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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. live cariboo for greenland sharks!!
  2. Oh man you're a hunter too?!?!
  3. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/FW/2ColumnSubPage/289999.html
  4. Hah! I would have been less sympathetic.. I would have probably eaten that little bugger with my dinner.. Those beasties have been using my balcony as a brothel all winter. I've tried rat traps, snares.. They always seem to be one step ahead. Great little read bud. cheers HD
  5. Right on mane. Good luck at the event.
  6. Hey buuuudday! Whacha up to this weekend?! I got some light blue skuds that I wanna try...
  7. Nice huck in the bush!!
  8. Cool! I got that funny looking brookie wrong... Throw in some cyprinidae and then things would get interesting! Thanks for that.
  9. Wow that's a beauty!! I predict a shortage of those Nipigon spoons in the near future.. cheers HD
  10. Wayne it's a long way to Notredame for toothless squaws..
  11. Well.... D'UH!
  12. OOooh and then run a mini tourney to fish the fly you tied... That would be groovy! Count me in.
  13. Be interesting to see the expance of the ice.. Is there anywhere on line where we can get a clear image of Lake O? I keep checking the modis imagery on NOAA but all I can see is white fluff.. cheers HD
  14. Brian.. that's a linear equation... You'd have to do the multiplication before the substraction... 10*2-5.. (10 X 2) - 5 = 15!! How the heck did you 56?!?!
  15. Wow. Just.. Wow. The spring flows will be awesome!
  16. Ooh yummy. How'd it taste?!
  17. No Doubt! Not a bad job for a selfie though!
  18. Now that's a big dirty greaser!! Is that picture cropped or were you fishing solo? Either way, that's a beast. Congrats!!
  19. Awesome!! Love those "Springs"!!
  20. Right on dude. I was beginning to think that we'd only get good fish porn through paid adds HAH!! Cheers HD
  21. Exactly. temperatures fluctuate according to depth. If the water was the same temp below the ice througout the water column, there wouldn't be much life down there...
  22. improved clinch to leader, swivel or bait; Rapala knot for original floating rapalas; perfection loop for all loops; double uni for braid to mono; albright for tyable metal shock tipet to mono; blood knot for hand tied fly leaders. that is all.
  23. I've had horse sausage in Moscow.. They yummy down on that stuff out there.. As I recall, it was dark and stringy and salty.. absolutely disgusting!!!
  24. Reminds me of Blinkey.. Mr. Burns: Let's ask an actor portraying Charles Darwin. Charles: Hello. Mr. Burns: Hello, Charles. Tell them about your theory of natural selection. Charles: Glad to. Every so often, Mother Nature changes her animals giving them bigger teeth, sharper claws, longer legs or in this case, a third eye. If these changes are an improvement the new animals thrive and multiply and spread across the earth. Mr. Burns: So this fish might have an advantage over other fish. Charles: It may be a kind of super-fish. Mr. Burns: I wouldn't mind a third eye, would you? Charles: No. Mr. Burns: You see, friends if our antinuclear naysayers and choose-upsiders came upon an elephant next to our power plant they'd probably blame his ridiculous nose on the nuclear bogeyman. Some food for thought right there!!
  25. I would! You non-believer!!
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