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Everything posted by express168

  1. I hope everything works out, there will be a couple extra prayers for you tonight. Jerry
  2. Have a great trip, and don't forget the pics.
  3. I am glad I missed it, we are all fishermen or women here, race is not an issue. ALL WELCOME! Great work by the Admins.
  4. I bought one of the Abu combos last year and loved it. But as a result of my own stupidity I broke it. They refunded me for it , but didn't have any left and said that they couldn't raincheck it. Well it looks like I will have to go in tomorrow and get a new one. Thanks for the heads up Irish.
  5. Another set of prayers here!
  6. I have an 03 Chevy Blazer, great for towing not so hot on gas mileage. With the trucks you listed, I know 2 people with Santa Fe's and they are good little trucks, however I think you will have a tough time finding one for under $10,000. I also know some Escape owners and I think that would be your best shot at something in your price range to do the towing( Mazda tribute is the same truck as the Escape.) Hope this helped a bit.
  7. I had a 94 aerostar a few years back and I bought a class 2 hitch set up from a wrecking yard for $50. I knew I wouldn't have the van for too long and it installed easy, as said the holes are already in the frame. Just call a wrecker and ask if they have an aerostar with a good hitch setup on it. The new blazer already came with the hitch. But based on how many things fell apart on my aerostar I wouldn't trust a bumper hitch.
  8. Welcome to the board , and it didn't take you long to figure out the picture posting, good job.
  9. I have had one of the Wal-Mart Energizer Deep Cells since I got my boat, this is the fourth season now and so far no problems. I can troll all day with it. I bought a second one last year so that I have 2 fully charged deep cells when I am camping for a weekend without electricity. The 2 last a 3 day weekend.
  10. Tower Manor Lodge has tenting and boat rentals, just outside Bewdley. There are alot of cottage resorts on the lake that should let you tent and rent you a boat.
  11. That sucks that they cancelled your surgery !, you have been dealing with this for a long time . Hopefully you can get this fixed up pretty soon. Best wishes.
  12. Thanks for the replies guys.
  13. Your wife says " I just want to change the paint colour in that room"
  14. Man! I just finished eating and now i'm hungry again!
  15. After recently obtaining a basic GPS , I know have an accurate speed reading while trolling. I was out on the water today around the Hamilton harbour and Skyway bridge playing with trolling speeds. I can only get my boat to idle down to 3mph, so taking a tip I heard hear I put a small bucket tied to a rope out the back and that got me down to about 2.4mph. I still think I am too fast, but being new to this type of fishing I thought I would ask the experts. Any advice would be appreciated , thanks. By the way what a beautiful day to be on the lake today.
  16. Here is a birthday joke for you, a newfie goes to the circus and see's a man that says "step right up and have my elephant guess your age." Well the newfie doesn't believe this for a minute and watches a little girl walk up and ask the elephant " How old am I" , the elephant stomps ten times with his foot, " wow how did he know I was ten " says the little girl. Next a little boy asks " how old am I " , the elephant stomps 5 times, "how did he know I was 5 ! ". Well the newfie still not convinced asks the elephant " How old am I", the elephant quickly lets off three consecutive farts! The newfie in an astonished voice says "Now how in the world did that elephant know that I was FARTY TREE years old!" Happy birthday Misfish and hopefully many more to come.
  17. I own a 2004 Legend 164 Express, it has been a great boat for me and I anticipate many years of service from it. I could be wrong but last I heard their rivet hulls were from Smoker Craft and the welded hulls were from Monark. But the dealer that replied earlier probably knows that a bit better than I do.
  18. For anybody in the market there are a few fishing items up for auction in the Hamilton Spectators Auction. Items like , Shimano Symetre reels, pflueger rod reel combos, vexilar, aqua vu camera, scotty electric down rigger, Ice sheters, ice auger as well as others. You can see the items at " www.thespec.com" click on the auction section. Could be a chance at a deal.
  20. A long time ago while fishing Nippissing with my older brother we saw a seagull get hit , water and feathers everywhere. The seagull rolled over and there was a big bite out of the side, my brother looked at me and said one word, "MUSKY". I will never forget seeing that.
  21. Like others have said insurance is worth it for the liability aspect if not for the boat but I have to agree the rate seems a touch high.
  22. I believe like said previously it is covered under the trespass to property act, C/O's being provincial officers have the authority to lay a charge under that act.
  23. I am not positive but I believe that because you can go lake to lake without removing the boat from the water and transporting over land that you are fine. But like I said i am not a C/O .
  24. Take it back it is supposed to be soft and moldalbe. It has probably been on the shelf for a while.
  25. If I am not mistaken it has existed for a few years now and I believe it is meant to be pooled together for international promotion of the area. So for commercials and ads to attract Americans and the Japanese etc to the Falls as a tourist destination. Because it is not as if these hotels haven't already included advertising in the room rates they charge . Typical Canadian solution , We will just add a new tax!
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