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Everything posted by express168

  1. The two areas to watch for a potential economic slowdown are the Auto industry and the Housing industry, when the Auto industry slips the demand for steel and plastics slip. Less demand for some of the minerals and metals that we mine. Lack of consumer confidence results in a slow down in new home building and hence less demand for lumber another major natural resource. Less consumer confidence results in other industries like electronics and such to falter, meaning the stock prices of al these big companies start to fall effecting Bay Street. Look at the last recession and see which industries faltered first and you will see a natural trickledown effect. As far as Chinas standard of living increasing, don't expect it to happen as fast as it would in North america as this is a democratic , free market environment not a communist dictatorship where you are told what your employment status is and not negotiated like ours. Do I belive we are headed to economic doom, NO!. I beleve the big 3 are going to fix their isues but I am just saying that these little warning signs shouldn't be brushed off, as when one major industry fails it begins to work its way down through everybody and then has a major effect on the economy. This is a great topic and I love hearing everbodies views on it , this board definatly has some intelligent people on it.
  2. Who do we service if the rest of the population is unemployed? But the fault lies with the big 3, I have friends who work for Ford, Chrysler and Toyota. Guess what? they each make similar money. So why is Toyota making good profits and the big 3 suffering? Look at the top 10 reliable vehicles, the top 10 vehicles in customer satisfaction and how many of them are from the big 3.If your product appeals to the consumer it will be purchased, if not you shall fail.Like others have said the imports have a product and they stick with it eg. civic,accord,corrolla not slap a cobalt nameplate on a cavalier and call it a new vehicle line, rather than fine tune the problems and perfect an existing line they create a new line of vehicle with even more problems than the vehicle it just replaced. That is just my rant , but I hope for all of us and the economy that they can turn this around, because the trickle down effect from the loss of manufacturing jobs i this country can cripple the economy. On a smaller scale look at the effect the loss of many manufacturing jobs in my City of Hamilton and you can see the economic slide that has occured over the past few years after these job losses.
  3. you think guys this smart are capable of using a computer!
  4. welcome aboard Frank I think we all lurked awhile before joining, but a good group of people and always willing to help if you ask NICE!
  5. I think six of those happened to me today!
  6. Not asking for any hotspots , I was just wondering if anybody ever fished Lake Mattagami in the Gogama Gowanda areas. Planning on heading there for a spring Pike and walleye trip and was just wondering on peoples opinions of the area and any camps that they may have stayed at . Thanks
  7. My dad passed away shortly after I was 4 years old , but my fathers cousin would come and take me a couple times a year fishing with him and his kids. I caught my first fish with him, a sunfish at Mountsberg. Now that I am an adult with 2 kids of my own can I truly appreciate what he did for me. He has since passed on as well but I hope i can pass on the pleasure and experience to my kids and others that he did for me.
  8. I am a Formsetter, I form and pour concrete footings and foundation walls for mostly residential and some commercial projects.
  9. Alot of knowledgeable fisherman here but I think I would really like to try fishing with Lew for my first musky, Irishfield and Spiel because they are always willing to help a person on their posts,and former OFNer Steve even though he has a job now. I should try to make arrangements to get to the Lakair G2G this year and finally meet and fish with some of you. So when is it going to be scheduled for this year?
  10. Most boats today are built pretty well for the average fishermans needs, I agree about not getteing carpet because of the blood, slime and the pain in butt of hooks getting stuck in it. Try to get the non-slip vinyl flooring if you can.And whatever boat you get, ENJOY!
  11. Just finished putting the kids in bed, there will definately be a prayer for your family tonight . Stay strong.
  12. It Doesn"t matter what team you are a fan of. I am a Bruins fan but my heart goes out to the Gainey family. He is truly one of the Gentlemen of the NHL. I hope for a miracle for her no matter how unlikely.
  13. Thanks for the bump!
  14. Just a question, How would oil from a 4 stroke end up in the water if it is a circulated oil system like a car and not burned with the fuel like a 2 stroke? Unless you have an oil leak or somebody dumps their oil in the lake after they do an oil change.
  15. Bassman , Gerritts repair is a great way to go. The blue skin is a great product and combined with the delta wrap he shouldn't experience anymore water problems. Gerritt for the price you mentioned that is not overkill at all , that is doing it right!
  16. Thanks to the guys that answered my other thread on a spring pike trip destination, This question is for what lake would be your preference , in the Gogama area,would you prefer Shining Tree Lake or Matagami Lake. Also someone recommended that I try the Spanish River area near the North Chanel of Huron. Any opinions from people that have been to these areas. Thanks for any advice !
  17. bassman , I work for a company that forms and pours concrete foundations, and unfortunately "MOST" basement leaks are truly only stopped properly by digging the outside and doing a proper patch and foundation waterproofing with wrap. However like the others have said there are some temporary fixs. Check the outside grade on that side of the house to make sure it is sloping away from the house. If he has his downspouts running into the ground on that side of the house , I would recommend that he cut them off above ground level and run an extension above ground away from the property as his storm drainage may be blocked and causing the water to backup.If he needs someone in the future to do a proper outside repair send me a PM and I may be able to put him in touch with some good guys.
  18. I have one, a 40 efi 4 stroke and I find the same thing. I can't get it to troll down below 3 mph.I would love some ideas on this too.
  19. woodro, in all fairness to Red Cedar Lake Camp the weather was so terrible last May 24 that we truly didn't get to appreciate the fishing and the camp. For the price the cottages were alright and there is alot of area to fish on Red Cedar Lake. I am not too sure about the Smallmouth fishing as all we targeted were pike that weekend.
  20. I know it is early and most of you are getting ready for ice fishing , but I am alredy searching for a good place to stay in spring. Looking for a new spring destination for some good pike fishing. we have done the Port Loring area many times and Red Cedar Lake last year. I personally am leaning towards the Gogama area but would like to hear some additional opinions. I know Lake Simcoe is good and close to home but we like to get up north for this trip. Any opinions and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  21. I started as a newbie again and I am just getting use to the new features but I like this new forum. By the way you are all nuts , LETS GO BRUINS!!!!!!!
  22. " Gone Fishin!" with Joe Pesci and Danny Glover, always good for a laugh!
  23. Sad loss for Michigan but they still deserve the second national championship spot. They lost to #1 on the road by 3, they spanked Notre Dame earlier this season and USC lost to a much weaker team. That is my opinion but I think they will get screwed out of it and end up in the Rose Bowl. Either way a great game to watch today! Rest in Peace BO!
  24. I am not too woried about my post count, it is alot of work for the mods that doesn't really make much of a difference anyway. I was just wondering if someone was trying to drop me a hint by not carrying me over as a member.
  25. I had to re-register on the New OFC, looks like I am back to a newbie. Do I need to re-introduce myself? Or wait maybe it was a hint to me that I was no longer a member? Can't get rid of me that easy ! this place is too much fun!
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