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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. with every answer comes more questions what do you think they ate for breakfast before eggs materialized??? as far as the "Adam and Eve" spawning from his rib scenario....hmmmmmmmm ....now thats not something you see everyday now ....is it ...almost as funny as immaculate conception...lol...imagine that one ...if it was your daughter that came home pregnant..
  2. solid advice from fisherman...stay to the west side when you come out of the harbour and fish around the bay ...focus on 80 fow....i know its hard to stay on it but get as consistent as you can ...the structure drop off (as you know) is very aggressive....50 feet to the east and youll be in 300 fow...3 day outing last year in lions head we pulled 13 salmon and two bows...then it was back to the big lake ...cuz we can run two rods per person...(gbay is only one) As fisherman stated in his set up instructions ...i might add ..Dont forget your cheater/slider....essentially it is a 4 foot piece of fishing line with a snap swivel on either end....attach a spoon on one end ....and the other end to your main line and throw it overboard....the curve of your line will draw that lure (roughly) halfway down to your cannon ball depth.... honestly i cant ever say i have ever caught a salmon going slower then 1.9 MPH...( lakers yes )or faster then 5MPH... i could give you my exact speed ....but that would just be wrong...and i would have to kill ya ... Good Luck ...youll figure it out... Key components....thermocline / speed / bait
  3. nice shootin!!!! man thats a healthy looking shot of the fish finder.... good on ya ...keep plugging away ....trust me ....lightning can strike the same person twice!!!
  4. thats funny.....i suppose it could though ....if you didnt secure your kayak to the roof of your vehicle ....it would probably fly off on the way to the tournament...
  5. the next purchase should be a tele converter....then your talking 500 mm of zooooooooooooooooooom!... i think you owe your hubby a back scratch or two ....
  6. they are actually buzzing right now as i type this ....i always thought of them as the August bug ....but they are out in full swing right now and its only mid July
  7. is there photo shopping done in this pic???
  8. caught me off guard on that one too....lol....where ya using AXE body wash stuff for bait ???and how DEEP were ya fishin cuz it looks like ya blew the nuts right off that little boy.... Seriously though ...congratulations on the arrival of your daughter ....hope she and mom are doing well... I have no idea why i always say this when i see a new born but here goes Ten fingers Ten toes Two eyes And a nose... CHEERS!!!! life is over as you knew it before .... and for the better!!!!!!!!
  9. i was thinking the same thing ...i dont know whats bigger ...the fish ...or the smile!!!! Nice shootin!!!!!
  10. reminds me of my "fridged" exes....speaking of Ex.....beer was meant to be served at room temp
  11. ...american beer makes me pee alot ...just imagine ....oh never mind...lol..
  12. There is a famous leprechaun that once said "count yer lucky stars" The best way to teach is through practical...amazes me the limits some people will go through to teach Glad all are well cheers
  13. fishfinder will cost you less
  14. with no finder ...you could always walk along side the boat till you cant touch bottom anymore.... or fish where the other boats are fishing
  15. Wonder where the second place dudes partner is ??
  16. just in case someone is having a beverage of their choice...a little sumthin to warsh er down!
  17. now im reminded of " The Deliverance"...
  18. why am i reminder of the lions words from the wizard of oz..."cmon ....put em up....ill take ya on with one hand behind my baaaaaaaaaak" Just messin around Roy Cheers!!!! even if it is a Milwaukee!
  19. its a double edged sword being in the limelight...kinda goes with the territory i would think...a nascar driver has no embarrassment when it comes to a mishap...anything that moves on this planet is subjected to some sort of misfortune at some point ...hope the two of them are alright and the damage is minimal if any.. get back on the horse (so to speak) and get them next tourney
  20. I have a portable and a fix mount ...fix mount 25 watts power ...portable 4 or 5 watts....sux batteries like no tomorrow ( 6 batteries day)...more if you want to transmit over it for any length of time .. Fix mount is the way to go IMO
  21. walked into that one Cliff.... ...but they do say the eyes are the first thing to go
  22. Twocoda

    Baby Loons

    Brandon ....i love the silhouettes the best ...others are exceptional captures as well...feeding time is way kewl...whens the next wild life contest? im thinking you should have a pre selection of your next entry on this board for your next submission As always ...fantastic shooting .. It always amazes me how peaceful and serene they are on top of the water and the kaos that is under ..
  23. good thing the newfs trade brudders like hockey cards...you aint gonna miss the brudder that "told ya how"
  24. oooops i wont use it anymore then.....well at least untill it rains beer..then it should be safe
  25. aim for the trampoline!
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