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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Say a battery cost you 100 bucks...they charge you 115 bucks because of the 15 dollar core charge....they give you canadian tire money on the core charge...15 cents?...plus canadian tire money on the inital 100 for your purchase....when you take your old battery in to collect your 15 dollar core charge and dont have the canadian tire money,,,they deduct the 15 cents from your core giving you 14,85 in return...so in essence...Canadian tire is selling their currancy in exchange for CAD....i know big deal right ...take 15 cents from every person that buys or returns an item without the canadian tire money and you have a substancial amount of money (tax free for CTC because you dont pay taxes on exchanging currancy).... Genius greed eh?! They should just lower the price of the purchase price by 4 per cent (equivelent to CT money put out..
  2. Erie trout populations have been very healthy this side of the lake in the western basin... But we Are accepting passport free fish as long as you guys keep raising them.... In return... We will give you all the cormorants you want for target practice... Hows that for a free trade.? How come it took so long to get the program back up and running... And what type of trout are they releasing
  3. I get a laugh at how Canadian tire prices mastercraft to snap on price points then have 75 percent off sales.... Lol... Genius if you really think about it... But what really grinds my gears.... Is how they launder crazy tire money into CAD should you ever have to collect a core or return an item
  4. I think I seen a bunch of pissed off migratory birds De icing their wings
  5. Rizzo.... Did you put Red bull in your coffee maker instead of water?
  6. The thing about stories such as this is the feelings that get expressed are raw and real... Sometimes without thought... I'm glad this particular situation has reached a tiny bit of closure for the masses... But the precedence of this drama has awaken some valid reasons of concerns probably worthy of its own thread... But then again... Its the USA and not Canada so stuff like that... Doesn't happen here
  7. Ya know.... a good story teller can stir emotions as they relate to the readers experiences. Keep the camera glued to your son Mike. They grow too fast. Even when Brendan is well into his adulthood... You are always going visualise this little man everytime he is beside you connected to a fish. He is a lucky lucky boy... And your a lucky dad... Thanks for sharing your own (hopefully) not too soon to be memories and stirring mine up
  8. Welcome to Ontario... Make sure you pick up a licence... Save the hassles.... What part of Nb you from... I lived on the Mirimichi River for a few years... Miss the pristine brookies and the wild atlantics... I think I just talked myself into a road trip... Lol
  9. I was just talking with Reid Henry from My Darkest Days (he has family up here and they are friends with my better half) small world...so i liked the song when it came out so i thought i would give it another go...Mark (lead singer)is touring right now with Three Days Grace while the rest of the boys are working in studio and writing for the next record...
  10. Under Burhles situation of living away from his family because he owns a dog that fits a description that is banned in Ontario....Im sure he will be fine when it comes time to work the mound...heres how creative people learn to cope with stupid laws...This is not Burhles dog Slater but is the one and only Wallace the "Pit Bull"
  11. now that the hunt is over....heres a little something to lighten up the entire situation...laughter helps with healing http://www.happyplace.com/23282/man-being-interviewed-about-boston-bombers-forgot-to-hide-his-huge-pink-penis-shaped-water-bottle
  12. Any time B...the pleasure was mine...too bad for the rain and water conditions...but under the circumstances the best part of fishing still holds true...meeting good people ....maybe next time your in the area youll have the opportunity to work the Dam...that probably wont happen until fall though as the permit is almost completed for trucking the fish up river...(its been a very good year with minimal effort).... OK who has a drift boat and wants to meet me at the cable with all the floats!...lol.. Cheers Brudder
  13. If the outfitters and others that have a staked interest in the lake would work with NFN ...im sure there could be an intelligent solution ...fishful thinking i suppose when its sooo much easier to just sit and blame
  14. ok who wants to bet the politicians in question come from Harpers Crew...Alberta and Saskatchewan...it would explain alot of the ongoing stripping of our Charter and Constitution...are you awake or aware of whats going on yet?
  15. Food for thought.... We have a dictator running the country stripping us of our rights.... Dont you think it's smart for him to know where and who has weapons at their convenience and make money off it too
  16. Not really a fan of your demo process...but ...building decks is the most fun you can have with your clothes on and some solid wood
  17. I would... I have... And I'm quite sure I will be at many. more...
  18. Gerrit the Algonquins arent staking claim to the park to rape it of its resource...they are staking claim to protect it from Harpers agenda to rape it...Mr Winters does a fairly decent job of walking a non bias line...but the bottom line is....its ALL of ours and there for everyone to share regardless of skin colour...not for corporate Canada to accommodate the 1 percents bank accounts
  19. correction.... There are no documented handguns in wiarton..... The underground market is in total disarray now
  20. The Algonquin are aware of the gold and will not let the park turn into a mine for corporate Canada.... John states there needs to be a modern day treaty.... I think that is a reference to one that the Government will actually honour... Pfffft... Like that is even possible with the conditions and situations such they are creating today
  21. ok i changed it to two newfs from OFC...
  22. Lord tunderin bye....anyone not from da rock is newfs....or did i read that backasswards...this dislexia thang can gets cunfusin
  23. nope....i dont like to mix biz with pleasure....i left out a very important one...last year was my first time playing along with the OFC touney....ended up in second place by a few inches....but made some kool friends...so another victory....i see your rather new ...next year sign up...you wont regret it...
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