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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Two newfs from OFC go on a fishing trip. They rent all the equipment: the reels, the rods, the wading suits, the rowboat, the car, and even a cabin in the woods. They spend a fortune. The first day they go fishing, but they don't catch anything. The same thing happens on the second day, and on the third day. It goes on like this until finally, on the last day of their vacation, one of the men catches a fish. As they're driving home they're really depressed. One guy turns to the other and says, "Do you realize that this one lousy fish we caught cost us fifteen hundred dollars?" The other guy says, "Wow! It's a good thing we didn't catch any more!"
  2. nice shootin...love the first pic...looks like a "smile for the camera" moment
  3. 2001 chinook chantry classic...1st place salmon and 4th place trout 30ish thousand in prizes 2001 owen sound salmon spectacular 4th place salmon prize board worth 3 or 4 hundred 2002 17th place salmon -prize board worth 3-4 hundred 2003 1 place salmon on kids day....trophy and a bicycle for my friends 4 year old son... he got the prizes i won his heart 2004-2006 lots of rods reels lures clothes etc ...nothing significant 2007 Fish kincardine salmon derby....20th place trout ....prize board worth the extreme hangover 2008 Fish Kincardine Salmon Derby...1st place salmon ...split 5 k with partner and a bunch of other prizes worth 3ish hundred 2008 - present...rods reels tackle etc the secret to winning for me is to NOT try to win anything ...because when your fishing ...your already winning...anything else is just an unexpected bonus im not much of a bragger so ill leave out the river stuff...
  4. Divorce is over rated....just go fishing together
  5. Know anyone with a fish stamp...might look pretty cool in a bbq patio area
  6. HEre is a few shots of my laneway that i did myself....coloured stamped...i formed the black borders first and filled them in ...then the body(redish) was simply a matter of filling it in and crown it ...then stamp....my back patio i did the same way without the borders ..same stamp bu ti put a compass stamp in it indicating north....the vestibule when you walk into the house is also stamped concrete with in floor heat...i wanted to do something different so i brought the concrete into the house as a finished floor...it goes right through to the back patio...heres a few pics to give you an idea..
  7. Very nice....sun is about right ...right now so I think I'll grab the camera and see if I can catch some.....great shots Paulus....love the last one
  8. Nice shooting Luke .....ya got to bend the rod with the whistler anyways and clear the dust from the hull....nice brown for your bro....
  9. Not sure about the prices of the contractors down in streets ills ...but....asphalt should run you around half the cost of concrete...2.50 ish per square....normal brush room finish for concrete should run you around 4.50ish per square...add another .50 per square for mag swirl finish....if your going stamped and colored it can get as high as 14.00 per square....these prices reflect clean ground...( no demolishing of old material) Doing the demo and setting up your own forms will save you large and you can kick some cash to some finishers to " place" the concrete again saving yourself more money If your ground conditions allow you to get away with 4 inches of concrete spend the ill extra to steel reinforce it for piece of mind...other wise 5.5 inches of concrete....if you are going to be parking heavy equipment in the lane way (highway tractor) then you'll need to reinforce the 5.5 inches with steel .....for normal cars and normal size fishing boat...the steel is purely piece of mind but not ness airily needed.... If you have any specific questions feel free to pm me Good luck
  10. I'll verify the shipping costs when the jigs get to my house
  11. Twocoda


    I thought I was coming in for a beer and a hooter......must be my lucky day.....a deer and three hooters......I just had three deer in our back yard the other day with not a care in the world....nice shootin
  12. Nice shooting...ahhhhhh what I wouldn't give to have a Walter that that one....
  13. You had the best of both worlds Lew.....a taxidermist and a camera
  14. They added HST....
  15. Nice set up TJ you should get an outside pic of the building while it's steaming away and present it to your pop for his wisdom.....frame the pic with material from around the sugar shack..........I'm assuming this was his set up before it became yours? Let him know the tradition will continue..... On a side note....rum makes me sentimental
  16. alright im going to be punished for this but .....first sign is mild belly cramps then graduate to extreme abdominal pain and then 15 feet from the toilet...... BOOM the runs begin...
  17. Good fun catching them on camera eh? nice shootin IFH....fish look pretty healthy
  18. Latest technique proves positive results...
  19. ok so the dark one i made from a 15 gallon batch that i continuously kept adding to the pot....the lighter one i made from a 5 gallon batch without adding any aditional sap as it was boiled....the difference in colour is quite different but the viscosity is the same and the taste is the same but i find the lighter jar to be more appealing to the eyes....so i think i learned a lesson in technique for my personal preference I think ill use the darker syrup as a glaze for smoked fish....but the light stuff ill probably chug and chase it with a few beers...lol
  20. Its supposed to be 8 degrees on saturday...might be good to make sure you pails are empty friday night....i boiled down 5gallons today and ended up with 500ml mason jar full of gold.... strange?...ill post pics later of the differences
  21. Pictues tell the story well...i have fished two " Salmon Rivers" so far but that one doesnt look like either of them....sometimes fishing in a crowd isnt so bad...looks like everyone has a good time...thanks for sharing the adventure
  22. 3 five gallon pails worth....i just kept adding to the turkey deepfryer until it was all used up.....tastes awesome but i think i did something wrong.....it looks dark golden on a spoon but not so much golden in the mason jars.....im going to try another 5 gallons today and try to hold the temperature steady at 219
  23. Corian gets my vote too....alot of people in this area are starting to use limestone....but if your heart is set on granite...THE TOP SHOP in London serves all of southern ontario and beautiful work
  24. I cant say i have ever been a fan of maple syrup but yesterday i put in the time and did mt first boil...the end reault is two and 3/4s mason jars full....the hardest part of the process was to keep from sampling during the boil....i was targeting the viscosity of corn syrup but came up just shy of that....how do you experienced guys determine how thick it should be?
  25. ive been divorced twice because of fishing ...lol...i wonder how the latest wife feels about me having a sap addiction...lol...
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