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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. As mentioned the exchange rate means if you want the best deal, you have to factor everything in. In the past when our $'s were closer a lot of times it was much cheaper for me to order things from Cabelas.com vs Cableas.ca and it was almost always cheaper to order from Bass Pro.com than to pay the gas for the 2hr drive to the closest Canadian store and I didn't have to sit in traffic around the big smoke nightmare. The close out deals online from the U.S. with the free shipping to Canada almost always make an item much much cheaper than you get that at either store in Canada from my experience. That being said as Lew mentioned, if you can navigate LeBarons prehistoric website their pricing and shipping is usually pretty competitive especially if like me you don't want that 2hr drive to any of the locations. P.S. just after posting every ad I am seeing on any website is from Bass Pro LOL
  2. I have a simple but effective way to deal with customers during a shutdown.... In the letter mentioning the time frame tell them, they will get a bonus perk after you complete their first order. The bonus perk is that you will give them 10% off or a dollar amount voucher for their SECOND order. The trick is ONLY do that AFTER they place their SECOND order, after you restart operations.. That shows them you are acknowledging a slight inconvenience for them, but are expecting to resume normal operations. To get orders though you aren't just going to give away your time just to get them back for a one off order. You do however want to establish a long term relationship with them as a client. Hopefully, by the second order they won't even remember you were gone. As for the teen who doesn't want to help without tude, just ask him once what you want him to do, if he doesn't hop to it. Just, say fine you had your chance, then take and sell one of his games, skates whatever he cares about most on kijiji. The important thing is don't get upset, don't beg, don't bargain just do it. By game 5 he will have moved out or smartened up. BTW I don't have kids so not even my best friends have the courage to follow my advice along these lines, although after a gin they all have admitted they wish they had the courage to do something like that just once...LOL.
  3. NEVER EVER let the net touch water until it is netting a fish.... The only thing worse than christening an empty net is if some idiot has a banana with 100yds of me while fishing. People have walked home when I am driving and they pull out the yellow kiss of death for success on a fishing trip LOL.
  4. The sad truth is the only reason it continues, is that it WORKS and usually on those that can least afford the loss. The elderly, people on disability pensions. Scammers aren't usually the hardest working people in the world, so if the effort they put into these schemes didn't pay off somehow they wouldn't be continuing them. They would be on another form of extortion. What REALLY blows my mind though is when you hear a small child in the background whining about something while these losers are trying rip people off. The next generation in that family isn't going to know what honest work is either.
  5. Nice fish, though it sucks you didn't get them entered in time. Honestly, I was hoping that someone you knew had grabbed your items and was holding them for you, but with no update I guess that was wishful thinking. I have had that happen to me when I left some stuff behind at a fishing spot. A friend grabbed the stuff and held it for me, but they didn't have my contact info, so I had replaced it all before I found out they had it and were looking to get it back to me. I hope you do find your property, and get it back.
  6. I get the logic behind killing some wolves to save some caribou... What I don't get is why something wasn't done before the caribou were put on the brink. Are the people who profited from mining or selling land that caused the caribou population to crash going to suffer in anyway for what they did? NOPE not ever. They will just move somewhere else and exploit the environment there until they can't bleed anymore cash out of it, and move again after that. Aside from all the emotion about the wolf, caribou and ruination of our countries wilderness for profit. Why is it that the wolves have exploded in numbers when their food source has be decimated in numbers. Isn't that the opposite of what should be happening? Will the wolves find another source of prey if the caribou are gone, that will allow them to stay at the numbers they are currently at. Why isn't the destruction of the habitat hurting their numbers too? Is it just the end of the line for the caribou from an evolutionary standpoint and there is no way of saving them because nature itself has no further use for them? Obviously a short article can't even begin to explain how a really strange situation got the way it is, so it is hard to know what effect the cull will have. They just better hope those wolves aren't like coyotes though. The more man does to destroy them the more prolific they become. Now you can't go for a 30 mile drive around here without seeing a pack of them. Never saw one in this area for the first 40yrs of my life now they are everywhere?
  7. At cooking school I spent considerable time while not in class learning what an instructor at George Brown called Spadina English.... For those not lucky enough to have lived in Kensington Market in the big smoke. It is a lyrical mix, of Yiddish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Portuguese, Jamaican, Italian, Hindu and about a dozen other dialects all mixed together. Spoken very loudly, at a rapid fire stattico pace, because, time is money and yelling something quickly was somehow felt to magically enable comprehension. Having that background I can usually eventually suss out what the other person on the tech desk is saying. However, lately when I can't,, if I dare to ask to speak to some who I can understand. I get yelled at and then hung up on. If I call back I am told I am being intolerant and racist for asking for service in english I can understand LOL. So you are right Lew progress isn't all it is cracked up to be.
  8. Just another time where people ruin the environment and have to kill off nature's ultimate scapegoat the BIG BAD wolf, to try to fix what they did.... Sad, since it probably won't work anyway.
  9. Check out the hot deals forum on redflagdeals.com If it is on sale in Canada it is probably listed on there somewhere. What is really interesting though is the people on there aren't usually satisfied with a 50% off sale, they want free shipping, a coupon two stacked, along with points for cash back from another site for every deal.
  10. Yeah it kind of ticked me off... I got the email posted it here right away. Went to the site and noticed the hut was gone, so it was sold out before I got the email LOL. The augers seem to be a fair price. Sail is the same for the normark.
  11. Not much of an ice fisherman myself so I am not up on pricing, but here is a link to what Giant Tiger thinks are some deals on gear. http://www.gianttiger.com/category/clearance/webdeals/wm-icefishing.do?smtrcid=371194&utm_campaign=feb09-markdowns&utm_source=enews&utm_medium=email&cid=13182&mid=58488437 Ice Shelter already sold out though....
  12. That is a great plan...... Except for one thing, there is no legacy of winning that any NHLer can remember or relate too in Toronto. I remember hearing every Leaf fan say when Harold goes we will win Lord Stanley's Cup every year. WELL still waiting and he has been dead and gone for how long? The truth is every minute spent, watching, talking about or buying their crap supports the idea that it OK with the fans that the ownership puts a losing team on the ice. Also the new reality is that the players of today are corporations unto themselves. If you could make double the overall money via endorsements in the US of A why would you subject yourself to the media circus in T.O. with no winning tradition to back up? Heart and soul from a player is asking too much these days when a half effort after getting that BIG contract signed is so financially lucrative.
  13. I tend agree with Big Cliff. If someone is illegally trapping, they aren't probably too worried about a good tongue lashing from a home owner. If you really think you are bullet and knife proof then by all means be sure and feed your ego by confronting them.... Of course you might just wind up doing your family more long term harm than good, it things get ugly. Criminals have a lot less to lose than an honest home owner. Also didn't you just move there Manitou? Maybe the trapper had an agreement with the previous owner? I know when my grandfather trapped he went EVERY YEAR to all the landowners and made sure in writing it was still OK to keep trapping.... Maybe this trapper didn't know the property was sold and it is an honest mistake. BTW if the rivers on your property are navigable he might think he has a right to trap the river bed. The other thing is, I wouldn't expect the police or the MNR for that matter to have the expertise to find each and every trap without the trappers co-operation... Just because they have a badge it won't necessarily make them an expert on removing a trap line. So at some point it would be best if the trapper does help them with the removal.
  14. It makes a person wonder is that police forces contract up for renewal soon? Might be a case of them pumping up the ticket dollars so they can say. WE EARN our raises!!! Not like the green machine in T.O. who are currently driving the city into bankruptcy by having reduced their ticket writing.... Or so say the politicians there who want to spend every nickel they can beg, borrow or steal from any source.
  15. When you factor in the cost of shipping from overseas every 1/4 of an ounce drives the price up incredibly. That is why outsourcing has NOT saved companies or companies nearly as much as the globalists would likes us to believe. Also having to buy replacements every 3 to 5 yrs on major purchases isn't saving the consumer anything in the long run.
  16. Surprised that no one mentioned these reusable hand warmers. They do work great, but a couple of things to keep in mind. 1 Keep them in their own hard sided container until you want to use them as they will sometimes activate in a pocket. 2 Once they are activated they do get fairly stiff so unless they fit into the pocket on your gloves before you activate them they won't be much good to you for that. http://www.leevalley.com/en/garden/page.aspx?p=52295&cat=2,40725,45454 The biggest advantage though is they are the perfect excuse to go visit your local Lee Valley store LOL.
  17. You have to love it he saw a problem and came up with a solution! Awesome can crusher too.
  18. I know a couple of people who use them for bottom fishing chrome in the lake.... They don't have to mess with a bottle setup to run an open bail. They claim they work great for it.
  19. Yeah but no one would want one for their living room LOL.
  20. LOL it will last as long as it lasts, it is 12yrs old now...
  21. Audio video coffin... that is a good one. I never knew what to call my collection. I get so much of it because there have been lots of audio and computer installs over the years where it saved me from telling someone sorry you have to wait until the store opens tomorrow to finish setting this up, because you need another cable that wasn't included. Usually I had a used one if I dug deep enough. Even those types of things become outdated though, I just dropped a box weighing about 50lbs off at the recyclers, with all the redundant no longer industry used computer cables, power cords, audio, telephone, line changers/adaptors, and about 10 old ac/dc adaptors. I just kept one of everything current I haven't seen at the dollar store. I figure if I or a client need one in the future I would just go get one there. Except for some reason I have 5 brand new HDMI cables, which is nuts considering I still don't have a TV that uses one. CRT won't die and I am not scrapping it until it does. I agree about pricing though, when I think of what I paid back in the day for "decent" quality cables and connectors I cringed when I let that box of odds and sods go. I was just happy knowing I never got sucked into the Monster line of products except when they had them at the dollar store LOL..
  22. If you have the first standard of HDMI slot the dollar store cables work just as well as any cable. So if you only a 3ft long one get them there. Marketplace did an extensive test to prove it. Fast forward to about 5:38 seconds to get the lab results.
  23. What he said.... The website is the fastest and you do get the card with the 3yr license on it. And if you have printer you just print out the temp license and you can go fishing right away.
  24. Any good lawyer will tell that blonde is going to wind up costing more than that... How much was just the vehicle LOL.
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