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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. If it's anything specific you can pm it to me and I'd be happy to translate.. Or just take me with you hhah!! cheers HD
  2. Wow. Brings a whole new meaning to the term high and dry! Anywho, ya tweaked my interest on the Don Watershed.. Had a look online and found an interesting read on it. Check it out! http://trca.on.ca/dotAsset/55393.pdf I must say though.. the future doesn't look too bright for the Don.. cheers luv, HD
  3. Ditto on the rough terrain! I was under the impression that a cut like that had to be cleared of leftovers once the jobbers left.. Kewl fort though and kudos for wearing your blaze. cheers HD
  4. And they're still running commercial flights from Liberia and Sierra Leone...
  5. HAHAHAAH!! Can I borrow a feeling?
  6. Baahh.. I just think Mike could use a hug..
  7. What?! I thought it was well done. I guess my standards are lower..
  8. Exactly. Chinny fry might spend less time as fry in a river before returning to the lake, but their tolerances are super low. I don't believe there's any return currently from chinnies spawning in the Credit.
  9. This was on the CRAA site.. An MNR field tech chymed in on a post from someone who was basically asking the same question.
  10. Uuhhh.. sorry. come again?! Check your sources, then check your spell check.
  11. The ministry boys allow 50 chinnies over the dam per day if I'm not mistaken.
  12. I hear ya Bill.. Maybe they should keep that last barrier before the forks to maintain what's left of the fishery up there.. I know they maintain Streetsville for egg collection, but there's no reason why they can't do the same at Norval.. Streetsville oughta go IMO. cheers HD
  13. LOL naooh. swivel. float. bulk shot. tappered shot. swivel. tipet (ghost shot). ROE. How many years you've known me now?!
  14. 2 pals.. two totally different styles of fishing.. Kinda like us dude!!
  15. Oh.. my gawd.. That's horrid!! Better you than your kid though mane...
  16. Hey gang, Laszlo just put me on to this great doc... Thought I'd share it with ya'll. I'm stuck at the office this morning... emails have been put on the back burner.. Damn you Lazer!! I can't seem to post the link here so just do a search in Youtube and it should come up.. cheers HD
  17. Way cool. Congrats B!
  18. pics or it didn't happen..
  19. Cool! Any video of said head getting peppered?!?!
  20. And here I was thinking this thread would be a report.. What a jip!!
  21. Unknown zone toothless squaw THE KRAKEN Big Bend Loyalist Pool CNR pool (one on every eastern trib) 7-11 Big Smoke Oh man this is fun!!
  22. Wow did I just hear a resounding HELL NO!! from the locals at the Geen Pier?!?!
  23. wow that's a fully functional babe lair!! or a really sweet hunting camp. very noice.
  24. HE LIVES!! Some pretty sound advice here.. And if your wacky rigged senkos are falling off too easy... Try a tighter loop. You might stretch em a little while threading them through, but done gingerly.. it helps release the salt!! cheers HD
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