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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Tom, I am so sorry to hear that. My deepest condolances to you and your family.
  2. Not trying to be a smart a s s here, but by the time you finish messing around with it, you would probably save money by calling a plumber, its what we do.
  3. I wouldnt call asking a question on an open public forum research but....... ask Wayne about the winter lake trout season on Temagami for a simple example. Edited to add: I'm sure if you dig a bit, you could find regs in your country that have more to do with lobbyists and certain agendas as opposed to real biology.
  4. He is right GCD. Do your own research.
  5. So thats where your new tip went Wayne! Lol!
  6. Pretty messed up weather, thats for sure. Put the kibosh on any sledding plans I had over the holiday, ice fishing too. Hope the hangar doesnt fall and bury the tractors bud!
  7. I think we may be in trouble if a rocket scientist cant solve this riddle.....
  8. I might be more inclined to hit Nipissing instead, its about the same drive for me and nicer scenery.
  9. Hard to find a better friend, sorry for your loss.
  10. Thanks for the reminder. GCD, you know when you are going to die?
  11. Sink or swim, but please....not with my tax money. I wonder where are all the fat capitalistic pigs who preached that there should be no gov't intervention in the business world now? Greed is good my Besides, GM said that a couple billion dollars will only get them through till January? what the heck? Why bother then, I dont get the point of it. Now they are all trying to save face by driving hybrids to the meetings instead of their private jets? They must think we are really stupid not to see through that charade. Edited to add: Ooops, forgot to answer the question. No, it wont work. They need to make some fundamental changes, not only in management, but right through the whole process down to the guy pushing the broom on the production? floor.
  12. Happy birthday Rob! All the best to ya.
  13. That the day I got my hickey Wayne? Lol, the metal rings from my sled helmet strap burned my neck, I told Fern Wayne was extra frisky that weekend.
  14. The herring or what I was told were herring, (some called them ciscoes) we caught in Nippissing were just chock full of worms.
  15. Yea, but you see, you gotta have the stones to know what to say when she tells you to go in like a good boy....just say no like a man.
  16. I have a Lowrance x67 LCD and I have not had any problems with it yet, and I am usually not in a hut either, though I hope to change that this year.
  17. I love em all, but walleye and lakers are my favs.
  18. Thanks for that sonny! Nice avatar btw.
  19. About time you didnt catch something again Cliff!
  20. Lol! God I love what these big fish can do to normally (mostly?) civilized folks, foul play, death threats not to mention good old beatings!!! Its entertainment of the highest order!
  21. I dunno, is it just me or does the design look a johnson after too many shots of Jimmy Johnsons.....?
  22. Good stuff Sean, was nice to meet you this fall. Cheers!
  23. Lol, best in 10 years, it took that emo Axyl longer than that just to make it. IMHO its not a GnR cd, its an Axyl cd.
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