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Everything posted by express168

  1. I have been a member for years but I have not been posting for while, but I always find myself coming back. Always someone here willing to help out and answer a question, many of the regulars have been hear a long time and I believe are truly interested helping people out. This is the only fishing messageboard I visit and am a member of.
  2. I had 3 foot drifts in my driveway this morning on Upper Stoney Creek. I still got my truck out and to the office a little late but none of the co-workers made it so I am reading the OFC board because not alot of guys calling for construction materials today.
  3. Hi guys I am back after a while but had to add to this post, I cleared half my drive this morning to get the work truck out, but cleared all the sidewalk up the neighbourhood with my snowblower. We have a guy around the corner with a landscape and plowing company that plowed a lane down the street and through the big plow drift at the end of the street so we could get on the main road. I called the wife this afternoon and she told me that my neighbour ( retired firefighter) cleaned the rest of our drive because he feels guilty that we get most of the snow drifts as opposed to him ( great guy)! There are 4 of us with snowblowers and we will always helpthe other neighbours and clear as much of the sidewalks as we can, hell I already started the machine whats anothers 2 bucks of gas to help my neighbours out and they do the same in return.
  4. Voted, and what she explains it took me years of life to understand. No matter what she is on a road to success with an understanding of life like that. You should be proud!
  5. I have caught pike, bass, and catfish in the Holland River from a boat. Hope that helps a little.
  6. Sorry to hear about your loss, that is a very touching tribute to your mother.
  7. This guy couldn't get the boat off the trailer so he tried gunning it in reverse, but he failed to realize that he hadn't released the winch strap and bow chain yet. It pulled the truck onto the slippery green algae on the bottom of the ramp and the rest is history. He cut the winch strap with a knife when he realized it was still attached but didn't release the bow chain first and with the tension on the chain afterwards there was no chance.This was years ago at Bayfront Park in Hamilton.
  8. Mercy, I thought we had something special!
  9. Gerritt is bang on, concrete is pourous and will wick moisture. I form and pour basement foundations for a living. You are lucky to have 4 inches of concrete on your basement floor, I can tell you 2 inches would be average based on what I see the slab companies doing in new construction. Put down the Delta dimple wrap and lay down the plywood and you are good to go.
  10. My deepest condolences Wayne , and mine and my families prayers are with you and your family.
  11. Have a great time! You are about to take my dream trip!
  12. I don't live to far from Binbrook either, I haven't caught many crappie from shore but I took my old boat out once with just the electric ( wasn't easy launching a 17 footer at Binbrook! )and managed to get into a pocket of crappie behind the small island. It was non-stop for a couple of hours with white jig heads and white twister tails. Sold the boat but I am looking at maybe getting an economical inflatible with a cheap electric to fish areas like Binbrook and Mountsberg that have really good fishing if you can get on the water.
  13. Awesome machine congratulations!
  14. I had 2 on my boat since I bought it new in 2004, sold the boat to my brother a year and a half ago and he says they are still running fine.
  15. Release him on a technicality and drop him off in the middle of Woodstock, then let the punishment begin.
  16. Release him on a technicality and drop him off in the middle of Woodstock, then let the punishment begin.
  17. That is my fishing fantasy!
  18. Caught plenty of them and they give a real good fight , but have never considered eating them.
  19. Great shots, I am a 2 minute drive from there. I spent alot of time in the Albion Falls area as a kid flipping rocks looking for crayfish, salamanders and snakes on the trails. People would be suprised with the amount of natural trails in the Hamilton area, definately alot of history around Albion Falls good/bad/ urban legends. I have seen some fish running the creek through the Kingsforest Golf Course as a kid but of course I didn't pay attention to the time of year or the type of fish at the time.
  20. That is absolutely awesome, you are one really smart guy there Wayne. You are a lucky man , it appears that you get to do what you enjoy doing everyday and that means you never truly work a day in your life. Good luck with the new invention.
  21. You said it there, too many parents trying to be their kids "friend" not their "parent". Children need direction and shown the way back when they venture off the right path, I took my share growing up and I deserved every one. But what I believe made me who I am today was the time spent with parents, my father died when I was only 4 so my mother an immigrant who didn't speak the best english was left to raise 5 kids on her own the oldest being 17. You better believe we knew what would come our way from mom if we stepped out of line, but what happened was our Uncles and older cousins stepped up as male role models for us and took us fishing and camping, and helped teach us lifes lessons ( and we all knew they had moms permission to discipline us as needed). Unfortunately parents today are working longer and different shifts making it hard for family life, not like back in the day when you worked 9-5 M-F and stores were closed on Sundays so the family went to the beach or fishing for the day. My wife and I have made serious changes in our jobs to be home more with our kids right now, it has cost us financially but I believe the reward will be worth the price. Parents need to take the time and do things with their kids, not just leave them to the play stations and computers. Get involved with them, and get them involved whether it be fishing, sports, hiking whatever. Keep them busy and there is less time for trouble, all kids are going to get in trouble from time to time it is part of growing up hopefully we can keep them out of serious trouble. They have to understand that there will be consequences for all actions not just some time out in the corner. Each of my 2 children have both recieved an appropriate spank when justified and understand that the punishment will be used if necessary, luckily it has not been needed that often but they are still pretty young. Great Thread.
  22. Great info , Thank you.
  23. You are right, that was my mistake. Sorry all these different camps and lodges blend into one in your mind after a while.
  24. Fantastic, thanks for the info.
  25. You said you are bringing your own boat, the camp does not have electricity so keep that in mind if you have trolling motor batteries to charge.
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