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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. Again,thanks for all the great comments guys. As for the few about dropping the perch and targeting pike well I think that just might happen shortly. I have always targeted perch in this area but this year it seems to be holding more and bigger pike than usual. This zone was previously open all year but the new regs close the area mar 1 until may 1. I had some plans to fish this place late ice but that isnt gonna happen now. Although I may get there once or twice before mar to try for gators, I think ice out is when I'll will be found roaming this area in the boat a little more exclusively for esox. Oh, good Luck MTBF. You have had a good start TDunn
  2. The fish above came from about 16 feet of water with the smelt about 3 feet off bottom. I tried a shallow hole in a weedbed for awhile (6ft) right under the ice but no action. Usually I suspended close to bottom before I try anywhere else in the water column. The Perch were very tight to bottom today so that was my main reason for keeping the smelt low today. Ive never fished Ottertail, Ive heard alot about the rocket factory it has tho....Im sure there is a few giants in there Matt! Thanks to everyone for all the kind words.... TDunn
  3. I was on the ice by 9 am today and off at 3:30. I was targeting perch and had a heck of a time locating fish with any size. Only a handfull over the 8 inch mark but a lot of small ones to keep me busy. Rapalas, buckshoot spoons and drop shoting minnows were todays weapons. As I was ruling out water in this bay I had a tip up out rigged with a quick strike and smelt. Landed 4 of the 5 pike that struck. The one that I missed bit me off before I could get there. 50# braid just like that! Anyways heres the best fish for the day. I counted 7 good runs before I could get her to the hole...the perch on the other hand were pretty embarrassing...no pics of them. TDunn
  4. its an atlantic......lol...j/k definitly perch! Nice report Simon... Look forward to a crappie filled report from you TDunn
  5. Bolle gets my vote. The most comfortable sunglasses I have ever worn. TDunn
  6. Whitefish brother....odd perch... odd bow... I actually caught a pink there last year on the ice.... Personally Ive never seen an eye there....but you really never know whats gonna come around I guess TDunn
  7. Well a little birdie is telling you to check it out....If you dont get an auger soon let me know.... TDunn
  8. been there on the ice yet? TDunn
  9. Cleo over a buzzbomb any day....but buzzbombs do work... I don't cook any chinooks but I do get a few smoked every season. Not from the rapids either, only staging silver bullets. Nothing wrong with eating a few lake huron fish properly cleaned with all the fat removed. I find this drastically takes away the "fishy" taste. I don't fish pinks downtown in the crowds but I will in the rapids if i come across some big fish. I definitly do not target them. Personally, I simply just love catching fish and for that reason, I will catch one any day. The river receives one of the best runs of pinks around (numbers and size) and many people don't take advantage. Most locals consider them garbage fish, but if you talk to some of the fisherman who travel here from great distances, you would be surprised how well respected the river is for giant pinks. The Ontario record was caught in the river...13 pounds or something if i remember correctly. I will agree many people fish illegally and in plain view...but im sure this is a province wide problem not just the river. Good luck on the pike Xeon.....I'll be out on a part of the river system for gators later on this week....thurs and/or fri I think between classes TDunn
  10. Agreed. I was surprised with the trade. Im a fan of Phaneuf's style.Any team can use a player like him. (IMO) I guess we will see.... TDunn
  11. As mentioned Seaguar leader material is what your looking for
  12. Lookin Good Mike!! TDunn
  13. Nice Steve as usual My sister is attending college in Orilla and I hope to get down there this winter to try Simcoe out for my first time.... and visit with her...LOL Looking forward to your reports throughout the winter man TDunn
  14. Yes!!!! seen them a few times at Norma Jeans!! Great band TDunn
  15. Ive been to the june race....if your camping with a trailer, jupiter hills campground is a great spot to stay....A lot of stuff going on. A guy even brings a mechanical bull for people to ride... Michigans track is boring..... TDunn
  16. I'll be coming home from a lake trout tournament (wakomata lake) that day.....just in time for dinner TDunn
  17. From my own experiences I found either way your gonna sweat when hiking into the interior of the park.... I will always bring an extra shirt or two for that reason TDunn
  18. LOL I thought everyone in Goulais knew them....I guess not TDunn
  19. I pretty much put the Ipod on shuffle also......Usually listen to this stuff when on the road Rage Against the Machine BuckCherry Linkin Park Airborne The Offspring Pearl Jam Tool The Hip GnR The Trews Josh Todd (Buckcherrys lead singers solo stuff) Nirvana On a lighter note I also listen to Dave Matthews Bon Iver ( Laz got this from you) TDunn
  20. You must be a fan of the famous (locally) goulais river band The Billy Ba$tard$ ? TDunn
  21. The hike into the lake was great, I really enjoyed it. We had the girls out with us that day and we couldnt have asked for better weather! Was that you guys we walked by at the first point? The fishing was pretty good for us.....We landed 12 (all lakers most were caught on white tubes) but we missed well over a dozen on the deadsticks.....The girls were having more fun building/maintaining the fire and cooking hotdogs/smores than running for lines...LOL, but they were happy so I was happy!! I was tempted to go back sunday but we decided to go perchin on superior.... TDunn
  22. Nice report. Good eaters man. I'm thinking I was at the same lake sat. We did good, very light bites on the deadsticks/tip ups but the fish were hitting our jigging presentations hard. No need for snowshoes either we just wore our boots in. TDunn
  23. Love the naturals man! Lotsa trout behind Echo Bay/Leeburn forsure! PM me if you want any info on lakes behind "the bay" TDunn
  24. I have a clam nanook and its great. No complaints at all.....I wouldnt split a shack with someone either as Anders has pointed out... check out riverside outdoors in thunder bay...Shipping isnt to bad to the sault....He uses the greyhound bus... As far as HT goes I use a few HT rods and I love em too..... TDunn
  25. staff or student??
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