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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. ok heres my pitch.... Fishin show pays all expenses for him and I to go to Lake Diefenbaker to harness the power of the record rainbows....once i beat the record ....( might take me two episodes ) i will be more then happy to list your name along side mine in the record books ...give the local Sask boys a run for their record that they seem to keep in the family.... The title of the show could be ...."Shirley Records Aren't For Just Locals" Let me know if ya want me to pack my bags....
  2. June 18 2009 FTA goes dark June 23 2010 Asian Carp in the great lakes cant wait to see what next June will bring us
  3. i would assume the cruiser was set to auto pilot and the older gent was busy socializing ...ive seen this on many occasion with worse outcomes....Owen Sound is notorious for it...glad no one was hurt
  4. set out a saucer of milk ...see what happens
  5. Ill pm you my address and info to send the cash ( no cheques)...depending on how much you send ....you might be only able to spam your services in this thread before it gets locked....
  6. Rick i clicked where you pointed to on Roys sample and the picture just got bigger... Save yer breath ....i know ...but someone had to be a smert arse
  7. real men pee in the wind or was that newfies regardless the water should be warm enough
  8. EVERY cast is practice unless its one resulting to a fish ....then it was just an "experience" cast
  9. Derby morning .....shrink wrap the cottage so they cant get out ...i imagine it would work equally as well on a tent or trailer....anything to put the odds in your favour...
  10. Go get em Laz.... As is everything with fishing when you change presentations ...you have to spend money to save money... pick up an entry level fly tying kit to appreciate the entire capture of your species...there is nothing better then landing a fish on a fly you created from a few materials and a hook You should start a poll on this thread for fun to see who thinks youll land your first on the fly rod Good Luck
  11. you thought it was hard to get on the board....wait till you try to get off.... welcome aboard!
  12. tenchistv
  13. Hey Cliff .....send me a brand new 9.9 outboard or ill tell your daughter about the time you were "playing" with her goats when they werent home Im with ya on the extortion Teressa .....welcome aboard
  14. Welcome aboard Pangle Roy did you explain the initiation process to Pangle??? Pangle- no worries ...its nothing a carpal tunnel operation cant resolve when you get to the amount of posts Roy has.. cheers
  15. Fishing is just a front for the real reason we all come here... Welcome aboard
  16. 115 bucks 6 years ago ...
  17. its not very common ...but im going to guess its a doe button
  18. Heres your sign!!!!!!!!!!!!LMAO....funny ...thanks ...just made my day.. Do the brakelights still work???
  19. For the timeframe youll be here ...your best bet is get out on Lake Huron ....what part of the Bruce will you be staying ?? if you can give more details i can help you out better... Lake Diefenbaker eh .....I AM going to get there yet to tangle with the record size rainbows.... Good Luck when your there... Welcome to the board
  20. 4 pounds 6 ounces....22 1/4 inches ....what did i win????
  21. looks cool...nice work ....there is room on top of the cup holder top to mount some scotty rod holders...then youll have adjustable hights for the rods while trolling ...(just a thought) Good Luck with the "green machine"
  22. i use glowsticks in the belly of certain wood lures all the time ... they should stipulate maximum luminas/candle/lux/? in the regs...
  23. seriously ...if the neighbour built his house on their land ...hand him an eviction notice... i honestly dont see how this could possibly happen if it is a new build..permits would have to been approved by the municipality for the build..placing the proposed house on a survey of the land... if he had a permit for it ...then chances are its his land based on the survey and house placement...if he encroached too close to his property line ...he will have to get a variance...1200 $ and a municipal meeting ....this is where the kids get to go and contest the issue...regardess its goiing to cost him 1200 for the variance if he just went and built it without a permit ( highly unlikely)...hand him an eviction notice...your land ...your building...and inform him its alot cheaper to walkaway then deal with the fines he is about to get if he tries to subdivide the piece of property to accomadate his variance ...have him pay for the entire subdivision...4 lots per acre times 90 ....sell em off and buy something elsewhere mortgage free and hassle free if the issue is a couple of feet of his house on their property... use the exact property line to offset your new garage/woodworking shop with a drum kit in it and a dust collector blowing in his direction... dont forget to collect the monthly rent from him...if he doesnt pay EVICT
  24. i bet it put up on heck of a fight ...hope it didnt ruin the net from all the thrashing around
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