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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. Go with the Traxxis. Variable speed also means up to 5x longer on a charge! The Traxxis are much easier to stow/deploy. On a 12ft I'd go with a 45 or 50lb Traxxis.
  2. It does it all. http://www.ctek.com/EN-US/consumer/mus-3300.aspx
  3. Assuming you're fishing around London....an Medium Heavy setup would work quite nice for you as most pike I've seen are in the 2-5lb range. Sounds like you have everything else setup well. slopoke's tips on keeping the rod down should help as well. Sounds like you're getting into them well though.
  4. Get a set of wraparounds whatever you do. Personally I'm a Ray Ban fan....but lots of others that are great as well. I've "heard" that brown lenses are better for fishing but I always use the Grey/black lenses.
  5. My bad you are right. I have 2 I should know
  6. I'd love to but the weather isn't being nice http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/caon0383 Need to buy anything at AO? We could maybe do a trip out there tonight or tomorrow instead.
  7. Glad its working bud....when we going fishing!
  8. I have two already....I'd like to buy a spare but with a 5yr warranty I'll probably be ok. This is the best charger I've used and Optima acknowledges it as one that works well.
  9. Awesome deal on an awesome charger http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/BatteryChargersAccessories/BatteryChargers/PRDOVR~0111522P/CTEK%252BMulti-use%252B3300%252B3.3A%252BBattery%252BCharger.jsp
  10. That is incorrect. The D34M is designed for Deep Cycle. Get a proper charger! http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/BatteryChargersAccessories/BatteryChargers/PRDOVR~0111522P/CTEK%252BMulti-use%252B3300%252B3.3A%252BBattery%252BCharger.jsp
  11. You can get an adapter to plug into your Terrova for the Lowrance but not sure if Lowrance has a "transducer switch" to toggle back and forth. In my experience the US2 doesn't work as well as the Lowrance transducers. Unfortunately its a PITA to rig a Lowrance ducer on the bottom of the Terrova. Can be done though.
  12. Jocelyn told me he only sells a couple Platinums a year, so he doesn't stock them. I'm interested to see what the kawarthas and lake of the woods look like.
  13. I re-flashed the latest software onto it and the Navionics seems much snappier. Thanks everyone. Smallie - if you have the platinum chip are you able to post a few pics of what it looks like? Very curious to see what is has.
  14. I only have 1 slot on mine....hmm HDS-8 would be nice maybe Jos will let me trade straight up
  15. Yup running latest software...I'll try and re-flash it and see what happens.
  16. Thanks smallie...I'll give them a shout.
  17. Picked up a hotmaps chip on the weekend and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with how slow the HDS units are with the chip. I'm running the latest software. Anyone else notice this and/or have a fix to speed things up? Pretty frustrating....I'm thinking of trading my HDS for an LCX unit...the only thing I find better on the HDS units is the screen resolution so far.
  18. I'm trying the Hotmaps regular version which has all the maps I need for what I do. The difference between that and the Premium wasn't worth it. I am interested in seeing what the Platinum looks like though. Nipfisher, can you post some pics of the 3D and imagery it has. One thing I don't like is that the chip is terribly slow in my unit and its running that latest firmware! Wish Lowrance would speed the HDS' up.
  19. I would guess it draws close to 25-30a full throttla so I would guess 1.5-2hrs. If its a motor with maximizer technology dial it down and you'll get alot more out of the battery as its best at 30-60%.
  20. Find a used Cronarch Mg - best reel I've ever used.
  21. Its too bad there is such a shortage in funding for the SW Ontario conservation areas. There are many good fishing lakes that could be improved by managing the water better and possibly adding aerators to them. I've just about had it with this area's water quality and need to move back to the Kawarthas or up north!
  22. I've fished a few reservoirs in SW ontario that are succeptable to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) but from what I've read its still ok to consume fish just not their internals (stomach, liver etc). Not sure if Belwood is the case but probably...the excess phosporus and nitrates in the water from runoff seem to cause it.
  23. Yup do a search on here lots of info on them. I think they are great. The D34M would work but you might want to consider the 31 series. Whatever one you go with make sure you get a good charger for it! Searching will give you some examples as well.
  24. Do you have the Premium or Platinum chip? It looks pretty slick I'm just wondering if there are other chips that would come close.
  25. bump - hoping to get one this week
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