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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. "So much sturgeon it's rediculous" Really? Don't hear too many being caught.
  2. good charger goes a very long way. I cooked a few batteries using a bad charger. I recommend the CTEK line they have been very good.
  3. Thanks guys. I've been calling around and there seems to be a big variance on the Honda pricing - like 5-$600 difference for the same motor. Hoping I can track down a connection to get a good price. If anyone knows a dealer in the SW Ontario area recommended PM me...Honda or otherwise.
  4. Much easier to pull than push the boat in the wind. If you can afford it consider a bowmount. If your boat has some weight to it I'd consider something bigger like a 50lb.
  5. Could try Jos at Angling outfitters I think he has some 2500's in stock. I've played with one a bit and I'd recommend the Stradic MGFB before I would the CI4. The can be had pretty cheap if you can track them down still.
  6. You have no idea how many time I've heard stories like that. Thanks for the input guys I appreciate it.
  7. I was in a local Honda shop checking out some smaller outboards 9.9-25hp for the relatives and was wondering what everyone's opinion is on them. From the pricing I got they seemed substantially more than Merc/Yamaha. Does anyone know of a dealership that they recommend that has good pricing? Around KW/London preferred but willing to drive further if its worth it. Thanks.
  8. Yup give Bob a call. Pretty tough to find bigger walleye/muskie/bass than the Detroit River/Lake St. Clair waters.
  9. I'm going to mount the transducer for my sonar on the back of my boat tomorrow and I'm wondering where the optimal spot would be. I'm thinking of placing it to the right of the bunk as it'll be away from the motor and the right keel. Where have you guys placed yours on the back of the boat? Cheers, scugog
  10. I think it's 9 but Jos doesn't get it till around 9:30 Always best to call ahead if he's the one that gives you the deals!
  11. Agree 100% keep posting want ads you'll probably find someone on here that knows someone reputable to buy from. Good luck.
  12. Is there any way that pressure could be put on the rental places? Slim chance but maybe at least raise awareness or put up signs outlining what the actual limits are.
  13. PT has some good points on some budget-oriented options for you. As for the bow mount plate its pretty easy, use Aluminum or heavy plywood with a coat of waterproof seal:
  14. Check out the Minn kota Terrova bow-mount motors. Powerdrives are good too but the Terrovas have quite a few benefits making them worth the extra cash. 55lb would be perfect for that boat. Get the Co-pilot or I-pilot for the Terrova and you can control if from anywhere in the boat. Fishfinder Lowrance LMS-520 or 522 if you can find one, otherwise an HDS-5 would be sweet. Batteries value-wise probably Walmart Energizer or Costco Kirkland. I have Optimas but they are expensive but work great.
  15. Had a chance to see the TX5 in person this week. Simply awesome. http://www.sonystyle.ca/commerce/servlet/ProductDetailDisplay?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10001&productId=1007222&navigationPath=n32090n100454n100451
  16. Go with the Yammy F20! Its 114lbs..the F15 is 114lbs as well.....heck the 9.9 is 98lbs.
  17. Wouldn't say its low cost but its high performance with 5yr warranty. Get the CTEK 3300 from Canadian tire. It'll to 2ah to 90ah or larger with ease. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/BatteryChargersAccessories/BatteryChargers/PRDOVR~0111522P/CTEK%252BMulti-use%252B3300%252B3.3A%252BBattery%252BCharger.jsp Search around maybe Canadian tire will match someone else. I have 2 and they are great.
  18. I'd get a 15hp 4-stroke...chances are its the same weight at the 9.9 If you're buying new I wouldn't even consider a 2-stroke. 2 Stroke has the weight and top-end power edge4 Stroke has so many more benefits. This was a really good thread a while back: have a look through it http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34029&st=0&p=360947&hl=stroke&fromsearch=1entry360947
  19. Surprised BPS doesn't put in duties automatically. I know Cabelas and iboats.com do.
  20. Go with a Terrova, 10x better than the powerdrive! Better pedal, steering, autopilot functionality, and stowing ability. Forget about the co-pilot and get an I-pilot model
  21. I would consider a Stradic 2500 MGFB if you can find one. Cheaper than the CI4 and IMO it feels smoother when I've compared them at the shop. For the rod I'd get a 6'6 or 6'8 St. Croix Legend Tournament or Avid spinning rod in a ML.
  22. North Kawarthas or Nestor Falls areas.
  23. Really good community aspect on here and a ton of information about anything...not just fishing! Met some top notch guys here as well...Slopoke, Big Cliff, aws, JPD, jjcanoe to name a few.
  24. Hey what is the warranty on the Energizer deep cycles? Parents need a battery and this sounds like the easiest and cost-effective option for where they are located.
  25. Its a good camera I should've mentioned it, but it doesn't do HD video and its not as portable like the rest. Takes great photos though from what I read.
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