys fishing with roe that they replace after every 5th cast where are they getting their roe? Some of have even been brazen enough to suggest that I or someone I am fishing with put a hen back to help conserve the fishery.... they walked away when we asked about how they came by the 50 or so sacs we had seen them using that morning. So I fail to see how a person who catches and harvests maybe 5 fish a year one or two of which might be females is doing more harm to the fishery, than the type of C and R guys I see out there....
  4. Actually anyone who reads the regs would know this it is pretty clearly spelled out LOL. You can cull in certain situations with a live well which is also very clearly stated in the regs. Generally, daily catch limits include all fish that are retained for any period of time and not immediately released. "Anglers fishing from a boat may now catch, hold and selectively live release, more walleye, northern pike, largemouth or smallmouth bass than the daily limit, provided: (a) the fish are held in a livewell with a mechanical aerator operating at all times. A livewell is a compartment designed to keep fish alive. For a livewell to be used to selectively release bass, walleye and northern pike, it must be attached to or form part of a boat, hold a total volume of not less than 46 litres (10 gallons) of water, have the capacity for water exchange and be mechanically aerated at all times when live fish are being held in it. ( the fish comply with any applicable size limits. © the Sport or Conservation Fishing Licence daily catch and retain limits for walleye or northern pike are not exceeded at any one time. (d) no more than six largemouth or smallmouth bass (or any combination) caught under a sport fishing licence are retained at any one time, and, (e) the Conservation Fishing Licence catch and retain limits for largemouth and smallmouth bass (or any combination) are not exceeded at any one time. Anglers are reminded to closely monitor the condition of fish held in a livewell. Only fish that are in such a condition that they will survive may be released. Releasing a fish that will not survive and allowing the flesh of that fish to be wasted is an offence. Any fish not live-released are part of your daily catch and retain limit."
  5. I only stop when I hear that dreaded skitter of my weight across the ice... More than once have driven over a bridge in the dark seen open water then park further down river walk down to my favorite spot only to hear THUNK and have to back track and walk down another trail to that open water. Love getting out in the winter it helps keep the crowds down, where I want to fish.
  6. I finally got an official reply from the town of Goderich... Looks like there will be some opportunites for shore/pier fishing in the distant future... Lets hope the mine gets their act together and installs the ship loader quickly so they can get the new fencing in to allow at some access to the north pier for the fall perch run, since they have the south pier closed off until they finish it. Here is the reply "This is in reply to your inquiry regarding access for fishing in Goderich. The road to the rear of the mine is closed the public there will be a new area along the river wall created to allow fishing off the wall and after construction is completed on the South pier it will be re-opened to the public and when Sifto’s new ship loader is installed and the fencing is replaced the North pier will be open to the public when there isn’t ship’s being loaded. Hopefully this answers your questions Chip Wilson CRS-S Director Of Operations Town of Goderich"
  7. I too have heard so many rumors about if you can walk out to the north pier or not? No one really seems to know the facts. I guess some emails and calls to the council are in order to find out. I can't believe no pro fishing organizations have made the council clarify things, it didn't take long to force a reversal in T.O. when they closed fishing on Toronto park property. I guess Goderich doesn't have the big concentration of OFHA members to interest them in finding out. I agree about the town losing income, the huge group of angler I fished with all summer at Port Bruce used to head to Goderich in late July through until the fall perch run stopped said they weren't going to waste their time. Now the money they would have dropped in Goderich is going to go elsewhere, due to the construction on the South pier having it gated half way out. That is a shame for the local businesses who could use the revenue.
  8. I don't think it is promising in anyway shape or form. Right now you can only get half way out on the south pier because of the construction, of the wall. It is fenced off the perch are coming in for the fall and no one can get out there to fish them. After the wall is put up next summer you will NEVER be able to fish the outside or end of the pier unless you want to stand and pull your fish up over the 3 to 4 ft wall. This spring when the minnows were in the inner harbour you could catch anything from walleye to brown trout off of either side of the south pier.... That option after the project will be gone forever or until the cement wall crumbles....
  9. Has anyone else noticed that in Goderich soon you will not be able to fish off of either pier? The mine apparently closed the route out to the north pier after the tornado citing safety concerns during construction. Now the same mine has shut down access to the end of the south pier while they put up some sort of cement wall to help keep the tour boat tourists' feet dry if there is a south wind? At least that is what the locals say is happening. Can't seem to find any real facts about why the access is being lost or if it is even legal to limit public access to a public pier? I know the town supposedly sold the road to the mine on the north side but could the town sell the actual pier too? It is a real shame and I know lots of anglers who just won't go to Goderich and spend anytime and therefore any money, which the town could sorely use.
  10. All day everyday when the run is on.... I can't name an hour of the day that I haven't caught salmon. I can however name a number of days when we caught NOTHING at any time LOL. Chrome fishing in my opinion is 100% luck of timing. You can increase your odds by doing certain things but no one I have ever met while actually fishing can guarrantee catching chrome, lots of folks talk big numbers but then didn't back it up while I watched ready to learn all about the magic of their abilities....
  11. In the dark glow cleo's, or rattle raps especially the colours I see other people catching them on, why try to reinvent the wheel? Location plays a huge part too. Just after dawn at a certain river mouth you will want to have the smallest skunk pattern kwikfish you can buy, and about 300yds of line because when a king goes out to the lake you aren't going to stop it too quickly. A few miles downshore at another river mouth when the sun pokes up you best be using a perch pattern blue fox... Once the sun is up there you need to break out the wardens worry in the correct pattern. Of course I haven't caught a salmon in just over a year so my info might outdated LOL. Damn near time to go through my stash of lures and order those I am out of.
  12. It was a shorter season of small perch where I normally fish on Erie, had many days where I caught more than 100 but only kept a couple dozen.... Also strangely enough the days where you could not net a minnow to save your life were the days when the bite was NON stop LOL It probably hasn't helped that during the end of the usual run for the last 3 weeks, that after the 7 tugs from Port Stanley got their quota by surrounding the pier, 8 more from Port Dover starting putting their nets even closer to shore.... The Jumbo perch probably could not past the nets in any great numbers. Guys in boats did have a lot of luck catching bigger perch though none of them admitted dipping into the commercial nets to do so.
  13. In the past I was very much like you. LEAVE ME ALONE when I am fishing unless I brought you along. The past year or so, however, I have only made a couple of trips without my Dad along. Who finally decided at 77 that it was time to stop working 7 days a week, and come fishing when I ask him. For a guy who used to work 60 to 80hrs a week for as long I can remember this is a big change too and for me a chance to get to know him. It really has made fishing more social for me and more enjoyable too. Now I find that I don't mind meeting people fishing as long as they don't cross my line and OBEY the laws. Sure sometimes you meet up with some real winners who make you pack up early. I have also met a HUGE number of great people who I now fish with on a regular basis.
  14. OH man all those rib recipes and pictures look AMAZING.
  15. This place works great and the first one is cheap too. They did the shirt in my picture. http://www.printfection.com/promo/two_dollar_tees.php?r=pf
  16. I saw a brand new St. Croix snap on it's second cast.... I know a lot of people swear by them but after that I would never buy one. The whole experience with having to stop fishing go back to the store where the guy bought it 2hrs ago only to be told he couldn't replace it without having the "rep" check it over blah, blah. blah.... Either warranty is over the counter or it isn't. LOL. It really comes to down how a rod feels with the reel you want to use on it, and how the store you bought it at handles things that go wrong. NOBODY wants to have to deal with the manufacturer for a replacement.
  17. No warranty on the rod since you broke it fishing? I don't go with one rod for all types of fishing. I have been equally impressed by some of the new cheaper rods ie Shakespeare Catera/Agility series as I have been by the more expensive Shimano Compre. For double the price I don't see the Compre offering double the value in any way ie feel, strengh and more importantly sensitivity. I know what you mean about going back to heavy older rods though. I just bought a Cabelas Whupping stick for 29.99 the thing is so strong and sensitive but it just weighs a ton compared to IM-8 rods. The 10ft whupping stick weighs 2.5ozs more than the 11.5ft Catera and 4oz's more than a Swan Company IM-8 11.5ft. Those ozs sound like nothing on paper but in your hand with the same reel it makes such a difference. Over the day casting at minimum a couple hundred times it takes a toll.
  18. I can't comment on the parts but I can say everytime I order from Rock Auto it is a great experience. The price is the price with no surprises at the door with extra brokerage fees. It looks like the mevotech has the ball joint already installed I would go that way just for that alone. You can call the toll free number and varify that first. DIY uninstalling ball joints and pressing them in is usually a PAIN most of the time, so for only a 25.00 difference I avoid the headache of having to deal with that.
  19. I agree but if don't find stock take the darn rain check and grab one when they come in. I am not a big fan of CTC but in the small town I work in, the local owner will honor rain checks basically forever as a good will gesture. For that reason even if I have to order an item any dollar I spend at CTC gets spent in his store. I all but refuse to shop in the store in my hometown.... too many burnt bridges, so I might buy 10 bucks worth of hooks there a year. Also, remember CTC will allow you to have a "hint" if they might have one by checking for stock availability online. I have never missed getting any item using that feature if it says it is there it has been...
  20. I hope they fall overboard with about 50lb of lead tied to each limb but that is just me... Bad or not it would be karma in my book. It really sucks that people would do that. I took one of the closets in my apartment and "converted" it to a fishing storage room because there was NO WAY I was going to have my gear in my storage locker, which is sort of an open slat design where everything is visible. Over the years it has been broken into 3 times. All they got was a bike with flat tires, and one seriously bent rim but they still took it LOL. The best was I had all the boxes for my electronics but filled with crap from cleaning up after I moved. They really helped me out by taking those too... Animals. For insurance let us know if they don't replace everything. I just switched companies and forgot to send them my list of contents which I will now do... So your situation helped me by reminding me to to that.
  21. As mentioned you can NOT go wrong stopping at North Erie Marina for minnows... If you want to fish for bass I understand going to places off of long point would be best. Perch is the main target off of the pier or within a few miles of the river at Port Bruce, although the variety of fish I have seen and caught personally on the pier would shock you... That being said, the instances of anything being landed but Yellow perch, sheephead, white bass, white perch are quite rare in comparison.
  22. How is that for timing, my Cabelas 10ft whuppin stick for perch fishing just arrived today!!! Wanted to pair it up with a President now I can save some cash!!!!
  23. You will want to take pickerel rigs, heavy sinkers, a 6ft minnow net or be prepared to buy your minnows, and a couple minnow buckets to keep them in.... Lures only work for walleye, and rainbows and you have to go out a lot further than I would in an inflatable.
  24. A buddy of mine uses the wear shorts while you are kicking rocks for crawfish method in the right creeks and you are killing two birds with one stone LOL. When you get out of the water you have the crawfish you netted and just harvest the leechs off your legs.
  25. It is now obivous that Art Galleries are not the only place where one can see a true masterpiece....
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