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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Minus 20 up there is still way better than our minus 20.. Number 3 is a great shot!!
  2. All beauties brother.. eliana is absolutely gorgeous, just like her mom.. Looking forward to another great year! Hope you can join me on the slopes!! And a merry Christmas to you and yours.
  3. Was just wondering about that..
  4. Build a better world, the world builds a better idiot..
  5. Spread it on budday!! What a life.. I'm green with envy.
  6. Nicely Done!! Thanks for the write up dude.
  7. SHWEEET Ride budday! I got me a ride too.. Time for a visit!!
  8. yah yesterday was an exercise in futility, but today... ooh like day and night.. I'll give a hing - it wasn't east heeheh

  9. Yah but jeeze... that's punishment for shop lifting in some countries.
  10. BWAAHAHAH I love that bit!! Oh oh but the one about the kamikaze pilot is by far the best. Before we have a seremonial sake toast, are there any questions.. Ya, in the back sakemoro.. Honorable general sir.. Ah so.. Are you oughta your mind?!!" OH GAWD I loose my junk every time.
  11. Yo Mike could you pop open some of them covers and show us some pichures?!?! Glad to hear you're okay.
  12. Oh man.. I'm so sorry for your loss.. Jesus.
  13. Bet your coat just smells awesome!! Nice.
  14. I ate the chicken and then I ate his leg!!
  15. No no no it was a rubber chicken!!
  16. I gave my love a chicken, it had no bones...
  17. OH, bother..
  18. Once again, hardware takes the cake. Nice fish budday.
  19. Gotta love that trib.. The flow is a trickle of what it once was but the fish are there. Nice chrome. cheers
  20. Sweet chrome, awesome brown! All kinds of goodness there.
  21. OOOHH WEEEE Stop the presses.. C'mon eh?!?! Seriously..
  22. Had our retriever try to eat a red devil I left out once.. I heard a strange noise coming from the entrance and I found her trying to shake it loose from her upper lip!!! Took that one off myself without too much trouble. She did eat a shinner left on a little hook one spring whilst fishing for ice out whities and had to be taken to the vet to have it removed from her throat. I could feel the hook and so could the vet but it was impossible to get it out because the urge to swallow was too overpowering. The vet had me hold her down while he tried to anesthetize her and after he had inserted the tube, realized that it was too small and had to pull it out. I saw a bit of blood on the tube and I passed out right there in the operating room!! When I came to she was drooping drunk and behind bars, but he had gotten the hook out.. Then there was the incident with a skunk.. I came home from the bar at 3am and she wanted out, and I didn't think to tie her up cause I was loopy drunk... She bust out the door and went straight for a skunk on the deck! I wasn't about to clean her in my condition so I figured I'd keep her in the shop until the morning. What I didn't realise was that the door leading to the house was ajar and she went straight for momy and daddys bed... I can still hear the shriek. Quite possibly the worst night of my life. She never did learn though.. Skunks, porcupines, rolling around in carrion and other people's turds, lip smacking outhouse binges, etc.. Stupidest pooch we've ever had. Pretty safe to say that in-breeding was the culprit. Still, best dog ever!! RIP Maxime. Wish I had a pic. cheers HD
  23. Sorry to hear that Raf. I have a feeling they'll get theirs... very soon.
  24. OH that bait.. 10-4
  25. Nice. That was very well put together. Got a pic of the bait? cheers
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