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Everything posted by express168

  1. Exciting waiting for the new boat!, Congrats and enjoy!
  2. Nothing against tournament fisherman , but this is my version of taking a kid fishing And later if he chooses to take it up competitively than I support him, not push him.
  3. To answer your question about good pike baits, my best performers have been large suspending Husky Jerks in perch or firetiger pattern, the tried and true red devil and 5 of diamonds spoons, and large bucktail mepps spinners. A live minnow has also caught me plenty of pike as well while fishing for perch or walleye.Good Luck and don't forget to post pictures.
  4. In the Kitchener area, I have fished Conestoga Lake, I have caught some good Pike at the bottom of the dam. Also some good bass and pike on the lake itself.
  5. I have strikers on my boat, they stand up to the dipsys well but unfortunately I am new to the salmon fishing and am yet to experience the salmon strike but I think they should hold up just fine.
  6. Welcome Bryce, I'm 33 and I am not the greatest fisherman either. Stick with it, it is alot of fun and I also don't know much about the Sauble area but somebody will probably be able to help you out.
  7. Nice report, man I got to get down and finally try the boat in the lower Niagara. Such a great fishery there, I have only tried from shore.
  8. I launch by myself quite a few times at the launch in my pictures, and when I do I tie my boat to the far L shaped part of the dock so that while I drive my truck and trailer out , the lane is already free for some one else to launch, that way they don't have to wait for me to get back. I try to do this at any launch with a long dock as it really keeps things moving.
  9. I have a 2003 Mercury 40hp 4 stroke EFI and so far not a problem , just regular maintanence.
  10. No survey, the boat was bought brand new in 2004 so there was no survey required.
  11. This is what happens if you don't properely follow all the steps.
  12. I have cabin fever so bad that I would kill to catch a 10lb Goby right now! Man did I get burned with that story. HA!
  13. I also recommend Premier Marine, $1,000,000 liability,replacement value not actual cash value of the boat and motor $17,000 there is a big difference between the two, trolling motor $800, accesories, and tackle $500, trailer $1500, yearly premium $395. And if anything happens to the boat the home policy will not be affected.
  14. Somebody have some plyers to get the hook out of my mouth!
  15. It is pretty sad that you have to arrange an appointment to get a CO in a city of 500,000 people. P.S if you are fishing in Hamilton on Sunday make sure you have a licence, I heard there might be a CO around.
  16. This article and picture appeared in the Stoney Creek News today. It is a free local paper , I am not sure if it appeared in the Hamilton Spectator or not. Here are some exerts from the article in the Stoney Creek News. " Earlier this week I received a call from a local man, who had been fishing down at pier 4. I got a huge scoop you won't belive what I just hauled in." said Kristopher Hadfield of Dundas. " It was a big fish , much bigger than I expected. " " I didn't know how big or small a Goby fish would grow so I called the Ministry of Natural Resources office in Peterborough. This is where I finally realized this was no ordinary catch." "Speaking to fisheries expert Marcel Jobard, I found Gobies typically grow up to 25cm(9.8in). When I told him I have a picture of a 10 pounder, he was shocked and somewhat skeptical." " I'll send you the photo, I said. Sure but I need to have someone come and confirm this catch, he replied. Maybe it's that polluted water down there in Hamilton." "I sent the photo and Mr. Jobard called back to confirm it did in fact appear to be a Goby." "In order to confirm Mr. Hadfield's catch, the ministry is sending a Conservation Officer to Hamilton on Sunday, April 1." I am sorry I don't have the picture but it is in the Stoney Creek news and o the Stoney Creek news website with the angler and it looks like a HUGE goby! I am just too computer illiterate to know how to post a link. Watch out Lake Ontario! www.stoneycreeknews.com. it is on the opinions page.
  17. Sorry for the misinformation buckster, it must have changed from Canada Customs the last time I looked into it a couple of years back.
  18. I build new foundations around the GTA for a living tony and 20ft is pretty much cookie cutter garage length with the major builders around the GTA. You would have to likely find a smaller builder to try and get someone to adjust the size of the garage. They apply for their permits based on their standard plans and making changes like that may require amendments that they aren't willing to go through. Usually what I find, to get a garage that big it would be a detached garage on a rural lot somewhere.
  19. Canada Customs does oversee the registration, if you call them they will tell you where the local centre is to do the registration.
  20. Bayfront I believe is still frozen, try the one near the lift bridge I believe the ice is out of there. Saw some boats being towed back up Centennial Parkway today so possibly Fifty point or they were coming back from Dalhousie. Hope that helps.
  21. After buying a boat I can't justify not using it everytime I have sparetime, so golf took a back seat years ago.
  22. I went to a local Buy and Sell store to trade in an old set of golfclubs that were in the basement for years for some cash. When I walked in I noticed an Etrex handheld GPS, not having a GPS for the boat I negotiated a trade of the clubs for the GPS . It is a basic unit but at least now I can have accurate trolling speeds, and route backtracking on unfamiliar lakes and finally save some waypoints of hotspots. This season is slowly looking up, and don't worry the clubs were a cheap set of Dunlops from years ago and I have been playing with the GPS already and it works fine.
  23. I am far from a walleye expert but my first stop would be the mouths of the rivers flowing into the lake or near any waterfalls entering the lake and use some twister tail jigs in white or yellow or minnows. That is what I have caught most of mine on early in the spring.If I am not mistaken they are still recovering from the spawn at this time of year and are feeding in some shallower areas than usual. But there are definately some other guys here that could give you some good help.
  24. The lake is about 48 miles long apparantly, so he would have a 20 mile run before getting into the open district. I told him why waste the time for some bass when there will be plenty of walleye , pike and lake trout water to fish. But thanks for the replies.
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