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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. Nice perch man! TDunn
  2. As far as I know they take the fish with them and leave you with only the fine.... Seen this first hand at a fishing lodge when a group thought the slot was the size you kept. Or so they said...$3000 mistake TDunn
  3. Well you just caught yourself some more fish! Congrats! TDunn
  4. I'd stick to mono as a mainline. Simple Trilene XT or XS is always a great cheap option in my opinion. Another brand I am fond of is Maxima. Use fluoro as a leader only. Remember fluoro is very dense and sinks. Your gonna want the line to stay on top the water. Western has spools of raven fluoro leader for 11.99 I think. TDunn
  5. Wicked start man!! TDunn
  6. Ive been checked 4 times since the steelhead season has came to N. Ontario this year. No problems at all and every CO has been very pleasent. Ive only seen them fine one person, who was drinking beer at the Chip. I havent been checked by the US Coastgaurd on the river yet this year but Im sure thats coming soon. Ive never had any problems with them either.... TDunn
  7. If you have never used a baitcaster I would suggest maybe using a heavy mono until you gain some confidence. It might save you a few headaches. If your dead set on braid, grab whatever is on sale at CT or Walmart here in the Soo. I use fireline crystal usually but have used many other brands. No serious complaints with any really... TDunn
  8. Great start to the year! Solid walleyes! TDunn
  9. I didnt even end up going...Not until sunday now...
  10. Wicked shot of the first fish. Love the colours! I see you hook your dad all over again. Thats great! I'm heading our right now for a few drifts.. TDunn
  11. As you have mentioned spinners and spoons. A few brands I like are mepps, vibrax,panther martin, little cleo, williams and various hildebrandts. If you are going to be doing some trolling maybe try using a williams with a worm slow rolling 18inches back. Give Mustads slow death hook a shot.They were producing for me last year, its something a little different. Also tiny minnowbaits can be deadly. Original, countdowns and small jointed raps are usually close to me when Im out for brookies. April 24th is still 2 weeks away so just keep an eye on the weather patterns. If you are experiencing a heat wave I recommend being on the water at both sunrise and sunset. Low light conditions are amazing for early season brookies. If its cool and over cast, the fish should be coming up into the shallows throughout the day. There should also be some sort of bug hatch going then, so you may want to match that hatch also with some flies. The flies can be trolled just as a worm would be behind a spoon. I'd also have a small slip float handy for pitching to over hanging tress, beaver houses any kind of wood structure really. Or even just to use when your taking a break so you always have a line in the water. Hope you hook into a bunch...OH! Bring a few bucktail jigs! TDunn
  12. I had to make the same decison yesterday! Although the wind calmed down after the first hour, I didnt stick around very long. TDunn
  13. Amazing stuff Mike! Tons of beauty fish. Once I get the hang of my new pin, I might have to take a trip south for some steel! Fantastic report and pics TDunn
  14. Thanks to everyone! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures of both the fish and the shots of rivers. Spiel anytime your in the Soo, just PM and I'll hook you up. TDunn
  15. Right on. Mike or Ted?
  16. With this awesome spring we have been having, I have been really enjoying getting out on the tribs. Lately, I've been fishing with my 2 cousins in both the St Marys rapids and a handful of Superiors tribs. Although many of my early trips were quick, Ive been making it out more frequently and will continue this trend until the end of the season. Here are a few glory and scenary shots from in and around the Soo. Last week, we decided to take my cousin Teds boat out of storage and take it for run on the St Marys to test out the new graph. We only hit one fish for our efforts but it was a good looking atlantic for the river this time of year. The night before walleye closed last week, Ted and I hit a lake just outside of the Soo for some eyes. We jigged 3" gulp at the mouth of a river in a small 12 footer. The bite was on and we decided to keep a couple small males for the pan. Hope you enjoyed and I plan to make a full report of a day soon! TDunn
  17. Nice WD, spring pike'n is one of my favs. I also have the esox itch, but i think i'm gonna give it another 2 weeks or so... Hope you run into some better luck next time! TDunn
  18. Amazing fish Ben! I would love to ice fish NW Ontario sometime soon! Thanks for sharing TDunn
  19. Happy BDay Ryan TDunn
  20. Nice work boys! Mixed bag of chrome and brookies is always nice. What a weekend we are having. I havent fished much this weekend but its game on starting tomorrow for a few days... We just installed a Garmin 400c in my cousins boat and are about to begin installing a 70# minnkota bow mount this week sometime. I havent posted a report in sometime so I'll work on getting one up for the board soon. Next weekend the rivers will be in prime conditions by the looks of things.... TDunn
  21. Yep! I have a few friends with camps up the 38 road and the lease was 3x higher after the first year all this nonsense went on up there. Sad too see, one of the camps has been in the family for over 40 years and I was told it will be burnt before they give it up to the group who bought the townships off the ACR. They had mentioned everyone else on the lake had intensions of burning instead of of just walking away also....Either way, it is a brutal situation and I feel for them.... Personally I would stay away from leases.... TDunn
  22. Wow, what a weekend you had with your father. You produced some amazing numbers Mike. I've never fished in Michigan except for the St Marys.A report like this makes me want to look into it a bit more.Thanks for the post it was one of the best reads in awhile. TDunn
  23. Early season St Marys Atlantic TDunn
  24. Nothing crazy, 1/2... Lost one bouncing which I am assuming was a rainbow. Landed a 26" Atlantic trolling...Took a quick pic I'll add it in a bit. Tomorrow we have some serious plans tho... TDunn
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