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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. looks like you guys had a blast! 20 1/2 - 3.5 pounds TDunn
  2. Oh my.... Trip of a lifetime! Great job and report! TDunn
  3. Great walleye Bill! TDunn
  4. I was out with a very good buddy who I don't get the opportunity to fish with to much anymore. We killed 5 hours together yesterday on a lake searching for a 5# plus brookie to take a few pics with. Although we caught fish, no trophies were landed but we did manage to get up close and personal with this small cow using an electric motor. This is the 3rd time it has been seen on the lake this year..... Moose Video Dinner...... I hope you enjoyed the moose video, TDunn
  5. Agreed! I was out two days ago for inland lakers and we were catching them in 70-90 feet of water, very close to bottom. We fished 3 spots but caught the majority on a deep flat. Without a fish finder and GPS we wouldn't have been nearly as successful. When we marked a bunch fish on screen, we simply punched in the waypoint, continued to troll over them, turned, repeat. We were constantly moving the balls on the riggers keeping them within 3-10 feet off bottom. Flasher/smelt and Gang troll/smelt hit all the fish. If you are gonna slow roll smelt, the way you hook the smelt giving it either a fast or slow roll is important. 1.5 - 1.8 mph was our speed with speed bursts and neutral drops every so often... Hopefully this helps a bit! TDunn
  6. Pick away my friend!
  7. Not trying to hijack your thread but I was up there 2 weeks ago for opener.... Here is a teaser of what you get to look forward too! Logging roads, tents. hopefully mornings like this, and fish! TDunn
  8. Mike, yes definitely! That is a great point I never even thought of mentioning. There are so many places up there I have never even been to so I can`t really say where most of these off limit roads are. Where I usually fish I have never ran into this problem but it definitely does exist. Doack the smartest thing would probably be to find out where you plan to fish before you go. Don`t just wing it. Even if its not an exact lake, just a general area would be good. Im assuming you have a GPS if your planning a trip like this. So I will also assume you have a map program on your GPS and computer. Get some lake names, road names or even coordinates of the lakes. Contact the MNR and ask if there are any lakes off limits due to exclusive lodge rights in the area or areas you plan to fish. While your at it grab yourself a stock sheet for up there. That right there will point you in the right direction if your interested in trout. If you can`t find any of the lake names let me know where you want to go in general and I will look them up for you and give you all the info you should need when you contact the MNR. Hope this helps and if you want to know anything else let me know, TDunn Oh, I must remind you. Don`t keep your food in the tent!!!
  9. Ive done this many times with no problems at all. Ive always used a 12 or 14 foot tinny never have I taken a canoe. That area is one of my favorites....its hard to beat! Im familiar with the area, PM me if you have questions about a lake or two..I might know of them... Good Luck! TDunn
  10. Great shots of all the fish! TDunn
  11. Wow! Nice fish! TDunn
  12. 12 lakes have Aurora trout present. Whirligig and Whitepine were the original two lakes with 10 other lakes now stocked with them, bringing the total to twelve. These lakes rotate open seasons(except the orginal two) as you will read on TJ's new site... TDunn
  13. Looking like a great spring so far! Great photos Ben TDunn
  14. x2 on the jerkbait for pike... Can't go wrong with a Husky Jerk size 14 or even a 12 Good luck! TDunn
  15. Leechman, Yup white tubes are deadly on lakers at anytime of year. I did try a 4" out but didnt have any hook ups that day. All the hits jiging came on these... swedish pimples with a 1-2 inch white and white/pink tubes threaded onto the hook. Mke sure you remove the hook and put the shank of the hook through the tube then re-attach onto the split ring. Buzzbombs bare and sometimes tipped with a small tube in the same fashion. TDunn
  16. Right on Mike! I remember catching my first rainbow. I was instantly addicted... looking forward to some pike pics for ya, TDunn
  17. Dara, I didnt see ya. I would have definitly came over to say hey. Any whities? Kickingfrog, your right! Certain times of the year it can be crowded at places. TDunn
  18. Well with all you guys from Southern Ontario enjoying opening weekend for trout, I thought I might as well add my trout adventure from the weekend from up here in Northern Ontario.This was our first day out for trout on the soft water and we had high expectations from what we have been told about this lake in the spring. Although our trout season has been open since January, a few select lakes have different seasons and this lake just opened up this past weekend. I am not going to mention the lakes name we fished but if you’re from the Soo, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out where I was. We were on the water by 6am and fishing just off the side of the pack of boats trying to keep some distance between us and the mob. Jigging started off fairly slow, although we hooked and lost a few we didn’t mark much on the flasher and never seen more than 5 fish caught in the first 45 mins. We then decided to pull anchor and drift 100 yards further away. This move produced our first LT for the day but it quickly went dead again and we pulled up the anchor and decided to bust out the bigger rods and use the riggers. We left the pack and began fishing some water only a few minutes away that had been productive in recent years during the middle of summer. We were marking fish immediately and began hitting fish on every pass, even double headers. These fish were in 60-80 feet of water and we had the riggers set from 50-70 feet. Mini-dodgers followed by a slow rolling smelt was the ticket. A lot of fish were landed and lost with most measuring in at 20-24". If anything the day gave us a good reminder on how important a GPS is... Heres a few shots and videos from our day! The Pack....huge for up here... A Double A couple videos from the day Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 My cousin Ted went back out Sun for a few hours in the morning and laid a beat down on them again. I had to hit the books for my last 2 exams so I forced myself to stay home.... He took his buddy out and put him on not only a bunch of fish but his new PB laker...A solid fish coming in at 26" No real big fish, but everyone had a blast! Thanks for reading, TDunn
  19. Good looking LT TDunn
  20. Looks like you guys had a great day fishing!! TDunn
  21. Big fish! I can't wait to fish Quebec in June!!! Thanks for the great report TDunn
  22. Dynamite specks! Great photos all around! TDunn
  23. Wicked weekend man! Looks like it was a blast TDunn
  24. Wow, what a day you guys had! Awesome! TDunn
  25. Beauty fish man! Enjoy the fishing as much as you can. Conditions are brutal up here...Rapids is the only place I've been steelheadin... looking forward to some brookie reports from ya soon! TDunn
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