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Everything posted by express168

  1. I have played football and were around people who did use steroids and there was a definate effect on their personalty and the infamous " roid rage". I will agree that under the direction of medical personal and dosed correctly that steroids will have little effect but these people taking them as amateurs are not under proper supervision and are not dosing properly. They are following the direction of dealers essentially, not trained professionals and are causing damage to themselves as a result. As far as Junior Seau is concerned do I think steroids had an effect, no but I am also not a medical professional. This man spent 20 years in the NFL as a linebacker experiencing impacts similiar to that of a car accident repeatedly on a daily basis. All of us who played football would have experienced that slight blacking out for a few seconds after a good hit before your vision and recognition came back if not yo never really hit anyone that hard. Now imagine that at an NFL level, I was a fan of Junior Seau and he was a true gentleman of the game. I can't imagine what he was experiencing to drive him to take his life but I know it could not have been pretty if it was enough to take him away from his children. Lets hope none of us have to experience what he was experiencing, RIP piece Junior. This is coming from someone who lost their own father to suicide and its not as simple as being a coward. I don't think it is a very easy decision for someone to take a bullet at their own hands.
  2. Congrats and may there be many years of happiness
  3. The independants sign agreements with a certain supplier generally for a full year, they don't just call Imperial this week and then Petro-Canada next week. With out the agreements they don't sit high on the priority list to get filled back up when needed and in times of high demand being stuck high and dry without fuel to sell is not a good thing. Guys I know it sounds simple to just boycott here and buy there and that independants can buy where they wish but it is more complicated than this behind the scenes. Trust me I work for a company that supplies industrial and commercial construction materials and there are affiliations with certain manufacturers that we get prefered pricing with and priority delivery and our competition has affiliations with other manufacturers that they get better pricing from than we do. That is the way it works in most retail environments including gas, its not as simple as we wish for it to be. There is a fixed demand every single week for gas, we need to work, go to groceries etc. We can only change our variable use like our boats , atvs, trips up to the cottage, basically extra recreation and that is not enough to have that significant an impact and the gas companies know it. What bothers me more is the following, this is based on the last fill up of the company truck after reviewing the reciept. Total fill up 106.188L at $1.34/l Total= $142.50 Taxes federal $0.10/l = $10.61 Provincial $0.147/l = $15.60 HST= $16.40 Tax Total= $42.61 Total gas cost $99.89/ less than $1.00 per liter! What was the percentage of tax on that fill up and lets ask who is really hosing us at the pump!
  4. We will be up there Aug. 11 to Aug. 18, PM sent and it should be a good time.
  5. Did Portugal last year for 16 days and Wayne is right, check the back of your chargers and laptop are dual voltage just needed the adapter for the plug. However you would need a converter for a blow dryer or hair straightener for any ladies that may be going. We actually just bought a cheap blow dryer and hair straightner in Portugal when we got there instead of burning out her expensive units from home, it won't take much to burn out the motor/heating elements on those if you don't get an adequate wattage rating on the coverter as heat producing devices have very high ratings. Most hotel rooms have built in hair dryers but be careful of a hair straightner for the ladies.
  6. It is interesting how little info there is on this lake online. I went into a local baitshop looking for a map or anything on Onaping and actually ran into a relative of the owner of Onaping Lodge, he mentioned a couple tips and locations to try that I will PM you. We are staying at Northwoods Lodge are you staying there or Onaping Lodge? Best of luck as well and it will be a good time on the water with the kids either way.Thanks for the help fish-meister.
  7. The stations wil not sit idle though, we all have an amount of gas we all have to buy every week no matter what. As people sit in line ups for 45 minutes at a discount station to save 5 or 6 cents a liter many of us will just pay at the other station to get in and out. An extra 5 cents on a 60 liter fill up for me is $3.00 and my time is worth more to me than that. Plus as the demand at the discount station increases so will their price til it reaches the level of the other guys. The demand remains the same until we actually take cars off the road which isn't going to happen and seeing how they supply the discount stations to their gas is still moving.
  8. The issue is not the land he owns but access because of the public road, the road may have been included in some of this purchase. The transactions need to be reviewed, the province can sell a public roadway hence the privately owned 407 in Ontario. I am not picking sides but I am sure his lawers did a very good job laying out these land purchases to protect his interests just as your lawyer should have when you bought property. Everyone here who is saying that nature can't be owned, give up your homes and property because that was all nature before it was developed and built on just on a smaller scale than this guy. Everyone likes to believe that billionaires all inherited their money, some likes Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg,Buffet, Basille, came from families that weren't poor but they created their ideas and earned their billions. There are many others, Micheal Dell, Oprah, Walton,John paul De Joria, Ralph Lauren, just to name a few that started from very little. Don't be upset that they made it, even if your born into it you need to be smart enough to keep it, plenty of fortunes disappear after the idiot son takes over the business. Don't blame him for making it, blame the government for a poorly made deal if that occured. Your right we would all be billionares if it were easy but its not, they do keep many of us employed and if you feel like a slave working for them than do something for yourself and move on. Problem is we are so comfortable that we don't wish to take the risks and challenges, and then just bugger about the ones that did and made it. Sorry just my rant for the day.
  9. Petro Canada and Imperial Oil(Esso) are the main refiners in Canada so even when you buy from the little guys you are buying from them essentialy. What is needed is increased refining capacities, there hasn't been a new refinery built in North America for almost 30 years now because of strict environmental conditions that must be met to get approval. The time to get approval can take about 10 years, so until you can increase refining those that have control of that have control of the prices.
  10. Well booked a rustic cabin and boat for a week in August for the family and the dog on Lake Onaping north of Sudbury. I was supposed to stay at this place back in 2007 but a day before we were leaving the lodge was evacuated due to the forest fire around Halfway Provincial Park so we had to scramble and go to another location. From what I have been able to read the best fishing is in the north end of the lake but the lake is 48 miles long and with a 10 and 7 year old on board I am not to interested in making a 2 hour boat run to the north end of the lake. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the south end of Onaping and would be willing to give some tips for the lower end. I am just looking to keep the kids occupied with fish whether it is walleye, bass, hammer handles,perch, whatever comes we will take. PM me if you aren't interested in posting, it is a big body of water and I am pretty sure there is plenty of fishing to be done in the south end. Nothing would make me happier than pulling fish off the kids hooks for the week. Thanks.
  11. For pike and bass plus a bunch of other species with a large selection of cottages Nipissing would definately top the list. Closer to Toronto you have Cooks Bay/Lake Simcoe for good pike and bass but other than the Provincial Park for camping I am not familiar of any cottage rentals. Use the Ontariofishing.net lodge directory and you are sure to find something, all broken down into regions and can access all of their websites. Awesome tool.
  12. No I wasn't aware of that, man I love this place because I learn something new everytime I log on.
  13. " Cast over by those bubbles, there is a fish breathing over there!"
  14. Welcome aboard, always someone here to help out with advice. Sure people can get ansy but just don't take anything personally and its all good. You know its hard to read a persons tone and intent when typing on the internet so I think alot of stuff are just misunderstandings. But overall a good group of people.
  15. Nice, finally a picture of someone with a pike from the harbour.What did you catch it on?
  16. Sorry, I have 80lb leaders.
  17. Makes sense, pretty simple eh.
  18. Hey folks I usually use wire leaders when needed but I have a few pre-tied store bought flourocarbon leaders that I am interested in trying them out. But they stay curled up when removed from the packages, does anyone have any tips on straightening them out and keeping them straight? Thanks.
  19. Thanks for the confirmation, and your right it isn't on the website. The kids are usually tired after about 2 hours of it anyway so the $5.00 deal is perfect.
  20. I thought I heard them say on the radio today that admission to the show is $5.00 after 5:00pm, but I wasn't really paying attention so I may be mistaken. I was wondering if anyone here cold confirm this? I would like to take the kids and that is a pretty good deal if it is actually true.
  21. " Die-Wa you no catching no fish!" Use Abu Garcia is what a friend once told me.
  22. When I had my boat I wasn't able to just add the rider to the house insurance because the HP exceeding the max that they would insure under the home policy. There are arguments either way to add a rider or to get a seperate policy, I see another end to the seperate policy. God forbid you have a collision on the water with injuries which could be a big claim, and decide to not get another boat for a few years. There will be an increase on home premiums but no increase on a marine policy as you wouldn't need one without the boat. Now with boat accident on your home policy god forbid you have a major claim on the home afterwards, after that policy expired insurance would get pretty expensive. I know I am talking extremes but the extremes is why we get insurance in the first place, not the minor stuff. This is coming from a guy that experienced a house fire claim of about $90,000, believe me house insurance was fun for about 5 years after that.If you carry a mortgage their is no option but to have house insurance.
  23. I don't see what is difficult about determining possesion, if you remove a fish from the water it is in your "possession" until returned to the water. Logically a CO would give you a reasonable amount of time to properly return the fish to the water based on each circumstance. It is not black and white, if it states it is ok to photograph the fish in the regs does that mean 4 people in the boat can do it, if your batteries are dead can you wait to change them before returning the fish etc etc. By the way how would you be charged if you photographed an undersized fish and released it, the CO wouldn't have the fish to prove it was undersized. If the fish is out of the water long enough for the CO to come over and check its size before you release it I would say that is a bit longer than a quick picture.
  24. The Bulldog situation should be interesting to watch, their lease at Copps expires at the end of the 2012-2013 season and so does their affiliation agreement with Montreal. Same thing happened when the Oilers decided to move the original Bulldogs franchise( formerly Cape Breton) to Toronto as the Roadrunners in 2002 and the Quebec Citadelles were brought in to Hamilton to carry on as the Bulldogs as the Montreal affiliate. That was the one season when the Bulldogs played as a combo affiliate for the Habs and Oilers in 2002 and in 2003 they became the Habs affilaite alone.I hope the Bulldogs hang around but can't blame them if they move, we have seen plenty of teams come and go here. Remember the other AHL team the Hamilton Canucks and or last OHL team The Dukes of Hamilton, I sure did like the Steelhawks when they were around though.
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