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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. Thanks guys!! I had no idea a shot of our two day shoot made the cover until yesterday. It was a pleasant surprise when I hit cell service coming back from Lake Nipigon. I ran into this MooseBunk guy up there!! Anyways thanks again, hoping to get a long overdue report up for the community. It's been awhile.... TDunn
  2. Huzzsaba, it was my pleasure buddy! Next time you are up in this area bring some waders! Ha!! Hopefully the rapids will be lower, so it's not so insane for wading. Thanks guys for the kind words, always willing to help a board member out.... Hopefully get a report up soon full of some fish porn, TDunn
  3. Definitely fun..... See if you can find a used Hobie with mirage drive.... I use a 13 foot Hobie revolution. I'm 6"3, 200 pounds and can fish for days comfortably. Expensive yes but money well spent in my opionion
  4. Call Addy at misty mountain fly shop located on haviland bay (Lake Superior) just outside the soo. Rooms under 100 bucks, restaurant and a great fly/tackle shop. Tell him I sent you..... http://www.mistymountainflyshop.com Or stay in the soo (Dara had some good recommendations) and fish the st.marys for a few hours.
  5. Ummm.... awesome!! Great write up Mike. Looked like great fishing and even better company. Thanks for the report
  6. Bunk, great trip! I spoke to Rob the other day, he mentioned your double header..... Wild! Everything you preach about O.R.R. Is bang on...its truely my favourite destination in Ontario. To bad our trips didn't align this year....maybe next year Talk soon man
  7. Nice fish! Would have fooled me..... I've caught Atlantics on the superior side of the St Mary's dam when fishing whities in the summer. They definitely get through!
  8. Haha!! seriously tho!!!
  9. -9 this morning when I left for the rivers north at 5am, snow was still over my knees in LSPP.....and Superior is still locked!!
  10. Steelhead love em.... I like that they don't dive once you start retrieving. Let sink to desired depth then reel (I count and use the 1s=1ft) Sometimes I will twitch or jerk it in on the retrieve but often just a straight retrieve works well. Great for casting on rivers.... TDunn
  11. That's my uncle Tim. I remember your trip with him Shloim. Small world.... Fire him an email Bl8ant. TDunn
  12. Well I think we need to chat on the phone again Drew..... I have a few questions for Ya about the trip. love the videos and beauty fish!! TDunn
  13. I've stayed at onamans, royal windsor and reflection. South East end of the lake definitely reflection. North, You have Onamans. Ccanuck- if you thought onamans was Spartan, you can't imagine royal Windsor. Breaker box was in the shower in our cabin!! Olga is worth the price of admission tho! Bunk, I've been trying to get a hold of Robert? Maybe his internet is down? He has mentioned in the past his internet goes out from time to time. Thought maybe you would know. Supposed to be heading up late June. Just want to double check with him on a few things. msp- If I was going back in the fall again I would be thinking about camping in the South Bay area.... Lots of camping spots. If it was me tho, I'd book early summer 2016 at onamans or reflection. TDunn
  14. http://m.sootoday.com/content/news/details.aspx?c=88656
  15. Hmmm not so much there for the trout. That's more up stream. Bass and Pike should be around tho. Never know what you will get at the mouth.... Check the regs if you plan on keeping some brookies. The superior tribs north have a 22" slot for the most part. Nothing can be kept under. Just a heads up TDunn
  16. Glad it turned out for you!
  17. Go to batch over the cake. Throw spinners, Cleos. July your gonna get brookies, smallies, resident bows and maybe walleye. Hope for some rain just before your trip..... TDunn
  18. Exactly what I do! Or double dip in the fish crisp.
  19. Currently looking at a lund 1775 pro guide 90 merc tiller....... What a boat!! Sure hope I can swing it this spring !! TDunn
  20. No Brian, had to park up the road and walk out. One truck was parked on the shoreline. Lake joe tomorrow then bbp tues I think
  21. I walked out from oro/7 yesterday..... Reminded me of superior out there....... Bbp mon, hoping for a little better conditions.
  22. Nice Jay That is a huge walleye.... Good luck with the rest of your season
  23. I agree, this lake is fantastic. Ive got some funny looks from the fly in groups while fishing that lake. I've never stayed in the cabins. I've only camped on trips there but I can vouch for the outstanding walleye fishing. Good luck on your search. TDunn
  24. The Manistee should be prime. I fished the Pere Marquette River about 5-6 weeks ago. Fished east of Ludington. Can't remember the name of the small town but it has an Orvis flysop. We stopped in bought a few flys and tbey gave us lots of info about the rivers. The Pere Marquette was a descent River(little small for me) with some nice fish but the Manistee will be where my next trip for steelies in Michigan is. I'm not sure what the seasons are for species inland but there should be a whack of rivers fairly close with steelhead. Don't know if that helps.....maybe stop by or contact jays sporting goods. TDunn
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