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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Yeah but you will still go with him when he asks just to see if he is or isn't LOL
  2. Wonder was it the same builder with all the houses around you? A house across the street from my folks had a complete new roof put on 18 months ago. Some student college outfit like the college pro painters. That used to be around when students would work in the summer instead of sitting around tweeting about how they can't find jobs.... Anyhow my dad noticed them doing the roof and went over to explain to the young uns, that you don't start at the bottom and go up in strips to the top of the roof. He offered to show them on the ground how to do it right... Basically got told listen old man go home take your senility medicine and leave us alone... So he left, but felt bad enough to over and tell the homeowner when they got home. The, homeowner's wife said but my friend's sister's, second cousin's, half nephew OWNS the company I am sure they know what they are doing. It says PRO on their sign. My dad just sighed and went home took his medicine which he needed after dealing with such fools... So after the first rain they were back redoing it, this time they actually seemed to have looked on youtube, on how it is done. NO tar paper or anything at the bottom though. Just the old planks that came with the house in 1922 or so... Not surprisingly, 3 weeks ago they had a different company put ANOTHER new complete roof on LOL.
  3. This is what I learnt listening to a call in show a few years back featuring a club of inventors from Hamilton.. Patents don't work the way people think. When you patent something you have to PROVIDE exact specs and plans for said item... So any potential competition with money can look at what you have change one rivet hole and start producing virtually the same item, if they have deeper pockets they can bury you in legal fees. Remember in the 70's every time Ktel came out with an item, Ronco had a cheaper version about 2 weeks later, or vice versa. One of the guys claimed it was because all they had to do was go to the patent office and get the specs, change one little thing and pay the same factory to make it their way LOL. They recommended COPYRIGHTING your inventions. It is supposedly much, much easier to go after anyone who copies what you have copyrighted and get money for the infringement of your copyright, than it is to sue for patent infringement. I don't know if it is true, but they did have about 20 people call in and say they had patented stuff and it was being copied and they found out it was just too expensive to fight legally. If the end game is to sell the idea to companies then seeing the right kind of lawyer should give you an idea of how to get royalties if you sell the idea to companies, who will make the item. Don't expect it to be cheap though, a friend who licensed a company to produce his BBQ sauce spent 22K on legal fees so that the company couldn't re-engineer his recipe and undercut him with their own version. 18yrs down the road they still haven't dared to try squeezing him out, with a similar product, so that 22K was well spent. But that was a lot of money for 30 pages of paper back in mid 90's
  4. Umm every been to LeBaron's website LOL. There is a reason they are so much cheaper on tons of the stuff I buy and I think it is because they haven't paid a web designer in about 15 years. If you want to cut and paste you might just be able to cobble together an order to give them your money, but they DO NOT make it easy LOL.
  5. I laughed because I did look at it and went to find the other side. So I googled found an article at the huffington post... THE EXACT SAME. So how knows. If it is a trial balloon and the Liberals using to see what public reaction will be... Then everyone should take about 2 minutes and do what I just did send an email to the premiere and the closest sitting Liberal member saying no thanks, no carbon tax for me and mine.... Address here for the Premiere https://correspondence.premier.gov.on.ca/en/feedback/default.aspx
  6. Irishfield, I might be wrong but that I am willing to bet that method isn't found in the service manual LOL. Almost as good as the split hub on my cousins 2003 Ram that he then drove for 30 miles... It was fun getting out the other half out of the spindle. Bernie the last one was over an 1 hr on the air chisel and that was after we had to leave and come back after the office closed because the gal in there couldn't hear on the phone to take reservations LOL. I tried to explain to her that even with ear protection I couldn't hear myself think after 5 minutes. I do NOT understand why they don't come up with a brake shield made of something that will stop the metals welding together like they do, instead of adding a third alloy into the mix.... OH wait that would make sense not dollars LOL.
  7. Was it a Honda by chance...
  8. Yeah then don't even get me started on changing out wheel hub assemblies lately. What used to be a relatively simple and quick job to replace inner and outer bearings. With hub assemblies it has become a 4 hr to 5 hr grudge match using brute force, and 7 or 8 McGyvered tools that never seem to quite get it done. Not too mention the last 3 I helped dad with did not have anything underneath the vehicle close enough or strong enough so we could use to put a rod against to get the power steering to help pop em out. What is even sadder the labour board, and insurance rep insist that having a oxyacetylene torch is not going to happen at that shop, because of the propane dispensing tank on the property, along with the 10 vehicles running on it parked in the shop at any given time LOL I even offered to by the torch kit just to make things easier on dad, all the owner had to do was supply the gas. NOPE you aren't allowed and this a free country LOL.
  9. The stuff they put on the roads here now eats any metal a lot quicker than it used to. Put on new drums and just go a winter and they look 10yrs old. My dad has been a mechanic for 60yrs and says he hasn't seen anything like it. They have to go back and verify the maintenance records, and part purchase dates, just because they can't believe how fast things are wearing out, on the cabs, airport vans and limos.
  10. Sorry folks.... I knew once it was on redflagdeals.com it would go quick, and apparently it did.
  11. Stunning what the ole girl can do when she gets her dander up... It is beautiful in one way though. That it DIDN'T happen where I live LOL
  12. In case you missed it the first time around. It is back online, with free shipping. Not sure if it is the same unit, and it has been posted on redflagdeals.com so it might not last long. http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/complete-fry-and-boil-combo-with-side-table/6000132108927?utm_source=Linkshare&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_content=10&utm_campaign=CAqD7bLWUPI&siteID=CAqD7bLWUPI-hkhZrKN6yok84n8OUGY5sQ&wmlspartner=CAqD7bLWUPI
  13. That seems about right for Mitchell area on a day like today... I delivered bread there 6 days a week for 14yrs, days like today I don't miss it at all.
  14. I had the original packaging, and I mean, all of it. Including the plastic foam bag combo for my Pioneer SX4, receiver from around 1983? Sold it for 40 bucks less than I paid for it on ebay 3 yrs ago, because I had all the original stuff it came with. The bids just kept going up up up on that one LOL. So sometimes saving a box pays off...
  15. I tend to keep them now, good for keeping the swag that comes with them in as noted by others. Also had some evidence that it does help resale too. We had a moving sale for my parents on the weekend EVERY reel in a box (even if dad packaged them wrong) SOLD. Even the more expensive shimanos sat, because they weren't in a box, over the cheapie mitchells and diawas. I guess 7 bucks is the cut off point for used fishing gear too LOL.
  16. It sure isn't looking too promising for extended clear skies for the next little while for a wide area around the Great Lakes. http://www.intellicast.com/National/Radar/Current.aspx
  17. LOL a guy my father worked with was out at CTC one night with his wife, when we ran into them... She was trying different shovels and he kept saying, "MAKE sure you are comfortable USING it, it is your job to clear the snow ya know, you just had to move here to Canada from Holland didn't you".... We just cracked up.
  18. LOL it is earlier than usual up there for ice? I am worried here that it will freeze before I get out steelheading a couple more times...
  19. Check out if the Harrah properties still offer the NO service charge added rates. Some hotels have a nifty little money grab where they tack on about 10.00 bucks after the package price per day, which you only find out when you go to check in. Harrah properties didn't in 2010. They also had a great food offer when I was there, 29.99 for a 24 hr buffet pass, good at any of their properties. Basically your food for the whole day was only 29.99, plus the tips you left. With all the hotels in the group that had buffets you just had to pick your one for breakfast, lunch and dinner within the 24hrs the pass lasted. To maximize your trip, find a deal with a direct flight, that lands there at 7am or so, and that your return flight doesn't leave until 10PM Vegas time. You basically get 4 days but only need a hotel for 3 nights save about 20% that way. It is VEGAS you won't sleep anyway LOL. To save the most though fly from Buffalo or Detroit. Pick up your rental by 8am local time and you will have time to go World Famous Silver and Gold, (Pawn Stars). The Gun shop, Ricks Restoration, then park at your hotel and walk around to see some of the other attractions at the major casinos for free, until check in time. The sharks at Mandalay Bay, the lions at MGM. We actually drove out to the California border, and into Baker, just to get pics for one of the gals with us who collects pictures of her standing beside state and provincial signs. In 4 days we went to Cali, Utah, Arizona so having unlimited miles and a rental that allows you to leave the state of Nevada is a must, if you are going to Hoover Dam (which is on the way to the Grand Canyon). Also be sure if you have a car rental to take a trip off the strip to a local Walmart or Costco, as soon as you pick up your car, buy all the pop/mix, liquor and water you will need there. Buy the cheapest large container you can find... At the hotel fill the container with beverages and ice from the machine. Keep some cold all the time that way you are there. (it was 6.00 bucks for anything beverage from the mini fridge and 3.50 from the vending machines in our hotel. We saved about 25 bucks a day each that way. Bottled water or soda is EXPENSIVE at 3 to 4 bucks each everywhere else. On our car trips we just used a smaller cooler... Trust me after hiking in the desert for an hour you will be thirsty, killer thirsty if you are hung over LOL !!! One thing you HAVE to do is go grab one of the 2.99 or 3.99 Steak and Egg specials between 2am and 6am... BEST FREE entertainment in town. We saw Elvis fighting with Captain Jack Sparrow and Marilyn Monroe (with a few miles on her mind you) breaking it up, and it was real no play acting LOL. This was at Bills beside the Flamingo, the food was better than OK, especially since we walked in with two water glasses filled to the top with Rye from our room each, no one batted an eye. All the locals were hilarious. Bills unfortunately is closed but the Flamingo also had a restaurant offering the same type of deal as do others. You can carry your own alcohol around basically everywhere, so don't pay Casino prices for it. (NO CASINO gives out free drinks anymore, to get a single drink comp, you basically have to have gambled and lost about 60 bucks U.S.) Rather than pay 7 bucks a shot for Canadian Whisky, we just brought our own everywhere LOL. DO NOT go to see the Grand Canyon at the Reservation it is about 90 bucks a couple with all the fees to go down into the canyon on their bus. Which is a money grab, but the worst part is they keep you for about 4 hrs between waiting to get on a bus and seeing some crappy shows, on top of the 2 hr drive there if the Dam is packed (although you can by pass it on the new route). Find one of the free access points to the Canyon which are a little further to travel but still take less time than the dog and pony shows they put on. (while driving to the reservation if you choose to do it, watch out wild cows, they just wander across the road all the time) So much to see and do depending on your interests. If you like to drive be sure and check out the Valley of Fire national park near Vegas. I found it more interesting than the Grand Canyon which is just a big friggin hole in the ground in my opinion LOL.
  20. Hard a moving sale for my folks this weekend... 10.5" shimano convergence rod sat there priced at $7.00. Did not go, I guess all the steelheaders were fishing instead of garage saling. I will hang on to for the friends kids when they tag along...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Canuck2fan


      I let Dad price the stuff since we gave most of it to him for gifts over the years. I did have draw the line though when he put out his 7.5ft compre spinning rod with a pflueger president on it for 12 bucks. I said we gave you that as a gift you should keep that one. 160.00 we paid for that one LOL. He kept it.

    3. bobogo


      LOL wow $12! how did people not snatch that! I had zebco rods go for $5 at my garage sale. I want to come to yours!

    4. Canuck2fan


      Bobogo I saw it before the sale started and I locked it up so they couldn't get at it.... Otherwise I am pretty sure it would have went LOL.

  21. Hard to tell but are you bragging or complaining LOL
  22. LOL good one... I worked at a bakery that had a fire. The fire department did more physical damage to the structure than the fire because, instead of walking through open 6ft wide entrance way to the fire source. They hacked their way through 20K worth of shelving and missed the fire by 4 ft on their first attempt because they wound up inside a 20K walk in freezer. So they got out and hacked through another section of shelving.... When asked in the light of day what happened the official line was it was dark and smokey, we couldn't see the door. I get that and I agree it probably was, but on the other hand 4 of the guys who did the damage were REGULAR customers. Who went through that door at least once a week for many many years, to pick up orders for the fire station when it was their turn to cook. Thankfully none of them was hurt and they saved the building though so it was all good in the end.
  23. Sorry to hear about your loss DanD Can anybody enlighten me as to what are these slugs that steal stuff like that, are doing with it to get money out of it? I hear so many stories like this, where a crime is committed to take something from somebody. The people that are robbed freely admit it isn't worth calling the cops. Also it isn't worth the deductible, much less the forcible bending over they will take with the tripling of their insurance premiums for the next 5 to 10 yrs for the items that were taken from them, to make a claim. So seriously where or who is dumb enough to give the losers who take this stuff, anything for it? I don't get it because if they are dopers stealing stuff to sell on kijiji seems like more effort than than they would put out. Also wouldn't their cell phone be the first thing they hock at a pawn shop to get a fix, so how could buyers get a hold of them.... LOL Also how many generators, car stereos could a dealer accept in place of cash? I am missing something I guess.
  24. + 1 for me they are a perfect choice. Lots of others though claim the arc is no good because they HAVE to have GPS, bluetooth, the ability to play movies from a harddrive, be able to be tethered to their data plan on their phone and mini HDMI out on any device.... While having all that probably would be helpful at times if you are going to be using a tablet on the road, but a tablet with all that costs so much more that I would be afraid to take it outside anyway. LOL
  25. LOL yeah I got it backwards.... good catch.
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