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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. its hard to believe that last friday it was 29 degrees C and its only 4 now ...the snow is still falling but thankfully its melting on contact now ...i guess we just had the iandian summer that was missed last fall...river is a wash out now though so maybe ill hit the pier for some Coho...
  2. does this mean Merc is going to be sending me a cage for my prop ?
  3. everything is set up and ready to hit the river for today and what do i see and feel....0 degrees (tolerable) but the snow storm thats going on right now isnt ...im going back to bed...
  4. Congrates Laz...your goin to love the fight ....now place the bets on whether or not he lands his first bow on the pin....if i remember correctly when you decided to play with the bows i bet against you landing your first hook up.....but you did .....so ...im going to say ...you will land the first on the pin....hows that for faith?..lol... take your time youll get the hang of it ..
  5. yep...you were definatly bored...and now i am too...lol....j/k
  6. Maybe its time for the RLTA to invest in some local contractors (share the wealth of yesteryear) get their properties up to snuff to embrace the new opportunities before them ....but for some reason ive learned over the years GREED and CHEAP go hand in hand so i wouldnt be surprised if they dont invest into their properties(just my opinion) Darren - nice write up !!!
  7. im not familiar with the location but ...bows and hoes should be cruising close to shore if there is a river in the area....our pier up here is covered with fisherman chucking all kinds of hardware and body baits lately ....some beauty Cohos have been caught...
  8. never leave home without your DSL....you just never know what to you might catch
  9. mnr could possibly be working the ladders for the trout lifts ....
  10. 296 fish lifted for us today Laz....
  11. nice going ...we worked the Dam today on the Saugeen ...put the basket down for 3 hours and lifted 296 fish ...huge fish..average size was 9-10 pounds with the largest in the 18 pound range...to all the volunteers that take the time to be apart of their areas programs ...know this ....what you do is working and your rewards will be awarded for many years to come ....GOOD ON EVERYONE INVOLVED!!!!
  12. she may not talk back to you but she cant keep her mouth shut to anyone that sees her
  13. i picked up a purist on this site for 300$ in mint condition never spooled....very happy with it ...thanks again John..the reel is going to really good use
  14. i see im not alone with my twisted sense of humour...
  15. now that your not an island ....could be some property tax breaks comming your way ...along Georgian the "water front" properties are trying to get reassessed to "water view" due to the declining water levels I would think Huron is down about 16 to 18 inches
  16. i bet one of the alpha police dogs wizzed on that patrol car
  17. better yet...what about the first guy that drank milk.... " you see that big animal out there in the field? how much ya bet me to suck on those things hanging underneath it "
  18. ok i tried from facebook to OFC and i tried from OFC to facebook...maybe ill keep searching for a tutorial
  19. i wouldnt hold your breath for a debate with her Rick ...Irving and Fergusons debating abilities combined with their outrageous position are going to be the demise of this whole situation and they will probably find that they are the firmest nails in this issue's coffin to put this dilemma to rest...the only way they could possibly win this is if they are both anti fishing and all of this is smoke to try and get the lake shut down all together from fisherman so they can highball up and down the lake in their noisy fast boats with out having to worry about the fishing pylons situated in their speed zones. Im surprised they have received this much attention with a lame arguement without the likes of both of them wearing itsy bitsy teeny weeney yellow poka-dotted bikinis
  20. London is in a good proximity to Huron Erie and Ontario...within an hour and a half you can be on some pretty amazing tribs on either of the lakes...for the monsters ...head to Ontario ...for perch bows and eyes head to Erie ....for salmon and bows and lakers head to Huron ...you will catch fish in the thames but as the weather warms up i wouldnt recommend eating anything (wormey) ...but check the consumption guide... My favorite spot to fish in the city was Gibbons Park...but its been so long since ive been there i dont even know if its a park still in exsistence
  21. i think there is enough information in this thread to justify posting a link to this thread in the comments section of newspaper....then the interested parties could see whats what and whos priorities lay where
  22. Garret i just cracked two last fall ....(top step on a ladder that says "this is not a step" was written there for a reason ...ladder kicked out and i did a 5 foot horizontal fall right onto my circular saw...one week in bed heavily sedated with extra strength advil and gravol to knock me out...my ribs now tell me when the barometer is dropping ... Good Luck dude ...it aint fun ...
  23. we used to do the night fish off the pier chucking hardware ( mostly body baits)...cod liver definitely works ....we would have a pail of oil sitting on the ground and every fourth or fifth cast give our lures a dip ...salmon and stellies seemed to like them ... if you dont want the burden of dipping your lures in oil...Preparation H works wonders and doesnt wash way...(it has shark oil in it )....ive caught salmon lakers and steelies with it
  24. My wife wont let me play golf....
  25. i challenge you to use the spell check or learn to write
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