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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Great thread ...Excellent video TJ and sweet harvest so far Sinker...(pun intended)...Ive always wanted to do this but have never had the time....you guys are making it harder for me to come up with excuses...My better halfs uncle taps a few hundred trees every year....I have pitched in to help clean out his beer fridge while cleaning up the equipment a few times but now im thinking i want to buy my own beer and have people help me drink...I took a walk in the bush today to run the dogs and the flow is fast and furious....I think its going to be a bumper year for the maple boys.... Cheers
  2. the giving back is equally as satisfying as the actual act of fishing....
  3. Ive done many ...underground is the way to go....youll need a messanger type Big O (red strip) to run your power lines through and then cover with loose material a foot above and then run caution tape 12 in above the Big O...you can set your own meter and wire your entire house if you know what your doing...dont forget you will have inspections so leave your trench open for inspection once your meter base is set If you need any more info ...feel free to pm me
  4. fishnsled if you dont have kids...you should already have a million or two kicking around under your mattress
  5. BEAUTIFUL!....Stand up and take a bow....The talent pool is very deep on this forum
  6. need a like button ...
  7. well our only other option is to farm fish ...if we want to keep on eating them....but then ....we know what hazzards thats going to bring ....my point is ...the decades of research you have read are infractions set by us non native fishermen....Honestly the general feel i get from the natives is positive to repair and thrive together with an upper hand to Gov Bull that they keep omnibusing in to law
  8. Great shots Joey...its a definite sign we are on the better side of the solstice...The bird looks pretty healthy from the migration..
  9. Your not looking at the big picture Craig...I am very optimistic now that SON has control over the water we will see change for positive outcomes to balance the fish back to a natural state,,,,All the natives i have talked to are excited about volunteering to existing hatcheries to learn the process with the possibilities of being the custodians of their own hatchery as they move forward to the future...Since the natives took over their right to fish on lake Huron there has not been one charge layed from going over quota..too bad we couldnt say same when we were the commercial fishers...as far as the new regulations in Colpoys and OS the nets may be eaiser visable by their location but it doesnt change the quota so the nets shouldnt be out there as long ... Im confident Syndenham and Saugeen Nation will seize this opportunity to work together to remove nets during derby times Thats a false assumption ...the resource has already been raped....now its time to heal the damage..stocking hatcheries are in dire straits with the dropping participation of derbys....The opportunities are greater now for the Gov to actually work with SON and benefit us all
  10. Harpocrite Policy 37 will sneak in under the next omnibus bill....its the "new " Canadian way
  11. Not his most popular song but one of my favourites
  12. or become IDLE NO MORE http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/protect-the-nottawasaga-river-in-the-navigation-protection-act
  13. Fantastic! did you get any shots of the contact of the rodent?
  14. what is pre stewing marinade methods 101 for 1000 Alex
  15. alot of classics from yesteryear in here so i thought i would post one fresh off the press of an up and comming new genre...Richard that video you posted is awesome!!!lol
  16. photoshop> filters>posterize and then adjust the sliding tools to your liking for a picture....you can actually adjust the image right to the point of a cartoon ( no pun intended)....heres one of Paxton heavily posterized and then brightened to drown out the posterizing for just the shell of the outlines....
  17. OPG looking for a 3rd party name to replace theirs in the newspaper...that facility has been plaqued with problems
  18. Any ideas which site is being decommissioned ?
  19. nice shots!...ive never seen a owlet up close until now...
  20. yep....im an athlete....Ice fishing an olympic sport....whats next.... dominoes?
  21. I was going through a bunch of older photos i shot last year that were kinda cool....but not quite cool enough to do anything with ...so i decided to play with them in photoshop . This is the end result
  22. Fishermen have too much time on their hands....lol
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