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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. Well after 5yrs our Serta mattress has lost almost all its support so its time to get something that is A. going to last longer and B. going to be more comfortable. I'm really eying the Tempur-pedic mattresses, but the $ is the only thing scaring me away. Just wondering if anyone else can speak for them, or any other mattress they find really comfortable. Although I don't mind paying for something that is worth the $. Also if you know of any place you would recommend in the London area please let me know! I know there's a huge margin on these items so any deal would be nice!
  2. I've noticed this as well in some boats. You'll probably get 1.3 - 1.6mph troll at the slowest.
  3. I think most are designed to be stored on a certain side of the engine nowadays, so you should be ok as long as the top of the motor doesn't get placed below the lower end of the motor. With how light the 4 strokes are getting, I wouldn't even think of a 2 stroke at this point. Good luck.
  4. I'd be looking at a small trailer as well. I'm thinking about getting a small Jon boat or something and it seems too much trouble to roof top anything. PM me when you're going out around here, there's a few smaller spots that are great for a small boat.
  5. You are doing the right thing, that is a heavy motor she needs some support back there!
  6. Irfanview is a very handy viewing/editing tool it's probably my favorite...and its free.
  7. What species are you after? Is Windsor too far? If not give Bob Devine a call - he does Lake St. Clair/DR/Erie.
  8. Can't speak to the side markers, but go LED there is no comparison. Princess has them on sale occasionally and they are nice and bright.
  9. That's good advice right there. This was taken from their site, not sure if your flashing lights are red:
  10. I've never heard of walleye or rainbows being above St. Marys before.
  11. How does one join the lines knotlessly like that? Very cool!
  12. You should be able to find ones like these in the $8-12 range: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0001110014081a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntk=Products&QueryText=breaker&sort=all&Go.y=0&N=0&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form23&Go.x=0 NAPA has them at some locations, any marine dealer can order them.
  13. Thats a good video thanks for posting. I'm getting into jigging by the boat and its interesting how much they hug the bottom like that.
  14. I think a standard Group31 battery is around 72lbs....the Optima 31 is 59lbs. Standard Group 34 should be around 53lbs vs the Optima D34M at 43lbs. When comparing batteries be sure to compare apples to apples on battery size. I won't hesitate to buy another optima battery....although the Oddesy AGM batteries sound good as well but are around the same price range. This is a very handy chart that Odessy has outlining estimate run times with a trolling motor http://www.odysseybattery.com/trollruntimes.html
  15. I have 2 of the small Bluetops on a 24V (and powering all my boat electronics off 1 of the batteries) and it lasts a very long time. I could go 2 days easy on mine Check Costco and Wallmart for prices, I think costco is the best price. Also check their site for rebates. Its extremely important you use a quality charger with Optimas though, I highly recommend the CTEK US3300 its one of the few chargers Optima recommends for their batteries http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/BatteryChargersAccessories/BatteryChargers/PRDOVR~0111522P/CTEK%252BMulti-use%252B3300%252B3.3A%252BBattery%252BCharger.jsp PS I think we really need a sticky on the battery subject
  16. Hi all - I'm looking to do a project and was wondering if there is such thing as water-resistant hotmelt glue sticks. My glue sticks I have seem to wear down a few times in the water, so was wondering if there is sticks more designed for the elements.
  17. I'd be looking at vinyl if I did it again.
  18. I was told to give Port Colborne marine a call as well as Proctor marine for boat/motor sales. If someone has a rep they would recommend to deal with at either place shoot me a PM. Thanks
  19. Check their weight capacity, last time I looked at a 10 or 12 jon it couldn't hold much weight (at least by the capacity rating). 2 average guys and it would be over limit, forget about a trolling motor etc.
  20. I thought I read that there were elevated levels of PCB's in Rice due to discharge from the Otonobee in Peterborough from years back? Might be something to read into as it may be a bit higher in Rice than most Kawartha Lakes.
  21. Way clearer picture, and more powerful/accurate are some new features. Lots of bells and whistles past that. Try to score a Lowrance 520 or 522c, they are an excellent used unit. If i was looking new I'd look at a HDS-5
  22. US side is way faster! The way up Northern Michigan is the easiest way. Stop in Marquette for the night its about half way really nice town.
  23. I hear ya Cliff, same down this way Next time I'm up there I'll give you a shout.
  24. Bring a piece of PCV/ABS pipe along with you, will keep the spills minimal and keep you from the very edge of the boat. Just make sure it's big enough that something doesn't get stuck
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