Your not looking at the big picture Craig...I am very optimistic now that SON has control over the water we will see change for positive outcomes to balance the fish back to a natural state,,,,All the natives i have talked to are excited about volunteering to existing hatcheries to learn the process with the possibilities of being the custodians of their own hatchery as they move forward to the future...Since the natives took over their right to fish on lake Huron there has not been one charge layed from going over quota..too bad we couldnt say same when we were the commercial far as the new regulations in Colpoys and OS the nets may be eaiser visable by their location but it doesnt change the quota so the nets shouldnt be out there as long ... Im confident Syndenham and Saugeen Nation will seize this opportunity to work together to remove nets during derby times
Thats a false assumption ...the resource has already been its time to heal the damage..stocking hatcheries are in dire straits with the dropping participation of derbys....The opportunities are greater now for the Gov to actually work with SON and benefit us all