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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Bang on Roy.
  2. Talk about administering the kiss of death.. What would really be funny is if he gets the hep from that nasty thing!!
  3. Noice birds! Someone call a plumber.. Those pipes are about to burst..
  4. Awesome brown homay!! Dan is a machine eh?!?! cheers HD
  5. Dat's some quality chrome right thar.. especially the last one!! Was good seein ya on Saturday. Real shame about the water though. My heart was broken dude. Any updates?!?! PM me if you like! cheers HD
  6. Oh what a tangled web we weave!!
  7. Welcome home brah. Hope you take this opportunity to lay low from sport dating for a while.. I'll have my people call your people and we'll do a little esox luncheon.. He's just in between puters right now Erik. Talked to him yesterday and he's already talking about piking downtown in his trousers.. He sends all his best and I'm confident we'll hear from him again soon. He's got a lot of material so he must be just itching!
  8. Signs are still up as far as I know.. And the posted distance from any man made structure is 30m if I remember correctly. Wouldn't make much difference posting a sanctuary warning if the law isn't enforced though.. However, I've heard through the vine that police officers are now responding to calls from people.. Personally I'd just walk up to this dip stick and snip his line with my teeth, them I'd point to the sign and urge him to "bring it".
  9. Same thing as a haul cast in flyfishing... In this case, you'd pull in the butt section as you're making your forward swing. It increases the speed of your swing, much like a teeter.. Does this make sense?!?! Don't make me draw you a diagram boy..
  10. T'as une maudite belle barbe mon grand!! L'Auberge Pepin me rappelle des souvenirs d'enfance de notre vieu camp de chasse.. Gros merci!
  11. Nice tint to those fish budday! They must be blending in with that bloom. Now that is evolution!! cheers HD
  12. Outstanding Mike!! Me likey too. cheers HD
  13. OOOOOOHHH the pin bearings are gonna git a good wad of lube tonight!!
  14. Just lookit dat purty gar eh?!?! sweeeet. cheers HD
  15. Wouldn't make a difference.. I'm totally awol brah..
  16. Dude do you require my assistance?!?!
  17. oh they're just goofing around.. Mister guide mister guide ive caught one!! Actually it's pretty freaking funny. On va le remettre dans son élément naturel.. and he drops the fishy into a plastic container LOL. Nice bait!! cheers HD
  18. oh yeah right.. brooks are the ones that feed on benthic invertebrates. thanks dude.
  19. Tisk tisk.. great dry fly on size 20-22 umpqua.
  20. Looks to be PMDs brother. Pale Morning Duns..
  21. The answer is yes.
  22. Exactly. Could be a brook or a silver lamprey. Looks to be about the right size. A silver lamprey isn't parasitic and they're good indicators of a healthy ecosystem. You let it go?
  23. BEAUTS. First three are all browns by the looks of it. That strain of browns reminds me of the ones you find in old scottish locks.. Thanks for the report! cheers HD
  24. Good to see you in the mix again Cliff. You're right about the water levels.. That water line has been at the same spot for years and then poof, a meter lower!! In fact, we saw another water line about another meter up in some places.. Hope it gets better then worse up there. It was a really tough go at Lakair for Laz and me this year. You guys did alright though!! cheers HD
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