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Everything posted by Dano

  1. I like it Wayne, but I would call them the indigenous species forum and the invasive species forum. You got it right Terry.....
  2. Beautiful dogs everyone, what a good thread. Here are my best pals. I only get Lucy and Misha at my place every other weekend. Beau is full time. This is my sweetheart Lucy a lab/chow cross, she is almost 14 years old.. This is Misha, another rescue of mine, she is quite a character and as gentle as can be. And here is my latest, Beau the wonder dog..... I love em all.
  3. Methinks there may be more than fishing going on here.... Gone fishin.. yea right... The fishin prices are: Full day (8 hours)- $1250 3/4 Day (6 hours)-$950 1/2 Day (4 hours)-$650 Now, if you want to see them topless out at sea it's another $100.00 an hour/girl. Not too sure what constitutes "regular boating duties" here, but I'm sure all the "crew" are highy trained.... Sorry ladies, there doesnt seem to be an option for you... Wayne, think this would fly at Temagami? LOL!
  4. Some very nice shots there, love the whole symbiotical aspect of the water flowing over and around the roots, very cool. Its a beautiful area, I spent a summer up there working on a project and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks.
  5. There was a dog hanging around one of my work sites and the first time I met him, I thought he belonged to the house we were working on as he'd come in and spend the day with us, just hanging around and getting well fed every lunchtime. I thought he was a fine looking dog. A few weeks later I was back at the site, and he was still hanging around. I mentioned to someone how much I liked the dog and he told me that the dog was in need of a home. I thought he was joking, but it turned out the dog didnt belong to the house, he belonged to the farmer next door who was moving and couldnt take the dog with him. I knocked on his door and got no answer so I left my card with a note asking him to call me regarding the dog. Later that night, I got a call from him asking me if I had taken his dog as he hadnt come home for supper. I said no I hadnt, and wouldnt, without talking to him first, he said "You want him, take him". Well it turned out he had been overlooked by the walkaround guy and was locked in the house all night. I went to see if he was around on Friday, if he was, I was taking him, if he wasnt, well so be it. He was there. 4 professional baths, grooming, vet visits and boosters, new dog bowls,collar,leash etc. etc. I think he is a fine looking dog, 1 1/2 yrs old, his personality is wonderful and he is smart. He has never been on a leash, had a collar on, been to the vet, I have only had him one day and he is walking on a leash wonderfully. Say hi to Beau the wonder dog.....
  6. LOL, I wonder if there will be some at the fish fry this year.... Fern and I will be jigging squid, cod or lobster fishing that week....oh well.
  7. Yea? How close would you have to get to catch it? Intimate close I would think, and its the wrong kind for that.... just dont ingest the water they swim/live in and I think you'll be fine Nice shots BTW!.
  8. As long as it doesnt come too late and the females absorb their eggs.
  9. Very nice, those are some good looking crappie.
  10. Damn, sorry to hear that bud. You and your family are in my thoughts. I'm heading to that other site right now.
  11. Sorry to hear about Rons heart issues. I didnt mind Ron at all, he is a tough old dude. I wonder if he went to the hospital or just gave his heart a stern lecture about not working properly....
  12. We can always use more of these. New National Park
  13. Isnt that Brangelinas new kid?
  14. Not all of us have the luxury of sweetass union contracts Dan. Rob, it doesnt sound too bad. 40 min. one way isnt that big a deal, but yea, your fuel costs might be the clincher.
  15. Wow, beautiful day for sure, nice mixed bag. Thanks for the report.
  16. Outstanding! Love the report bunk, you keep outdoing yourself, thanks.
  17. Sorry for your loss tinman. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  18. Nice to have you here, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  19. Our thoughts are with you and your family and here's to a speedy recoverey.
  20. No, she's all woman. (FYI, they dont have those "extra" thingies...)
  21. Yea, the constant erosion of the (admittedly thin to begin with) veneer of civilty makes me certain we are doomed as a species. Melting pot? I think its melted and boiling over.
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